Saturday, September 08, 2007

Meditation for dummies

Have you ever tried meditation? Myself I’ve tried it many times. I’ve read books, gone to classes, listened to cd’s. They all worked to an extent, but I never reached “enlightenment”. Take the cd’s for example, they would work the 1st few times. I’d listen to the voice telling me to relax, breath, envision this, etc, and it would work for a while. After a week or so I guess my mind would get bored and just do what it wanted to do, just drift away. I like to meditate before going to bed, before working out [unless I am working out 1st thing in the morning, then pre-sleep took care of that], after working out, or just when I felt like it.
Well I have found what I like to call “Meditation for Dummies” but that’s not what it is called. It is “Holosync Sound Technology” from Centerpoint. I have been using it for about 2 months now and WOW it is amazing. The changes I see in myself are subtle but I notice them, like increase focus, which leads to better intensity during workouts, and mental ability. No I’m not bending spoons. It puts your brain on autopilot and almost forces you into a meditative state. Incredible. If you are interested check out the FREE cd Good Luck

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