Monday, June 20, 2005

From - Testosterone Nation - The Top 10 Post Workout Nutrition Myths

Testosterone Nation - The Top 10 Post Workout Nutrition Myths

Pretty good information, 2,3,4, & 8 are interesting. Anyone have any thoughts?

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

How to Shrivel Your Muscles, Accelerate Aging, Stunt Growth, Sap Energy, Deplete Sex Drive

Here is some diet info from the "The Warrior Newsletter", great info for people who wat results from theirworkouts.
Fashionable Diet Fallacy #5. CARBS are your enemy

We are currently scapegoating Carbs as the culprit for the ongoing obesity epidemic — and for the diseases we associate with obesity.

Fashionable diet gurus have us believing that carbs are not essential nutrients and therefore should be severely restricted or even spared.

Low carb diet advocates argue that the hormone insulin promotes fat gain and should therefore be tightly controlled by chronically restricting carbs. Given the current popularity of low carb diets, it seems as if carbs are indeed the enemy. But are they?

Nothing could be further from the truth…

Let's examine the assumption that carbs are not essential nutrients. This assumption literally fails to recognize the two most critical biological functions of carbs (besides being a fuel):

1) The activation of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP)2) The finalization of growth hormone (GH) and insulin like growth factor (IGF1) actions, as well as the enhancement of androgens actions.

The pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) is a critical process that is responsible for the synthesis of DNA, RNA and all energy molecules including ATP and NADPH, needed for all metabolic functions in particular, recuperation (healing of tissues) immunity and growth.

In addition, PPP is a precursor for another metabolic pathway - the uronic acid pathway — responsible for steroid hormones transport, production of proteoglycans (essential for connective tissue and cellular signaling) synthesis of spingolipids (lipids that are necessary for neural protection) and over all detoxification. The pentose phosphate pathway, which occurs mostly in the liver, is derived from glucose (i.e. carb metabolism).

Now, here is the problem...

In times of a desperate need for energy, such as during prolonged starvation or due to chronic severe restriction of carbs, the PPP would shut down its main function and instead switch into sheer energy production. It is likely that energy demand is a top priority for the body and therefore, in times of a desperate need for energy, the body would suppress certain important metabolic function (such as the PPP) to accelerate immediate energy production. Note that 30% of glucose oxidation in the liver can occur via the PPP.

One may argue that glucose can be synthesized from fat or protein. Yes, but not enough!

Since the synthesis of glucose from fat or protein (gluconeogensis) is actually a very limited metabolic process that occurs mostly in the liver, any severe restriction of carbs, in particular for active individuals, may adversely suppress the PPP critical functions; due to insufficient glucose supply during an increased energy demand.

The PPP actions also decrease with age, a fact that may contribute to the decline in steroid hormone production and the typical muscle waste associated with aging.

In other words, dietary carbs are essential for the full activation of the PPP and its critical functions.

Severe chronic carb restriction (below 70g-100g for an active individual) may lead to an adverse suppression of PPP, with an overall decline in sex hormones, compromised immunity, impaired growth and accelerated aging.

As noted, besides playing a vital role in the activation of the PPP actions, dietary carbs also help finalize the actions of the most anabolic agents including growth hormone, IGF1 and the sex steroid hormones.

Studies at Stanford University in CA and Helsinki University in Finland revealed that insulin is a potent promoter of IGF1 and the sex hormones action. Researchers found that insulin helps finalize the anabolic actions of GH, IGHF1 and androgens by down regulating certain proteins that suppress both IGF1 and androgens action, in particular in the muscle tissue, (i.e. IGHFBP-1 and SHBP, respectively).

A recent study at the University of Texas, indeed, proved that post exercise carb supplementation together with essential amino acids profoundly stimulates net muscle protein synthesis.

Interestingly, simple carbs had a more profound effect on enhancing anabolic actions after exercise than complex carbs. Nonetheless, as a general rule, our body is better adapted to utilize complex carbs than simple carbs. Again, it is when you eat that makes what you eat mattes.

In conclusion:

Dietary carbs biological functions go far beyond just sheer energy production. Chronic carb restrictions may lead in the long run to total metabolic decline with severe consequences for survival (i.e. capacity to regenerate tissues and procreate.)

Ignorance, not Carbs, is our true enemy.www.warriordiet.com

Thursday, June 02, 2005

A couple of new KB items and a review

There are a couple new items at Dragondoor that can be valuable tools.
The 1st- "Get in the Best Shape of Your Life!" is by Lisa Shaffer. Here is what the exert says about it "Lisa Shaffer’s workbook is a valuable companion to the Russian Kettlebell. You will enjoy the variety of exercises and the author’s “can do” attitude. Com. Lisa has done a great job!"
—Pavel Tsatsouline, Chief Instructor, Russian Kettlebell Challenge
The book covers the basics with over 50 excercises and details for beginer and experts, men and women! If you are new to kettlebells this is a great way to start!
2nd - "Loaded Stretching The Russian Technique for Instant Extra Strength" By Pavel DVD Instantly Develop Greater Power, Intensity and Strength — by TurningYour Muscles into Coiled Springs of Explosive Steel!
What do I say "Simple, Painful, but extremely effective!" I've been using these between sets and after workouts with very good results.
Remember to increase your intensity!!!