Saturday, December 15, 2007


Tis the season people contemplate setting goals or “resolutions” . Did you know, depending on the survey that you read, that upwards of 90% of all resolutions are forgotten within 2 weeks of the new year? Why is that you may ask, well I’m going to cover two reasons here. Hopefully this will help anyone who truly wants to accomplish any goals they may have.
First lets hit the big one, the goals themselves. You do not want to set vague goals , the need to have meaning, example I want to lose weight, is not a good goal. You want them to be S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Specific example I want to lose 40lbs or I want to weigh 200lbs or I want to improve my time in the mile.
Measurable example, weight ,a score, amount $$$.
Action Oriented example diet plan, workout, routine tests.
Realistic– example losing 100lbs in 3 months is not realistic.
Time Stamped easy set a deadline
Lastly become accountable, share your goals with someone who will keep you accountable or find someone that has similar goalsand work together.

So what are your goals this year??????

Want to lose weight or fat? Turbulence Training or Fit Yummy Mummy

Want to gain Muscle? No Nonsense Muscle Training click here!

Want to improve your mind? Get Your Free Centerpoint CD!

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