Fat burning diet plans are tough to figure out for some people. You certainly can't just copy what other people are doing. For example, a 350 pound guy is going to have a different fat burning diet plan than a 140 pound woman. Sure that's an extreme example,but the point is you really have to individualize your fat loss nutrition program.Then there are problems with "calorie estimation equations".For example, a 240 pound woman can't use the rule to "multiply yourbodyweight by 11" to get the number of calories you should eat for fat loss. That would grossly over estimate how many calories she needs to eat. And of course, the 1g per pound of bodyweight protein rule wouldgreatly overestimate how much protein this woman needs perday...(there aren't too many women, if any, that need to eat 140gof protein per day, let alone 240).
So here's my recommended individual approach to choosing how manycalories you should eat for fat burning...and it comes from a q'n'ain the Turbulence Training nutrition forum.(The forum is checked the forum 3 times per day by Craig to make sure all of your questions are answered...and there are some other pretty smart experts who often drop by to help you out as well.)
Q: In the Turbulence Training Fusion Fat Loss Guide, Craig says heeats 2100 calories a day (in the manner described in the guide) forfat burning. I'm planning on doing the fusion fat loss for my workout next month. How many calories would you recommend I target as a5'2", 41 year old female? Thanks!
Answer: I recommend going to fitday.com and finding out how many calories you are eating now. Then do 3 things.
1) Improve the quality of the calories you are eating.
2) Recalculate how many calories you are eating when you starteating as well as possible (you'll probably end up eating fewer calories because quality food is more filling).
3) Then re-evalutating to see if you still need to eat less. It's impossible to just throw out a number for people to eat for fat burning...but a tiny bit of planning is all you need.Get an individualized plan, and you're set for maximum fat burning in minimum time with the Turbulence Training for Fat Loss program.PS - Don't forget...You get 3 months free in the Turbulence Training Membership Club......when you purchase the Turbulence Training program. You'll get workout bonuses, including the TT for Abs program, when you signup...in addition, sign up before the end of October and you'llget the legendary TT Bodyweight 500 workout.
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