Monday, June 18, 2007

Focus and a New Workout

After my last post I found myself thinking about my next workout I wanted to create and I was doing this while I should have been concentrating on the workout I was doing. I feel allot of people do this, maybe just not the same scenario. I see it all the time for example, a person will concentrate on their home life while at work, and their work at home, then both areas of their life suffer. The simple answer to this is leave your work at work and your home life at home, but life happens and it isn't always possible. I try and keep conscience of this and have to refocus during the day. Another thing I do is remove un-necessary distractions, for example while I am working out I do not have my phone with me [I discussed this in a earlier post]. People claim they are good at multi-tasking but how many actually finish all their tasks, they just seem to pile up more and more of them. Just be where your at, you are only one person who can be at one place at a time.
Ok my new workout is based on a 5 day cycle. I have included 2 conditioning days in the cycle and one day which can also be considered a combo. It is based on the books I mentioned in my previous post ["Infinite Intensity", by Ross Enamait and "Twisted Conditioning 1 & 2", by Bud Jeffries]. I do not do all 5 days in 1 week it depends on work, I do at least 3, and I just keep continue the cycle. I have the workout in an excel file if anyone wants a copy let me know and I can email it to you.
Be safe working out as the temperature rises!

For Whom The Bell Toils: Words to Lift By

For Whom The Bell Toils: Words to Lift By

A little late but....