Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Testosterone - All about Testosterone | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

Interesting article on testosterone by Brad Pilon author of  "Eat Stop Eat"

All about Testosterone

by Brad Pilon on September 25, 2012
Post image for All about Testosterone Admittedly this blog post has very little to do with Intermittent Fasting, but I’ll do my best to tie it all together in the end.
Instead of fasting, today we’re talking about Testosterone. And, although the name testosterone is only 65 years old, the hormone that it identifies has been a focus of scientific interest for more than a century.
I would argue that its influence on masculinity has made Testosterone the most controversial hormone in the human body, and that this controversy has left the average person blind to its potentially therapeutic properties and benefits.
However, despite the common belief, there is a lot more to Testosterone than baseball and bodybuilders.
For the purpose of keeping this post under 10,000 words we’re going to be mostly exploring testosterone in men, but I will point out some of the facts that apply to women as well.
All right, lets get started.
The basics of Testosterone are fairly easy – Men have much more than women and this difference in circulating testosterone levels is largely responsible for the main differences between the sexes (muscle mass, body fat storage patterns, body hair etc).
Testosterone secretion in men follows a circadian rhythm[i]. This is just a fancy way of saying that the amount of Testosterone in your blood varies depending on the time of day. Peak serum testosterone levels in men occur between 5:30 AM and 8:00 AM and then slowly taper off towards the end of the day then start to rise again during the night [ii],[iii].
It is also well known that Testosterone plays an important role in the development of skeletal muscle size [iv]. There is a well established dose response between average serum testosterone and muscle mass. This includes levels in the extremely low range all the way into ‘supraphysiologic range’ – the levels only possible with testosterone injections, or really rare disease states..... Con't.

Testosterone - All about Testosterone | Brad Pilon's 'Eat Blog Eat'

Wednesday, September 05, 2012


One of the best tools I have! I recently discovered I have tears in my rotater cuff [one way I found this out was back squats] this helps alot!

'via Blog this'

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

I am now a Team Beach Body Coach

I am now a coach with Beach Body watch video to have an idea what I'll be doing with them.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

WOD of What?

I’ve been ask a lot lately, maybe due to the Crossfit Championships then Olympics, what do I think of  “Crossfit”
That’s a subject that seems to have people thinking they need to be either “pro” or “con” “Crossfit”.
Here is my take, I’ve actually never done a CF workout, so I can’t be outspoken either way, so I’m actually neutral I guess. It definitely has its positives, just look at the athletes, most of them anyway I’m sure someone going to say they have seen otherwise. They are well conditioned and strong.  The negatives I see involving it are when I go to a gym, that is NOT a CF gym and the trainers have people who have no right, yet, jumping into that kind of workout.  {Advice start people off slow where they need to start depending on their situation, not where they “THINK” thay are ---they’ll stay around longer and be happier  and healthier in the long run} I’ve seen people hurt and also seen their breakfast because they were doing something not at their current level of fitness.
The WOD idea works but I need some thing more clearly measurable, that’s why I like the various density methods, especially EDT.  EDT, escalating density training in a nut shell  is you take a set time frame, say 10 minutes, take a set weight on an exercise that you can do 8 reps with -250lbs on deadlift as an example, do as many sets of 5 in the time frame. Record it and do better next workout.  To try and make it more clear in this short time frame: you get 4 sets in 10 minutes simply you can go for 5, or add 10lbs and get 4 more or just get 1 more rep [ one thing I do is if I cant get 5 reps toward the end I do 4 then 3 then 2, etc add all the reps up times I by the weight and try and get a higher rep per minute next workout]….phew
Where was I ….
Oh the WOD thing, WOD is what either pulls people in or pushes them away it seems. Why cant you do both???
Take this as an example you want to work on your kettlebell snatch, you do a 10 minute EDT of Snatches, then finish it it up with a WOD. This works both arguments and gets a fullbody session in.
This what I’ve been doing not even realizing it I’ve always been playing both sides.
Really is there a bad workout if it gets people moving [SAFELY]?

My shoulder is getting frustrating, but I’m moving . I’m doing sort of what I just mentioned but I’m doing Tai Cheng with it, I do the mobility warm-up then my workout then the Tai Chi as a cooldown. If your interested in more you can contact me or click on the links in this post or on the right.
Here is my next workout, please let me know what you think.
Oh yeah for September I want to do 10K Swings!!!!

5-3-1 Front Squats
10 minute EDT Snatches
Swings –Tabatas


10 minute EDT Jerks
Core finisher


5-3-1 Trap-bar Deadlift

Bootcamp/ TaiCheng

Friday, July 20, 2012

Shoulder Update

Never really got to do the workout I posted, found I have a complete tear right at the bone of the supraspinatus and a partial tear in the biceps brachii long head. Surgery is still an option and it will be revisited after physical therapy, and that is taking a lot out of my shoulders.
So what I did was I purchased a front squat harness to distribute the weight better on my shoulder and am doing the 12 week Front Squat Program which has me doing front squats Monday & Friday. On Wednesday I’ve been doing a 10 minute EDT block of double kettlebell jerks, not full out in the beginning but getting there now. I follow that with a metabolic circuit which I vary each workout.

I do, do some snatches on my Friday workout, but they seem to be the most problem since I’ve been doing the PT.

One of my favorite metabolic workouts have been incline dumbell press, pull-ups, farmer walks and swings. I do 30 seconds on the press, & pull-ups, farmer walks up & down driveway , swings for 30 seconds,rest until pulse drops @20-30 beats, repeat 2-3 times

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Plan of Action

Plan of Action

So I was away from the blog for a while due to my “regular” job and injury. My injury is to my right shoulder I have “Chonic Tendon something or other” and 2 tears [one complete] in my rotator cuff.
Originally I was told to stop working out, I couldn’t because of my IKFF level 2 cert, but I couldn’t get it done due to the pain, so I’ve rested now. I had and MRI, went to an orthopedic doctor,  he said I don’t need surgery “NOW” but will revisit it in @4 months. He gave me a cortisone shot and said I can get back to working out, easing into it over 4-5 weeks. I asked if there were any restrictions to my workouts and he said no.
I also need to go to PT.

I want to get the level 2 cert videoed but I want to do this right, and heal properly. 

This is what I plan on starting off with, I will use lighter weights in the beginning, and increase as my shoulder gets stronger
Let me know what you think.

Warm-up Mobility Everyday
Squats  - Work up to 3 sets -10/10/AMRAP
Leg Curls 3x10-12
15 minute EDT I arm KB Clean and Press – Reverse Ladders [3-2-1] 1st week with weight I can do 8-10 reps then increase the weight as my shoulder gets stronger, this will be the same with all KB work
Run or KB Swing Tabatas

Dbl KB Jerk 15 minute EDT 24kg start with sets of 5…
Try benching and rowing??? {Chest and Back}
Run or Row

Thursday – long run

Trap Bar Deadlift – 8-3
KB Snatch 15 Minute EDT Reverse Ladder {4-3-2-1}

***** As strength comes back will also add fun lifts before cardio , ex. 2 Hands Anyhow, TGUs, Atlas Stones, Sandbags….etc *****

Monday, April 09, 2012

Aprils workout - IKFF Certification in Hoboken NJ

Hello, hope everyone is having great workouts!
Been trying to get my running up but nagging injuries are slowing me down.
Below is my latest workout revision, you’ll notice I’m practicing Dbl KB Jerks & Snatches [single kb] every workout, this is due to Level 2 IKFF cert in May 18th -20th {AMRAP=  as many reps as possible] There are slotsavailable for level 1 &2 in Hoboken NJ click here for more information.
Just to get this out there as well as being CKT and ISSA [VERY soon as soon as I finish my test] I am also a trained health coach inquire for more information.
Bench 3-2-1
Cardio Divide
Dbl KB Jerk  & Snatches AMRAP
-          28k

 Strength Conditioning


Trapbar Deadlift 10 minutes

Cardio Divide

Dbl KB Jerk  & Snatches AMRAP
-          20k

Pushups/Pullups 7 minutes

Core finisher


Squats [20 rep]
Dbl KB Jerk  & Snatches AMRAP

TGU 10 minutes

Cardio  Divide

Sandbag or KB or Combo drills

Let me know what you think of this workout!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Metabolic Resistance Training Bootcamps Explained

By Mike Whitfield, CTT, and Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Co-Authors, TT Metabolic Resistance Training Bootcamps

Bootcamps have come a long way, and the days of running laps
over and over are dwindling away.  You already know that
metabolic resistance training (MRT) is the hottest method to
use with clients and campers to strip fat off in less time.

But how do you incorporate MRT into a Bootcamp setting, and
how do you know if you have a good workout program designed?

A Structured and Professionally Designed Program

Every once in a while, it is certainly fun to throw together
some fun exercises and just work hard.  But if you do that
day in and day out, you and your clients could be asking for
an overuse injury.

That's why a thought-out, well-designed program is important
to use with your campers so that they get the best results in
minimum time, all while avoiding overuse injuries.

The Layout

The workouts should be laid out in superset or circuit fashion
with non-competing exercises so that you can produce more work
in less time.

People want to lose fat and not have to be at your location
for an hour and a half.

For example, you would do a Bodyweight Bulgarian Squat, then
immediately Close-Grip Pushups.  Your lower body rests while
doing an upper body exercise and vice versa.

Strength Training - When and Why

Many bootcamps make this mistake - they do a lot of cardio
moves early on, like running or sprints, and then expect their
campers to bust out pushup after pushup.  Or worse, there is
no strength training component at all.

The strength part of a bootcamp workout should be done at the
beginning after the warm-up, when their muscles are ready to
work, but fresh.  This allows better effort for your campers
and better results.

What Exercises to Use

Big, compound movements burn more calories and get your campers
better and faster transformations.  A variety of pushups (some
you may not have even heard), lunges, rows and jumping movements
should be utilized to keep your campers engaged and excited.

You can also incorporate different methods to give your campers
the "Wow!"experience, including the 90% method, 1-1/2 rep style
and more. These are fun gems you can use to keep your campers
coming back for more great workouts.

The 3 Keys to a Solid MRT Bootcamp Workout

We already talked about strength training and how it is missing
or misplaced in a lot of bootcamps.  But another key to use in
your workouts is conditioning.  You can typically use a circuit
of bodyweight movements with little rest (30 seconds to 1 min)
that will skyrocket your client's conditioning.

They will appreciate that when they can go up and down the
stairs easily.

Finally, the metabolic finisher and/or intervals - When most
people think of intervals, they think of treadmills or bikes.

But you can actually perform intervals just using bodyweight
exercises or moves like KB Swings.

The metabolic finisher is usually a superset or circuit with
a variety of reps and sets with heart-pounding moves like
Burpees, Swings, Pushups and more.  They use incomplete recovery
with very short periods.  They finish off your campers, revving
their metabolism all day long.

The Most Important Thing to Remember - Timed Sets

The one thing that could make or break your bootcamp is using
specific reps rather than timed sets.  For example, you tell
your campers to perform 15 Bodyweight Squats.  That might be
the perfect amount of reps for some, while others will struggle
getting that many.  For advanced people, that might be too easy.

That's why you want to use timed sets.  By asking your campers
to perform 30 seconds of Bodyweight Squats, everyone can do
what they can in that time, allowing people of all fitness
levels to benefit.

Have Fun With Your Workouts

Any bootcamp workout is fun when you use some kind of camper
interaction. This could be allowing one of the campers call
the shots, or having your campers partner up for shadow drills,
and more.  The TT MRT bootcamp workouts utilize this strategy
throughout the manual.

Be Unique

By offering your unique energy and enthusiasm, you will have
campers coming back.  You should even use unique exercises to
keep the workouts fresh and exciting, like:

Spiderman Climb with a Reach
Total Body Extension
Plank to Triceps Extension (crushes the triceps with bodyweight only)
And more...

These unique exercises and more are built right into the
done-for-you workouts.

Have fun, be safe, and bring the energy.

You'll save $30 this week only during the program release sale.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Best Fat Loss Tips

The Best Fat Loss Tips

Fat Loss Rules To Live By 
By Kevin DiDonato MS,  CSCS, CES

Diet, exercise and sleep are sure fire ways to help you lose weight and keep it off.

However, today there is more information available to you for weight loss, that sometimes you can get overwhelmed.

We have made it easy for you to lose weight and keep it off.

Here are 7 simple fat loss rules to help you lose weight and change your body forever!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Where is the time going?

I’ve been busy with new job [still], I guess I am lucky to have that problem in this economy.
I do have my current work-out.Where it says “support work” I may do extra work to support the strength work preceding it, for example on a chest day may do some tricep work. The Dual threat synergy is a workout by Josh Henkin and Troy Anderson, [available on link on the right “Ultimate Sandbag”] I’ll do that when I work out at home at the gym I’ll do some kind of “WOD”. Fridays I’ll be working towards my IKFF level 2 certificaton.  There is a level 1 &2 cert in Hoboken, NJ-5/18-20 if anyone is interested click on the above IKFF banner and go toevents, see you there.{or here}

Bench 5-3-1
2 Minute Cardio Divide
Support Work
2 Minute Cardio Divide
Dual Threat Synergy {WOD}

Deadlift 5-3-1
2 Minute Cardio Divide
Support Work
2 Minute Cardio Divide
Dual Threat Synergy

Biathlon – Jerk and Snatches
20 Rep Squat
 2 Minute Cardio Divide
Dual Threat Synergy

ALSO anyone planning on doing a Spartan Race in the U.S. use this code for $15 off - NJSRT002


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fight Back Against Athritis Pain

Fight Back Against Athritis Pain: "Tiny Fighters For Inflammation In Your Body

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Inflammation could affect many different areas in your body.

According to research, inflammation can lead to cognitive decline, dementia, increased pain associated with PMS, and increased pain associated with arthritis.

Now, some research suggests, that krill oil could lower inflammation, which could lower pain and improve different aspect of your life.

Let me explain…"

'via Blog this'

Monday, January 16, 2012

Vitamin D and Calcium and Fat Loss

Vitamin D and Calcium and Fat Loss: "Vitamin D And Calcium. POTENT Fat Fighters.

By Kevin DiDonato MS, CSCS, CES

Are you fat, tired and unhappy with your appearance?

When you look in the mirror, do you see a protruding belly and NO SIX pack abs?

Have you tried everything from exercise to eating right- all to no avail?

What may be happening is this: you may be lacking essential nutrients in your diet which may INCREASE your fat burning potential.

But more importantly if you find yourself overweight, you may some deadly tissue growing inside your body.

And it may be wrapping itself around your organs"...READ MORE

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Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Change = Chaos

I changed jobs recently and I thought being it would be steady days for the 1st few months I’d have more time to work out and write----wrong!

I’ve had a lot less time to do both, but sadly tried to continue my workouts, which led to overtraining. This of course lead to weakened immune system, burnout, bad sleep patterns, etc. So I’ve backed off the training, somewhat forced due to the flue. As fate would happen I received an email about a book “5-3-1” by Jim Wendler, which was so appropriate for my situation. It is a minimalist approach to making strength gains, doing 4 lifts, squat, deadlift, bench, and press. Of course as I am feeling better I will be making it my own 5-3-1 +KB sport+ fullbody strength conditioning, but this time mindful of overtraining. {There are several options with 5-3-1 program that include fullbody, cross training, etc, in the Ebook version}
So far my rough version of a workout looks like this:
 - 5-3-1
 - (2) 1 minute sets either of Kettlebell Jerks or snatches. I will alternate doing snatches on upper body days, and jerks on lower body days, this right here giving me a fullbody workout.
 - Strength conditioning

The strength condition will vary at first, but I will settle on 4 workouts so I have a way of marking my progress, either timing how long it takes me to complete a workout or density sets, or distance.
I’ll post my final, if it can ever be called final, version of this workout as I fix it up.

Being it is a new year, some of my fitness goals this year to do an obstacle run, signed up for  a Spartan Sprint in June, enter a Kettlebell competition this year, possibly another ½ marathon or 2,even though after my last one I said I was finished. Notice I didn’t say lose weight. I did gain some being sick and want to lose it, but I’ve learned if you do something like the items I mentioned above, the training for them will force you to get in shape and lose weight. It is sometimes [ some will say always]better to do it this way. Find an event and train for it. Buy new clothes and train to make them fit. Always tell supportive people about your plans, someone that will guide you on your journey.

Until next time ….soon…