I've come to realize that with age the body's recovery slows down. Also many people do not have the time to go to the gym 5 days a week. That is the goal/purpose of this blog to find full body workouts to use 2-3 times a week and still make the gains wanted. Total Body workouts that can be done in less then 1 hour.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Turbulence Training + BONUSES!!
If you are interested in losing fat as quickly as possible in the comfort of your own home, then I have a guaranteed way to help you burn fat and sculpt your body. Just by using simple workouts that can easily be done first thing in the morning or after your children go to bed, without endless hours of cardio, fancy equipment or expensive supplements, then this will be the most important letter you ever read in your entire life. Here's why...
Craig Ballantyne is a fat-loss expert, publishing his fat-burning workouts in national magazines such as Men's Health and Oxygen, along with online newsletters EarlyToRise and Total Health Breakthroughs. You've probably come across his videos on Youtube and Men's Health, as well.
Craig has also created a trademarked fat loss system called Turbulence Training. And as a fitness expert with a sincere interest in your success for 2008, I've taken the time to evaluate all of your training options to help you reach your New Year's Resolutions. And you know what? After painstakingly reviewing the Turbulence Training workouts and fat loss philosophy, comparing them to the common long, slow cardio workouts that so many people are doing (unsuccessfully, I might add), I've found that Turbulence Training could be the most efficient and effective fat loss program on the market. With all of the "lose fat fast" programs and snake-oil supplements out there, I have a strict criteria that a program has to meet before I even consider recommending it to my friends. But Turbulence Training is the real deal - after all, if these workouts weren't, would the biggest fitness magazine in the world, Men's Health, feature Turbulence Training workouts? Of course not, they have too much to lose. On the other hand, you have nothing to lose. Because not only are his workouts proven by both research and experience, but you also have a hundred percent satisfaction guarantee that you'll love his workouts. Or just return it for your money back.
Let me tell you more about the Turbulence Training workouts.
First of all, they can all be done at home with a dumbbells, a bench, and an exercise ball (a chin-up bar is also helpful for those that are strong enough).
Second, thousands of both men AND women (yes, women too!) have used the Turbulence Training workouts successfully to lose fat in a very short amount of time. He's proven that you don't need to be at the gym everyday for an hour or more. In fact, the Turbulence Training workouts will only take 45 minutes, three days per week, and you can do everything at home. No need for fancy, expensive memberships, or long commutes to an annoying "mega-gym". Turbulence Training is as straight-forward as any fat loss program could be. There's no BS, no magic pills or powders to buy, and no expensive gym memberships required.
If you've ever struggled to figure out what to do next in your fat loss program, then worry no more. Turbulence Training spells it out, workout by workout, exercise by exercise, set by set, and rep by rep, for a full 16-weeks of advanced fat loss workouts. Plus, the program also includes additional beginner workouts that will help any newcomer get started on their fat loss plan.
How badly do you finally want to succeed this year?
Maybe you got off to a great start last year, but your momentum fizzled out because you lacked the time to train 5 or more hours per week as per last year's instructions. Or maybe you just got tired of doing the same workout week-in, week-out, but your program didn't have any variety. Well, all of those problems are fixed by the Turbulence Training program. With all of the introductory workouts, regular TT bonuses,16-weeks of advanced fat loss workouts, AND these 5 limited-time bonuses, you could have enough workouts for over 6 months of fat loss. Imagine how you'll look in 6 months if you lose a pound of fat per week with Turbulence Training. Wait, don't just imagine. Visualize. Believe. And then achieve. Picture yourself on the beach, at long last enjoying the body you've always wanted. The body you've desired can be yours, and in less time than you've always thought necessary.
In addition to all of the workouts, you'll get Dr. Chris Mohr's TT Fat Loss Nutrition Guidelines, and Craig will tell you the #1 secret for sticking to a fat loss program. Get ready to experience a new body thanks to all the inches you'll lose, the pounds you'll shed, and the energy you'll gain in the next few days, weeks, and months with a structured, professionally-designed, fat loss workout that you can do at home. With Turbulence Training's efficient and effective exercise selection, and the use of time-saving, metabolism-boosting interval training, you'll get all of your workouts done in 45 minutes, three times per week. That's right, in less time than it takes to watch an episode of American Idol or Dancing with the Stars (even if you TIVO it!), you can make massive improvements in your body.
So here's why I'm writing:
Craig is quickly becoming an international fitness and fat loss expert. His on-line clients now span the entire globe, and he no longer has space for new clients. And those that are lucky enough to work with him one-on-one pay over $200 per session for his guidance through their personal Turbulence Training workouts.
But now the good news. Craig's put together the ultimate Turbulence Training package that contains not only 16-weeks of advanced fat loss workouts and 10 weeks of beginner programs, but he's also added 5 new bonuses that are available only for the next three days.
1) Secrets of the Transformation Masters E-book
You'll learn the insider fat burning secrets from 3 of the most experienced Transformation Trainers in North America. We squeezed every last one of their fat burning secrets from them so YOU can achieve your ultimate body transformation.
It will help the absolute beginner and even the fitness competitor. The report contains detailed, step-by-step information for every fat loss level.
No fat burning stone was left unturned, diet plans were scrutinized and reviewed, and these experts share the exact details for looking your best on the big day (whether it is at a wedding, a physique contest, or simply to be ready for your transformation "after"photos).
2) Fit Yummy Mummy Fit-Fast 4-Week Workout
When you are pressed for time and have no access to equipment, the Fit Yummy Mummy Fit-Fast Workout is your rescue routine to keep your metabolism burning strong and fat loss efforts on track.
America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for Moms, Holly Rigsby, has designed an exclusive 4-week workout plan you can do in the comfort of your own home.
3) Workouts for Busy Dad's Bonus
The World's Busiest Dad and personal trainer, Chris Lopez, shares with you his 20-minute workout secrets to get Dad's back into fighting shape so they can keep up with their kids and outlast their wives.
4) The Revolutionary Eat-Stop-Eat Diet Book from Brad Pilon
Brad is a nutrition expert and his controversial fat loss eating guideline is making waves in the dieting community. People are busting through fat loss plateaus and loving the lifestyle that Brad's approach allows. It's a simple, anti-diet approach to fat loss.
5) Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset - A How-to Guide for Fat Loss Goal Setting that is Guaranteed to Help You Get Maximum Results
This is the year. How many times have we all said that? Well, this IS the year. Listen to the UK's top fitness and motivational expert Dax Moy and learn how to set goals and live the lifestyle to reach those goals. No more dropping out, this is the year you will go all the way and finally succeed in changing your body!
But this entire package is only available for the next 72 hours. On Wednesday, January 2nd at midnight, all 5 of these bonuses will disappear from the bonus package and will never, EVER be offered again.
If you don't pick-up this incredible collection of fat loss bonuses today, you might kick yourself for missing out. This is the kind of information that can take a fat loss program from zero to sixty in just days, snapping you out of even the deepest, darkest fat loss plateau you've ever experienced.
Success breeds success. If you start now, you'll be burning fat and changing your body practically overnight. And that will give you the complete motivation you need to keep at it week after week. I bet you'll even reach your goals weeks in advance.
Remember, I only recommend the absolute best fat loss resources that come across my desk. And today, that is the Turbulence Training bonus package.
Simply go right here to get started:
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Ultimate Kettlebell Workshop DVD
BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Ultimate Kettlebell Workshop DVD
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
RKC II Certification Workshop $1,200.00 discount ends on December 30
For Certified Russian Kettlebell Challenge instructors (RKCs) only: take your kettlebell training business to a whole new level when you attend this dynamic workshop with industry leaders
RKCs: Hone, Broaden and Deepen Your Kettlebell Trainer Strength and Conditioning Skills… Learn Cutting-Edge Corrective Strategies to Evaluate and Enhance Your Clients’ Physical Performance ...
Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Ulitmate Kettlebell Workshop DVD Set
Mike Mahler had a workshop a while back that sadly I could not attend. Luckily it is available on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!! [and on SALE!]
Friday, December 21, 2007
My Goal
Well I figured since I brought up goalc and accountability, I should share at least one of mine [I have 4] I plan on losing weight this year, a lot. I want to lose most of it fast, losing mostly fat, sparing as much muscle as possible. Then start building back up muscle, while still losing but slowly. I am shooting for 40lbs by 4/1/08, yes that is a lot. As per the S.M.A.R.T goals is it Attainable and Realistic? It may be borderline, but as they say shoot for the stars!!! At the end of each of my posts I’ll place a number which will be the count down, starting at 40. [Beginning in 2008]
Anyone looking for free info to help with a weight loss [or gain] goal Bodybuilding.com has a FREE personal trainer program and you can set up a page sort of like Myspace there to meet others. If I can be of help to you let me know!
I'm evaluating a multi-media course on blogging from the folks at Simpleology. For a while, they're letting you snag it for free if you post about it on your blog.
It covers:
- The best blogging techniques.
- How to get traffic to your blog.
- How to turn your blog into money.
I'll let you know what I think once I've had a chance to check it out. Meanwhile, go grab yours while it's still free.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Busy Moms gifts
Saturday, December 15, 2007
First lets hit the big one, the goals themselves. You do not want to set vague goals , the need to have meaning, example I want to lose weight, is not a good goal. You want them to be S.M.A.R.T. Goals
Specific example I want to lose 40lbs or I want to weigh 200lbs or I want to improve my time in the mile.
Measurable example, weight ,a score, amount $$$.
Action Oriented example diet plan, workout, routine tests.
Realistic– example losing 100lbs in 3 months is not realistic.
Time Stamped easy set a deadline
Lastly become accountable, share your goals with someone who will keep you accountable or find someone that has similar goalsand work together.
So what are your goals this year??????
Want to lose weight or fat? Turbulence Training or Fit Yummy Mummy
Want to gain Muscle? No Nonsense Muscle Training click here!
Want to improve your mind? Get Your Free Centerpoint CD!
Monday, December 10, 2007
My Dec workout
Bench 5-8
DB Row 5-8
Incl Bench 5-8
Barbell Row 5-8
Pulldowns 8-12
Pushups [Dips] max
Interval Training
Leg Press 2 sets high Reps
Squat 10-15
SL Dead Lift 10-15
Lunges 8 per side
KB Swings
Leg Ext 12-15
Leg Curl 12-15
Interval Training
Sledge Hammer
DB Clean and press 5-8
DB upright Row 8-12
Db or KB Snatch 8-10
Rear Delt Raises 8-10
Close Grip Bench 5-8
DB curls 8-10
Interval Training
Fell Free to ask questions!!!
Vince Delmonte's newsletter
Here are some things I noticed:1. I watched one fellow attempt his last rep and immediately give up without a TRUE fight...
I would have kept pushing the weights for at least 3-4 seconds even if they were not moving to add extra tension to my muscles.
2. I watched one young guy, doing barbell bicep curls, get to his last few reps and just let the weight collapse back down...
I would have worked the "negative" (down portion) and resisted as much as possible to CONTROL the weights, not let the weights control me.
3. I watched a group of guys walk from outside, right pass the cardio equipment, and go right into a cold set of bench press which appeared to be a heavy weight for them.
I would have warmed up with some sort of cardio for 5-10 minutes, performed some stretching and then down my shoulder stabilizer exercises before going into ANY heavy lifting.
4. I watched a young girl, with this massive weight belt on her waist, get spotted by a bodybuilder juiced to the max spotting her for 5 lb lateral raises while they both rocked together...
I would have never put a weight belt on anybody in the first place.
5. I watched one guy stand in the middle of the gym floor with his hands behind his back and just watched people work out...No comment...
6. I watched more people doing machines than free weights...
This is not right or wrong, but in my opinion, whatever your goals, I would go with MORE free weights 90% of the time.
7. I watched one guy doing bent over rows with his back completely rounded in a C.
I would be standing perpendicular to the mirror and making sure my back was so straight that you could rest drinks on it. I would also start saving up money to pay for my physiotherapist next European vacation because this is great way to blow a disc in your back!
8. I can't count how many people I saw WITHOUT any sort of liquid, not even water to stay hydrated.
I almost sip on my Workout drink so I have a steady stream of proteins and carbs going to my muscles while I train. Bare minimum, I ALWAYS drink at least 1 L of water throughout the span of my workout. You lose 20% of your strength from training dehyrdated.
9. I am guilty of this too, especially when I'm leaning down after a bulking phase, but it's amazing to see how often people stare at themselves in the mirror when they workout.Yes, during a set, watch yourself in the mirror. Watch for perfect form. But in between sets, go for a walk, sit down AWAY from the mirror, start mentally preparing for you next set, stand up and stretch your muscles but don't lose track of your rest period by admiring the pump you just achieved in your last set! No Nonsense Newsletter click here!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Russian Kettlebell Certification Seminar Friday June 6 - Sunday June 8, 2008
How to Dominate Your Competition, BoostYour Income and Attract More Customers with Kettlebells — The Nation's #1 Tool for Strength, Conditioning and Resilience
Pavel's Russian Kettlebell Challenge CertificationWorkshop Gives You A Crash Course inAdvanced Strength Skills… Ignites New Business Opportunities… And Propels You Into The Front Ranks of Physical Excellence.....
Russian Kettlebell Certification Seminar Friday June 6 - Sunday June 8, 2008
Your Top 10 KettleBell Questions Answered Now! (Live Q & A to Kick Start Your KB Program for the New Year!)
Sunday, December 16, 2007 8:30 pm - 9:15 pm
At home, on your most comfortable chair! USA
WHO SHOULD TAKE THIS TELESEMINAR?When: Dec 16th: Sunday night. 8:30-9:15pm (Seminar may run late to ensure as many attendees questions get answered as possible.) Why: What else are you doing on Sunday night? ;) Hang out, ask questions, learn, and get started with your KB program for the New Year.Why Else?: Okay, okay! You get a lot of free stuff! How's this?
We'll give you a free PDF file of the entire call. (It's being transcribed.)
We'll also throw in a free beginner's program with the PDF.
This entire program will be resold on the KBC webstore for $39.95, so you'll be saving some good $ if you participate live!
I'm Still Not Convinced: Tough customer, huh? Ok. Read on!
The teleseminar software we use allows you to type questions (live) to the moderator as the seminar progresses and they will be answered live!
If you pay for the seminar but miss it, you will be sent a confidential "replay" link along with all the other bonuses above! This link will only be live for a limited time.
We are marketing this seminar to our entire list and expecting a huge response. People have been asking for this for a long time! We're limiting the number of callers to 200 so register now!
What Are Some Things You Will Be Convering? Anyone who wants to learn the answers to the following Top 10 Questions KBC receives on a near-daily basis:
Why kettlebells anyway? What separates these things from other modes of training and why should I bother in the first place?!
I'm a total beginner. How do I get started? What are some general things I should be aware of?
How do I integrate kettlebells into my exercise routine?
I'm a beginner/intermediate/advanced lifter: What size weight is best for me?
How will training with kettlebells change my body versus training with other modalities?
How much weight can I lose with kettlebells?
For women: Will training with kettlebells make me big and bulky?
For guys: Will training with kettlebells get me ripped/give me 6 pack?
If I only have time for 1 exercise with the KB, what should it be?
What is a good beginner's routine to get started? This seminar is also for you if:
You want to save 20% on the purchase of ANY KBC brand bell. After you register, your confirmation page will contain a special VIP code for use in our shopping cart. This code will be good for 2 days after the seminar as well. After that, it's gone for good! This alone is worth the price of admission!
You are a fitness professional (or fitness enthusiast) and you have questions about what is involved in a Level 1 Instructor Training.
You are looking to kick start you kettlebell program (or get started on a "new" KB program for the New Year!
You've ever looked on the Net (or asked anyone else) for "advice" about kettlebell training.
You've purchased a kettlebell (or Men's or Women's Set from KBC) and want more questions answered before they get going. (Or need help/advice on how to KEEP going!)
You live in an area where there aren't (yet!) any KBC instructors and need some advice.
You're stuck in your particular program and need some suggestions on how to move forward.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
FIT YUMMY MUMMY Holiday Special
Holiday Special:
Get your Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System
by Friday at Midnight (EST) and you will receive....
1) The Busy Mom's 7-Step Quick-Start Essentials Program
2) The Fit Yummy Mummy Guide to Fast & Easy Meals:
3) The 6-Minute Circuits Emergency Workout Plan
And much more..... see FIT YUMMY MUMMY for details.
But you will also receive a Free 10 minute video created to help
you Tone your Trouble Spots .
AND best of all.....to make sure you get started off on the right
foot - you will also have access to 3 'Closed Door' Teleseminar
Recordings where Holly walks you step-by-step through exactly what
you'll do during the first 21 days of your Fit Yummy Mummy
Transformation. Covering everything from how to jump start your
results, to fat burning nutrition tips for women and the
need-to-know exercise strategies that will accelerate your results.
The MP3 format allows you to refer back to them for tips and
motivation at your convenience.
Check it out now before the rush is on!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Post Holiday reactions
Get Your Free Centerpoint CD!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Try this exercise
Here is my 1st attempt at putting a video up on my blog, it is a bodyweight 500 challange, you can get more info at Tubulance Training
Friday, November 16, 2007
Fit Yummy Mummy Review
What Is It?
This lifestyle program for busy moms is a comprehensive guide to what’s arguably the most widespread, challenging and frustrating issue faced by moms today: how to get their pre-baby body back. For almost all mothers the changes their bodies incur during pregnancy coupled with the countless responsibilities that motherhood bring spell trouble for regaining their pre-pregnancy figure.
There is no shortage of fitness, diet and fat loss products on the market today. You can find a veritable library of conflicting arguments almost anywhere you choose to seek information on the subject of fitness for women, whether it’s online, at your local library, through contact with personal trainers, or through the (less reputable but nevertheless very common) ranks of wannabe experts: aka, those frustrating people with no qualifications and no practical experience but are self professed experts because they ready the last issue of Shape magazine.
What Sets This Product Apart?After months of frustration spent trawling through the mass of conflicting information on fitness and fat loss, it was with a mixture of joy and near-tearful relief that I stumbled across “Fit Yummy Mummy”, by Holly Rigsby. As the title suggests, this product is specifically for moms wanting to get fit. Literally all aspects of losing fat and getting fit are covered – and the best part is that it is written specifically for busy moms. The material is presented in a manner both chatty and educational – it’s kind of like having a friendly conversation with a close friend that happens to be a fitness expert (with the added benefit of being able to refresh your understanding of the matter at any given time, simply by scrolling back to the relevant section!)
The tone of the book presents a welcome contrast to the other fitness products so freely available elsewhere on the Net: it’s friendly, understanding of the unique situations moms face, informative, and above all, commonsensical. No unrealistic recommendations, 2 hour workouts, or zero-carb diets here: it doesn’t take long to see that this lady knows what she’s talking about when it comes to mom’s lifestyles (and did I mention she’s a mom too?)
What’s Actually Included?
There’s a quick section on getting started and goal setting along with some morale-boosting advice on how to stay on track throughout the program, and then it’s straight into an action plan to get you started on the path to burning baby fat and getting your body back.
The Supportive Nutrition Plan is next – this is particularly helpful! Every conceivable nutrition issue is covered, from how often you should eat to what you should keep in your pantry. And on top of that, it includes a ‘Create a Menu Planner’ to guide you in creating every meal to support your success.
Next, the Fit Yummy Mummy fat loss workouts are covered, but not without easy to follow explanations of the why’s and the how’s for every part of the workout program. The workout plan even offers four different formats that you can plug into your lifestyle, something not found in any of the cookie cutter fat loss programs on the market. My favorite part of the workout section is that regardless of your exercise (or lack of exercise) background, there is a workout designed specifically for you. And no matter what you fitness level is, none of the workout programs require more than 90 minutes a week.
Finally, there’s a section called the Busy Mom’s Fat Loss Companion crammed with easy to use tools and resources like a goal setting sheet, fitness journal, exercise descriptions and even a ready made grocery list. The author has figured out every excuse and obstacle busy moms have and addressed them all.
Just Because It’s Detailed Doesn’t Mean It’s Confusing
Sound overwhelming? It’s actually very user-friendly. Not only is this e-book packed with sound practical advice and the whole thing is laid out in a very logical and easy-to-understand format, but it comes with a Quick Start Guide to make sure you start acting (and seeing results) fast. The tone of Fit Yummy Mummy light and non-threatening (no scientific terminology here!) and it proceeds in a logical manner from step to step, with plenty of photos and descriptions to ensure that you are doing everything right.
In my opinion, one of the best parts: a follow up e-mail coaching series from the author that keeps you on track, gives you daily fitness tips and even healthy recipes. While most moms have the best of intentions, staying on track is tough. This follow up e-mail coaching series is the perfect solution. The Verdict
Regaining their pre-pregnancy body is a daunting task for most moms, but the author’s personal experience and hands on work with over 250 moms is pretty reassuring; and she certainly knows how to break it down for even the most exercise illiterate. In addition to the main features detailed above, there are plenty of valuable extras included to make getting your pre-baby body back as easy as possible: checklists, do’s and don’ts, printable workout sheets, even ready to follow meal plans!
All in all, two thumbs up from me: when the information on hand is as detailed, easy to absorb, and - above all – reliable as Fit Yummy Mummy, you really can’t go wrong.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Lose your "mommy belly"
Finally, You Can Fit Back Into Your Skinny Jeans and Wear Tiny, Sleeveless T’s without the Fear of Jiggly Arms, Thunder Thighs, Scary Cellulite, or a Flabby Belly Hanging Out the Sides
Discover the Secret Method Busy Moms Are Using to Burn the Lingering “Baby Fat” and Get Their Body Back with Fun, Fast Sessions You Can Do in Your Living Room.........
With the Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System, you can lose fat in the comfort of your own home allowing you to…
Reclaim your tight body and butt
Tone your arms, legs, and abs
Reverse the aging process
Lift your glutes
And perk up your chest
All in under 90 minutes per week!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Kettlebell Inc. videos kettlebells video training articles DVD pictures exercises Ader Dallas TX Texas
This is an excellent video on properly doing a kettlebell snatch [doesn't the spelling seem wrong?] ...check out Jason's cool training partner!
I like doing doing snatches as part of my interval training. I prefer doing them in tabata intervals. The Tabata Workout was invented by Dr. Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. The basic principle is this: A Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Eight intervals of one exercise [=1 round] must be completed before moving on to the next. Sound easy? I hit the heave bag for the 1st round of 8, then do hindu squats for 2nd, then back to the bag for the 3rd, and then snatches give this a try your next training session.
Get Your Free Centerpoint CD!
Buy a shirt here!
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Evolution of Cardio
And then I'll end with a sample TT workout for you...
But first, let's take a trip down memory lane to the winter of98-99. I was but a lowly grad student, studying the effects ofandrostenedione (the supplement taken by the might Mark McGwire during his record-breaking home run quest in '98).
In my study (which was published in the Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology for any science nerds like myself out there), we had guys use the supplement and go through a couple of weight training sessions. By February of '99 I was stuck in the lab, analyzing the blood samples using some fancy radio-active isotopes.
And when I say stuck in the lab, I mean STUCK. I'd get there at7am, and record my last data point at 11pm. Sixteen hours ofmad science. And if I wasn't there, I was downstairs in themedical library, studying papers on testosterone and training.
Now coming from a very athletic background, this sedentarylifestyle didn't sit well with me. But there I was, studing for adegree in Exercise Physiology and left with no time for exercise.Or so I thought.
Fortunately, I actually had a 50 minute window once per day of"down-time" while the lab's gamma-counter analyzed blood samples.
That left me 50 minutes to get to the gym (5 minutes across campus) and get a workout in the remaining 40 or so minutes. I knew that if I applied my studies to the workout, I could get maximum results in minimum time.
As a former athlete, I knew that I had to find a way to stay fitand to avoid the fat gain that comes with working long hours in asedentary environment. And I also had to stay true to thehigh-school bodybuilder I once was, so there was no way I waswilling to sacrifice my muscle to one of those long-cardio, lowprotein fat-loss plans that were popular at the time.
Instead, I had to draw on my academic studies and my experiences working with athletes as the school's Strength & Conditioning Coach.
I knew that sprint intervals were associated with more fat lossthan slow cardio, and I knew that you could also increase aerobic fitness by doing sprints (but you can't increase sprint performance by doing aerobic training).
So clearly, intervals were (and ARE!) superior to long slow cardio.
I had seen first hand the incredible results of sprint intervals inthe summer and fall, as the athletes made huge fitness improvements and shed winter fat in a short time using my interval programs. I knew that intervals had to be the next step in the evolution of cardio.
The biggest benefit of intervals? A lot of results in a shortamount of time. I knew that I only had 40 minutes to train, andtherefore I could only spend 15-20 minutes doing intervals.
Now onto the strength training portion of the workouts. I knew that a high-volume bodybuilding program wasn't going to cut it - I just didn't have time. But in the past year I had read so many lifting studies, that I knew exactly what exercises I needed to do to maximize my lifting time in the gym.
Those exercises were standing, multi-muscle, movements such as squats, presses, rows, power cleans, and plenty of other standing single-leg exercises. I knew that those exercises would bring me far more results than those people sitting on machines would ever achieve.
And I also knew that I had to lift heavier than the average Joe or Jane Gym-goer lifts. I just knew that doing lighter weights and high-reps wasn't going to cut it. And a research study from 2001 later showed that I was right - when women did 8 reps per set, they had a significantly greater increase in post-workout metabolism than if they did 15 reps per set.
So I had my plan. Bust my tail over to the gym, through the cold, dreary Canadian winter afternoon, and do a quick but thorough warmup (specific to my lifts - none of that 5 minutes on the treadmill waste of time).
Once I got through the warm-up, I did as many sets as I could in the remainder of the 20 minutes for strength training.
At that point, I knew that supersets were the only way to go if Iwanted to maximize the number of sets I could do...so thenon-competing superset of Turbulence Training was put in place.
By non-competing, I mean that the 2 exercises in the superset don't interfere with one another. So you can use upper and lower body exercises together, or pushing and pulling exercises. Just be careful not to use two grip-intensive exercises together in a superset - otherwise, one exercise will suffer, if not both.
And then I followed up the strength training with intervals, as Iknew these had to follow the lifting, otherwise it would not be the correct exercise order. Remember, intervals first leads topremature fatigue. Lift first, cardio later. Forget that old wivestale about doing cardio first to burn more fat. That's junk.
You know, I remember the exact day and exact workout that this all came together into the Turbulence Training program. It hit me as I was finishing my intervals. I knew I had found something that was like fat loss magic.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to put it in a pill. But I'vebeen able to put it down on paper in all of the TT manuals.
The exact workout I used that day went like this...
Warm-up 1 set of Bodyweight Squats 1 set of pushups1 set of Squats with the empty bar1 set of light dumbbell chest presses1 set of moderate weight barbell squats1 set of moderate weight dumbbell chest presses
Strength Training Superset #1Barbell Squats paired with Dumbbell Chest Presses3 supersets, aiming for 8 reps per side per set
Strength Training Superset #2DB Rows paired with Barbell Forward Lunges3 supersets, aiming for 8 reps per set
Stationary Bike IntervalsAfter a warmup, I did 6 intervals of 45 seconds work and 45 seconds rest, finishing with a cool-down.
And from that point in time, I've tried to share this and all theother Turbulence Training workouts with as many men and women as possible. The same men and women that I would see day-in and day-out performing the same ineffective slow-cardio fat loss programs, and not making a darn change month after month. And every day they would see me, soaked in sweat, feeling great and looking lean, and finishing another TT workout.
Eventually I noticed these other men and women weren't around as consistently as before, and then soon enough they would drop out completely - after all, they weren't getting results with their slow cardio and aerobics classes (yep, those were still around in '99!).
And so here we are today...thousands of TT users later, withnational fitness magazines like Men's Health, Men's Fitness, andShape spreading the good word about Turbulence Training.
Thousands of TT users, dozens of personal trainers, and evenseveral national fitness magazines all agree with me, TurbulenceTraining is the #1 way to fast fat loss.
Thanks for being a part of the TT Lifestyle Revolution, and forsharing this new and improved fat loss training and cardio system with the world.
So when you see someone frustrated with their ineffective fat loss program, tell them there is a better way. It's research-based, efficient, and most of all, effective. And yes, it goes against the crowd. But it works.
And it's now better than ever,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MSAuthor, Turbulence Training
PS - Don't know where to start?
If you are a beginner, start by reading Dr. Mohr's nutritionguidelines...eating properly will be the biggest factor in yourearly success.
Beginners should also start with the Introductory TT workouts to prepare their muscles for the upcoming intense training.
For others, it's best to start with the Intermediate Level TTworkouts. If those aren't enough of a challenge, you can move onto the Original TT workout and follow the 16-week advanced program right through.
If at any time you need a break, try the TT Bodyweight 4-week plan.
And then finish off with the bonus programs to cap off a full 24 weeks of Advanced TT fat loss workouts.
About the AuthorCraig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training
Get Your Free Centerpoint CD!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Joined a Gym
I did have a pet peeve experience the other day. My workout time is normally 35-45 minutes, I don't BS much while I'm working out. If I'm working with someone I'll talk, but overall it isn't social time at that moment. When I started working out, the other day I seen this person who has been in there most of the times I've been in there. We exchanged greetings and I went about my business. I finished my workout and he commented on how ineffective it had to be because I was done in 40 minutes. I snickered and he wanted to know whats so funny, so I pointed out that he would be done just as quickly if he wasn't so busy talking on the phone [why do people need to do this while working out?????????] and socializing. I challenged him to give it a try next time. He seemed upset but also I think he knew I was correct, we will see.
Until next time...
Buy a shirt here!
Fat Burning Zone: Enter The Fat Burning Zone
Fat Burning Zone: Enter The Fat Burning Zone
Friday, October 19, 2007
Fat burning info
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Dragon Door Gift Certificates
Dragon Door Gift Certificates
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Russian Kettlebell Certification Seminar Friday May 2 - Sunday May 4, 2008
Russian KB Certification seminar in Denmark
Review of Turbulence Training
Turbulence Training promises fast fat loss results for men and women who don't have a lot of time for exercise. This is a bold promise, and the workouts promise maximum results in only three workouts per week.
Let's take a look at this claim, and see if it really measures up!
Before we get to the program, let's take a look at the expert behind the workouts. I've come across Craig Ballantyne's name many times in popular fitness magazines such as Men's Health and Men's Fitness, and even in Oxygen and Shape magazines. So the program is clearly put together by a trusted fitness expert.
I've also talked to Craig about his training and education background, and I'll be honest, it was impressive, unlike the trainers with weekend certifications that pop up at large commercial gyms. Craig's experience goes back to the mid-nineties, in both the gym and in the research lab. He's actually led research trials on sport supplements, strength training, and cardiovascular training.
Plus, Craig has been a strength coach and has worked with hundreds of clients in thousands of training sessions. This is a unique, and thorough background, so its not surprising he's come up with a new training system for fat loss.
In fact, Craig's articles are always pretty hard on traditional aerobic cardio workouts. So if you're looking for new ways to spend 30 or 60-minutes doing cardio, then this program is not for you. But if you only have 45 minutes to workout, a couple of times per week, and you have access to only a bench, dumbells, and an exercise ball, then you'll like what Craig has for you here.
Now one of the biggest questions about the program is simply, "What is Turbulence Training?" Well according to Craig, its the combination of resistance training and interval training used to boost your metabolism so that your body burns calories and fat between workouts. He says, "Cardio doesn't boost your metabolism after exercise. Only strength training and interval training do that - while you work, sleep, and eat - your body will be shedding fat."
Fortunately, Craig's unique system of bodyweight exercises, dumbell exercises, and interval training can all be done at home, with minimal equipment (if you are really strong, it might help to have a chinup bar). So again, if you are one of those people who loves machines, or cardio equipment, or marathon workouts, then this program is not for you.
Frankly, I've used the program myself and recommended to many others. Why? Because no one has time for long workouts! That's why. After an eight or ten hour workday, a round-trip commute of 90 minutes, and spending time with my family, I just don't have time to do another 90 minute workout every day of the week.
In fact, I either get up early and do the workout before work, or I do it just before bed. This workout is perfect for busy men and women. But its not the type of routine that is going to turn anyone into a pro bodybuilder. If you want maximum muscle and want to bulk up, try another one of Craig's programs. But the Turbulence Training system is best for burning fat without sacrificing muscle - so you end up lean, defined, chiseled and toned.
And its fun! So many workouts are boring (i.e. long cardio) or repetitive (i.e. doing the same bodybuilding workout over and over again). But Turbulence Training uses a lot of unique (but not fluffy) exercises, including some cool, killer bodyweight moves that will make you more athletic and increase your functional and core strength - again, all with minimal equipment needs.
But, I am even able to recommend this program to friends who are just starting out, because Craig has put together a 6-week introductory program, and a 4-week intermediate program in addition to the 16-week advanced training phase (PLUS, the Turbulence Training program comes with a massive amount of bonus workouts for muscle building, bodyweight only, advanced fat loss, and even a female specific bonus).
But each workout progresses into the next. He's used all of these workouts with hundreds of clients - so they are safe and effective. Sure, you can get other programs that leave you smashed and puking after the first workout, but Turbulence Training is not like that. Soreness doesn't matter, only results matter! And you are in expert hands with Turbulence Training, and Men's Health expert, Craig Ballantyne.
Craig's Turbulence Training also contains a contract -- basically, your pledge to being committed to the program. It also includes an ebook on Nutrition Guidelines from expert, Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., and an extensive Q&A section, a 21-Healthy Habit Building Plan, plus the complete Turbulence Training workouts for beginner, intermediate and advanced level individuals.
All users will benefit from the Turbulence Training MP3 audio where Craig goes over the program, plus you can find every single exercise explained in detail, complete with photos.
Okay, so bottom line. Turbulence Training is NOT....
Long, slow cardio workouts
A machine-based exercise circuit
A bodybuilding program to gain bulk
A workout with lots of time-wasting isolation exercises
A restrictive eating plan
Turbulence Training provides NONE of the above. On the other hand, Turbulence Training is perfect for busy men and women who want to burn fat in the comfort of their own homes without spending a lot of money on equipment or space on exercise machines. Oh, and you'll actually have fun and you won't "dread" these workouts - heck, they will be over before you know it!
If you're in the slightest bit curious, I recommend you look closely at Craig's program. I was very impressed with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, the bonuses, the guarantee, and Craig's expertise. For the money, it's the best deal in the fitness and fat loss industry - so much better than diet pills! And remember...
Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is backed by a 8-week money back guarantee. And this is a real guarantee... if you are not completely satisfied, you will receive your money back, no "ifs," "ands," or "buts." So you really have nothing to lose.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
A different but important post
For participants / fans of bike sports have all exalted in the great thrills and challenges that the pursuits provide. Sadly at times the daring risks taken result in catastrophic injuries.This past September 1st world-champion bmx / mtb’er Tara Llanes crashed in the Jeep King of the Mountain race in Veil, Colorado suffering a serious spinal injury (fracture of C-7). After surgery, she is able to breathe on her own, although at this time she has no feeling below her waist, a symptom she suffered as a result of her crash. A better detail of her situation can be found at her myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/mtbtara
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Kettlebells For Arms
You can get a +$50 bonus with Turbulance Training
or you can just join the members area. TTMembers.com
The Free meditation CD from Centerpoint is still out there Get Your Free CD!
Also I am tryin to creat my own T-shirts, what do you think??
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A Letter from Your Belly Fat
HUGE new bonus to the TT offer.
When someone purchases Turbulence Training, they now get a 3-month
TT membership into my forum and articles. That's a $59.85 value.
In the membership, they'll get a new workout each month, and the
September workout is the very popular, TT for Abs.
Dear Friend,
This is a letter from your ol' pal, belly fat. We had a great run this summer, didn't we? Lots of good times, great food, and plain ol' sitting around eating too much.Well, I'm thinking about sticking around another year if you don't mind. But you might need to get a bigger pair of pants, as I was thinking about expanding my place down here. So do me a favor, avoid that interval training you were thinking of doing. The last time you did that stuff, I nearly had to look for a new place to live. I felt like the Wicked Witch of the West in the land of Oz. Did you hear me yelling, "Help me, I'm melting!"? Instead, stick to that slow cardio stuff. Sure I get a little sweaty, and the ol' brain up there thinks it's doing "a real fat burning workout", but it's never enough to melt me outta here. Another thing, keep listening to those experts who say strength training doesn't burn body fat. Since research shows they're wrong, if you added strength training to your program, you'd practically need to throw me a going away party!After each one of those superset workouts you tried last January it felt like someone lit a match under our collective butt. I was burning up down here! But boy oh boy, I sure was glad you gave that up and went back to just lifting utensils and not dumbells. Otherwise we wouldn't have been able to celebrate another summer together this year. Sometimes I wonder, what did you ever do in college without me, your trusted belly fat? Back then, you were probably one of those people that couldn't wait to get to the beach to show off your body, not like these days. Nope, stay in the shade and keep the cover-up clothes on, that's the way to go now. Besides, its a lot closer to the cold beer and the BBQ when you're sitting in the shade avoiding all the fun down on the beach.Well, it sure was good catching up with you. I'm sure we'll be in touch more often, as long as you stay away from that Turbulence Training workout routine. Brings a tear to my eye whenever I even think about that workout program and all the belly fat it's burned. Heck, it's fried more belly fat than a frying pan! So again, if you want to keep your dear old belly around for another year and another summer, don't use Turbulence Training - otherwise, its all over pal, and you'll never see me again. Belly Fat says, "Don't use this" ==> Turbulence Training . Your friend and spare tire, Belly Fat PS - Seriously, don't go near that Turbulence Training program unless you want to see me, Thunder Thighs, Manboobs, Jigg Lee Arm Fat, and Luv Handles pack our bags and hit the highway. It will be a sad farewell, and you'd be stuck with ripped abs, gorgeous glutes, and toned arms, and you know how much attention those guys get from the opposite sex. Who needs it, I say.
About the AuthorCraig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit TurbulenceTraining
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Meditation for dummies
Well I have found what I like to call “Meditation for Dummies” but that’s not what it is called. It is “Holosync Sound Technology” from Centerpoint. I have been using it for about 2 months now and WOW it is amazing. The changes I see in myself are subtle but I notice them, like increase focus, which leads to better intensity during workouts, and mental ability. No I’m not bending spoons. It puts your brain on autopilot and almost forces you into a meditative state. Incredible. If you are interested check out the FREE cd Good Luck CLICK HERE FOR FREE CD
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
The Staley/Tsatsouline Strength Seminar
How to shatter your personal bests in strength and power…
The Lazy Man’s Guide toExtreme Strength Gains
Historic display of advanced strength secrets caught on tape—as two “masters of the art” reveal key, but little-known and often surprising strategies to dramatically enhance your performance…
The Staley/Tsatsouline Strength Seminar
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
New workout and ...
By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training
You don’t have to go through life with man boobs (otherwise known as male breasts). In fact, you can burn away chest fat and get rid of your manboobs forever with just three short, but intense workouts per week.
Getting rid of manboobs is as simple as getting rid of any other fat. You need to cut back on the junk, and fill up on the intensity. Turbulence Training is the fastest fat loss workout you can do at home. You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership (where you’ll be too embarrassed by your man boobs to go anyway).
Listen, women love a chiseled chest, but are turned off by the site of manboobs poking through a sweatshirt. That’s why I’ve put together a fat burning program that focuses on building muscle and blasting fat with all sorts of push-ups, chest exercises, and intervals. In fact, even the Turbulence Training abdominal workouts work the chest and help convert those man boobs back into a real man’s chest in just weeks.
You can gain muscle and lose fat with short workouts. You don’t need to be training 6 days per week or spending hundreds of dollars each month on fancy (but worthless) supplements.
Soon you’ll be the guy who is first to take his shirt off at the beach. No more hiding under sweats in the middle of July, or avoiding the water because you don’t want anyone to see your manboobs.
And no matter what anyone says, you don’t have to rely on surgery. Besides, that will leave ugly scars that will leave you just as self-conscious as when you had man boobs. The only fix is a permanent lifestyle change, thanks to the 3 short workouts per week of Turbulence Training. You’ll see changes in your man boobs, love handles, and arm definition within weeks, going from male breasts to ripped abs in the process.
Turbulence Training is not like all those other aerobic, slow cardio programs you’ve tried in the past that didn’t work. And it’s not a wimpy machine circuit that just ends up being a waste of your time. Instead, Turbulence Training is a unique exercise system that you can do in the comfort of your own home, so that no one at the gym can point or stare at your chest – at least not until they are staring with respect.
The fastest way, the safest way, and the only way to get rid of man boobs is with strength training and interval training. Combine that with Dr. Chris Mohr’s sensible nutrition guidelines, and you’ll have a new body, and a new chest in just weeks.
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MSAuthor, Turbulence Training
About the AuthorCraig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training
Monday, August 06, 2007
Friday, August 03, 2007
Tried Tires
Monday, July 30, 2007
Cardio is a Waste of Time for Fat Loss
By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
While the mainstream fitness media still insists that aerobic exercise is a great way to lose weight, Turbulence Training users know that interval training is the better way to burn body fat. Still not convinced? A recent study published by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity, subjects aged 40 to 75 were instructed to do 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day for 6 days per week for an entire year. Given the amount of exercise, you'd expect weight losses of 20, 30 pounds, or more, right? Well, the surprise findings showed the average fat loss for female subjects was only 4 pounds for the entire year, while men lost 6.6 pounds of fat over the year. That's over 300 hours of aerobic exercise just to lose a measly 6 pounds of blubber. Not time well spent, in my opinion. So what's the better way? Stick with Turbulence Training, using interval training and strength training to get better bodysculpting results. With intervals, you'll achieve more fat burning results in less workout time. The next time you are out exercising, perform a session of interval training. If you are walking or running outside, find an incline that can challenge you for 60 seconds, then walk down for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.
If you walk or run on a treadmill, adjust the incline or speed to safely increase the challenge for 60 seconds, then return to the normal pace for 60-120 seconds, and repeat up to 6 times.
You can also use a rowing machine, bicycle or stationary bike, or even an elliptical machine to do intervals.
But whatever you do, stay away from boring, ineffective cardio exercise workouts and stick with Turbulence Training for your fat burning program.
About the AuthorCraig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training for Fat Loss
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Power to the People! Monthly
It is well worth the money.
Power to the People! Monthly
Thursday, July 05, 2007
EDT for GS Success: A Kettlebell Training article from Dragon Door Publications
EDT for GS Success: A Kettlebell Training article from Dragon Door Publications
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Ori Hofmekler Blog - plus
Ori Hofmekler Blog
Sometimes I like to find one exercise to do in a workout that works as much of the body as possible. In the past I wrote about how I like to combine squat thrusts [burpies] and KB clean and press. I found another at "Art of Strength" the squat and triple crush. Check it out here.
In my current workout [see previous post. email me for excel file] I alternate between a conditioning workout and a strength workout. I finish the conditioning with some core work and the strength with a strongman or power move. For the latter I have been alternating farmer carries and a combo exercise. I have a stone ball, @85lbs, I squat down, curl it to my chest, stand, and press over my head. I repeat until I can not press any more safely then I hug the stone and finish by squating it. Thaty can be a workout alone!!!!
How do you like my new design??? Thanks to DKCD Designs -see bottom of page!!!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Focus and a New Workout
Ok my new workout is based on a 5 day cycle. I have included 2 conditioning days in the cycle and one day which can also be considered a combo. It is based on the books I mentioned in my previous post ["Infinite Intensity", by Ross Enamait and "Twisted Conditioning 1 & 2", by Bud Jeffries]. I do not do all 5 days in 1 week it depends on work, I do at least 3, and I just keep continue the cycle. I have the workout in an excel file if anyone wants a copy let me know and I can email it to you.
Be safe working out as the temperature rises!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
"The shoe that fits one man pinches another"
It was funny I was going to do a post on what items give a good workout when I received an email from John Wood of www.functionalhandstrength.com , and the email had these 3 items
1. With the necessary nutritional and physiological requirements filled progressive resistance exercise, in its many forms and manifestations, is what "works"
2. Given this fact, so will any kind of training incorporating it.
3. To improve at anything, you must begin at a manageable level and build from there.
Read these again - they are the driving forces for making any kind of training with any kind of equipment "work."
Thanks John!
By the way the quote in the title is from Carl Jung, and I guess that apllies to working out. what works for some may not work for all!
Until next time....