Monday, June 13, 2011

Getting Results?

Looking for results?

My last post was about a new program I designed and was doing, I made a few changes to it and have made some excellent results!

The main change I made was the between the “Density” strength training block and the “Circuit/supersets” block I added a 2 minute “cardio divide”  in which I will do some cardio [duh], for example when I workout in my yard or garage I like to jump rope at this time. I find this gets more blood pumping throughout the body for the “circuit/supersets” block.

Also I changed the reps on squats and deadlifts for the “Density” blocks,  I find I am getting better results by doing this. I increased squats to 5 reps and deadlifts to 4.

I may increase all this next time around – bench and presses to 5 reps,  squats to 8, deadlift stay at 4.

The “finishers” have been fun changing everyday, form running intervals to tabatas, to anything I find posted like this today from Josh Henkin of Sandbag fame:

I know the one thing that make this workout or any workout work is journaling your progress, especially in the density block.

Safety note, those who like working outdoors remember it is getting hotter [in the northern hemisphere] so hydrate! Also do not get disappointed if your workouts drop off the 1st few times your are in the heat, you are working harder when you add the heat factor!