Tuesday, February 26, 2008


When I left work last night I was going to follow my scheduled “Turbulence Training” [TT] for the night, but as I entered my garage I was inspired to be different.. I started thinking how I liked the way with TT you superset between 2 exercises. I also like the rounds I discussed in a previous post. So I decided to experiment I created 2 rounds, 1 push & 1 pull. The push was clean and press kb for 2 reps each hand followed by incline dumbbell presses for 5-8 reps, then I hit the heavy bag 10 times each hand did 10 kettlebell presses one hand repeat hitting heavy bag and press with other hand. The pull round was heavy rows 1-2 reps, followed by kettlebell renegade rows 5-8 reps per side, then kettlebell swings 15 reps. Having a garage gym make this workout efficient because I have the freedom to set everything up and alternating between rounds. I did 4 rounds of each, then I realized I slighted my legs, so I finished off with interval training consisting of 30 seconds of hindu squats, then 30 seconds jumping rope, then 1 minute active rest, 5 times – total workout was @45 minutes. I felt completely spent and exhilarated at the same time, an extremely good workout. I don’t know if I could do it 3 times a week, or need to do it that often. If you can set up to do this work out give it a try let me know what you think!

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Sunday, February 24, 2008


In the past when speaking of recovery I discussed nutrition and the 2 hour window post workout. As a quick reminder this 2 hour window is extremely important for your body to receive its material for the rebuilding process. An example is I like to drink @30 grams of protein within 30minutes – 1 hour post workout then another meal or shake before the 2 hours is up.
Another key aspect to recovery is sleep. This would seem like a simple enough factor to accomplish, but in our self imposed hectic world it is not always easy or possible to get 8 hours a night. Yes I said self imposed, you made the choices in your life that put you where you are as I have. I know I work 12 hour rotating shifts so I am not on a normal schedule, so it is not easy to get 8 hours all the time, plus sleeping during the day can be hard at best.
One thing I have found that helps get the most out of my sleep and helps with the change in times [it also works for jet lag!], is supplementing with melatonin. What is melatonin? Here is the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services definition

[http://www.ahrq.gov/clinic/epcsums/melatsum.htm]: Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a neurohormone that is primarily produced by the pineal gland, located behind the third ventricle in the brain.4 In the synthesis of melatonin, tryptophan is hydroxylated to 5-hydroxytryptophan, which in turn is decarboxylated to 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin). Serotonin is converted to the melatonin precursor and metabolite Nacetylserotonin by the enzyme N-acetyl transferase.5-7 N-acetylserotonin is methylated via the enzyme hydroxyindole-o-methyltransferase to produce melatonin.8 Approximately 90 percent of melatonin is cleared in a single passage through the liver. A small proportion of unmetabolized melatonin is also excreted in the urine.8 Commercially available melatonin may be isolated from the pineal glands of beef cattle9 or chemically synthesized.

Hmmmm …Got it? Good Ok well enough of the scientific mumbo jumbo, it works! You can buy it at GNC, The Vitamin Shoppe, Walgreens, almost anywhere. It is fairly cheap, start with the smallest size. You might not even need to take it every night. I take it all the time with only good side effects I wake up more well rested when I take it then when I do not. When I work nights I get only @ 4-5 hours sleep and have no problems with energy during the day. If sleep is a problem give melatonin a try, but as always check with your DR. 1st!

14lbs to go!!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Huge Tips to Get Big & Ripped

I was turned on to this workout system by Craig Ballantyne and I ordered it. I have not gotten through the whole thing because of all the extra bouses but I really like what I see!
In Less Than Three Hours Per Week You Can Easily Build The Head Turning, Ripped, Muscular Physique You Have Always Dreamed OfòEven if You Have Below Average Genetics... Even if You Have Tried Everything Else & Failed Before... This System Will Help You Build Muscle & Burn Ugly Body-Fat Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible
Here is some of what Craig Ballantyne had to say @ Jay Feruggia’s Muscle Gaining Secrets:
“Jay Ferruggia is one of the few guys I trust in the industry. Back in December, I flew down to Newark, New Jersey to train with Jay. We did a hardcore muscle building workout for legs. During the workout, Jay showed me techniques that 99% of trainers don't know. Simple tips for exercises that most people do wrong. It was a real eye-opener - and his 1 huge tip below will help you get more results than ever before. After all, unlike most trainers, Jay has spent years training regular folks from 6am to 1pm, and then training young athletes from pm to 9pm. Day in, day out. Put that record up against anyone, and you won't find too many trainers with that kind of experience - and few have such "across the board" expertise as Jay. If you want the truth about building muscle, and be entertained by some controversial ideas, then you'll love Jay's style.
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
PS - Want to try my workouts?
I'm using Jay's workouts to get stronger, gain mass, and set my own personal records.To dramatically increase the effectiveness of your training, go to now.
Jay's having a sale till Thursday...and for the next three days all customers will receive an additional SEVEN bonuses PLUS all of Jay's regular Maximum Mass workouts.
Those bonuses are:- The Muscle Gaining Secrets Audio Book- $39.95 Value
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- Freak Strength by Zach Even-Esh- $19.95 Value “
- Advanced Kettlebell Training by The Diesel Crew- $29.95 Value
- Physically Incorrect by Charles Staley- $29.95 Value
- Hybrid Training by Nick Nilson- $29.95 Value
Worth it for the Complete Abdominal Index alone!
Get Jay's Special Muscle Building Deal here: “Muscle Gaining Secrets”


If you have any desire to build a ripped and muscular physique, but you still don't have the body you deserve and you're frustrated and confused with all the conflicting info,this might be the most important blog you read in 2008...For the past few months, personal trainer and muscle building author, Vince DelMonte has rounded up the world's biggest muscle building experts all in one place...
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Vince has pulled together the "REAL WORLD MUSCLE AUTHORITIES" to reveal their their most jealously-guarded secrets, tricks, tactics, formulas, shortcuts and strategies to build pounds of lean muscle at will! (Even if you need to lose pounds of fat at will -keep reading because *LEAN MUSCLE* is your secret weapon to burning fat)Over the next 6 weeks, this elite team of 12 bodybuilding experts will finally cut through all the B.S. that has been preventing you from having a world class physique. These guys will not be blowing any smoke...
No Nonsense click here!
Knowing Vince personally, he is one of the most generous people I know and he has a little gift for you......
Vinny (that's what I actually call him) is giving you an ALL EXPENSES PAID ACCESS PASS at absolutely no cost. To get access to his Ultimate Muscle Advantage program, you don't have to pay a single penny.Now don't misunderstand me, this program IS going to require you to take the information you learn, apply it and TRAIN HARD.I wonder if you're going to get as giddy asI did when I saw the line up experts Vince rounded up... I personally believe this program will slap on AT LEAST 5 pounds of muscle onto your framein the next 2 months. So if you're ready to check out the "Ultimate Muscle Advantage" program featuring 12 of the biggest bodybuilding experts on the planet visit...
No Nonsense click here!

Monday, February 18, 2008


Just wanted to give a status updat I am down 22lbs, with 18 to go!
Somethings I have been doing besides Turbulence Training are as follows. I have been supplementing daily with @20 grams of additional fiber, thats besides what I get in my diet from food. Speaking of diet I have been following the "Warrior Diet", eating 2-3 apples a day and raw almonds. Been drinking 50-75 grams of Whey a day [75 on workout days]If anyone is interested in more details let me know and I'll give more....

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I am going to add the following workout to my rotation. When I go to the gym I will still follow the “Turbulence Training Workout” {by the way this months TT Members workouts are some great circuit training sessions TTMembers.com} but my garage session will be “rounds”. For which I have to thank Bud Jeffries @Strongerman.com, thank you! He goes into great explanation on a lot of what I am going to say in his newest DVD.The reason for this switch is my garage workouts are usually on days I work the day shift [6:30am-6:30pm] and I never get to the interval training. This workout will hit both anerobic and aerobic, plus functionality. Each round will have 3 exercises a heavy (1-3 reps) a medium (5-10 Reps), and a light (10+ reps) with little rest between each one.You will do each round 3x adding weight to the heavy each time and stretching as your active rest between each time.
So here goes:
Start off by warming up your whole body, you know your body better then anyone else, when warmed get started.
1st Round Heavy = Squats, Medium = Pistols, Light = Hindu squats

2nd Round Heavy = Barbell Push Press, Medium = Kettlebell [or DB]Bench Press, Light = Hitting Heavy Bag, 0ne Armed KB Press, Hitting Heavy Bag, One armed KB Press

3rd Round Heavy = Deadlift, Medium = Renegade Rows, Light = KB 1 Armed Snatches

Time your self doing these, then beat your time next time around! As usual if you have ANY questions ask, it will give me something to write about!

PS anyone trying to gain muscle be on the lookout this Wednesday,2/13/08, Vince DelMonte will realese his NEW DVD. He just let me check out his NNMBDVD and this is one of the most educational, inspirational and entertaining muscle building footage EVER.His muscle building DVD is officially 4 HOURS (that's 4 spelled F O U R)! If you haven't seen the 60 second trailer yet, check it out to see what all the fuss is about: --> NNMBDVD (scroll to thebottom of the page)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Tiger Woods Does It Again

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training

Tiger Woods is off to an incredible start in 2008, winning 3 tournaments in
3 starts. He did it again this weekend, winning another tournament, but its
no surprise based on his physical strength and mobility.
Not only does Tiger look like he gained even more muscle in the off-season,
it looks like he has Mark McGwire's arms, almost. Although again, Tiger is
doing this all without steroids.
Tiger is physically dominating the sport. Heck, he's even driven Phil
Mickelson to start exercising and to lose weight. Phil looks so much better
now that he has lost 20 pounds.
I'd be very interested to see Tiger's workout program. Is there anything
fancy in it? Or is it just the basics? How does he gain strength without
sacrificing mobility? That is one of the biggest mistakes
most "bodybuilding" type routines make...if a golfer did bodybuilding type
training, it would most likely ruin his game just as easily as getting fat
and out of shape.
Does Tiger use a lot of bodyweight exercises? Does he do cardio or interval
training? If anyone has the inside scoop on that training program, let me
Now you certainly don't need to be a powerlifter, bodybuilder, or gymnast to
be a good golfer...as you can see by the physiques on many other men and
women on tour. However, you can't let your strength or mobility be the
limiting factor in your game. So you need to train...
The best things to do are...
1) Use a variety of bodyweight exercises to work on your strength and
mobility. This can be part of your warmup or can compose your entire
workout. Like I said, you don't need to be a powerlifter to be a golfer.
First, start with the basics like pushups, bodyweight squats, inverted
bodyweight rows, stick-ups, lunges, and the plank and side plank for your
Then once you've mastered those, move on to spiderman pushups, spiderman
climbs, mountain climbers, one-leg romanian deadlifts, stability ball leg
curls, hanging leg raises, pullups, chinups, and decline pushups.
There are dozens, if not hundreds of bodyweight exercises you can do to burn
fat, get stronger, and improve your mobility. This will help you hit longer
and more accurately on the golf course.
Plus, it will increase your stamina and focus late in the game - combined
with good nutrition of course.
2) Work with a good golf coach to identify your weaknesses. Is your lack of
hip mobility messing up your swing? Is your work posture ruining your
shoulder mobility? Etc.
3) Eat right for fat loss and mental energy. You won't get tired on the
course. I believe this is one of the most under-rated aspects of Tiger's
game. If you watch him play, you'll see him snacking at various points in
the day. And he ain't eating junk, unlike many of the older players on the
scene. Plus, good nutrition allows him to recover between rounds and between
If you follow these three steps, you'll have a better body, you'll burn fat,
and you'll golf like a champ. Use your bodyweight, not machines, to become
fit like Tiger Woods.

About the Author

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment