Sunday, July 01, 2007

Ori Hofmekler Blog - plus

Alot of hype about "Alli" Read this 1st....
Ori Hofmekler Blog

Sometimes I like to find one exercise to do in a workout that works as much of the body as possible. In the past I wrote about how I like to combine squat thrusts [burpies] and KB clean and press. I found another at "Art of Strength" the squat and triple crush. Check it out here.
In my current workout [see previous post. email me for excel file] I alternate between a conditioning workout and a strength workout. I finish the conditioning with some core work and the strength with a strongman or power move. For the latter I have been alternating farmer carries and a combo exercise. I have a stone ball, @85lbs, I squat down, curl it to my chest, stand, and press over my head. I repeat until I can not press any more safely then I hug the stone and finish by squating it. Thaty can be a workout alone!!!!

How do you like my new design??? Thanks to DKCD Designs -see bottom of page!!!

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