I did something I haven't done in a while, I joined a gym. I actually joined @ June, but it didn't open until last month. I figure I'll go there 2 times a week and my garage gym the same. The reason I joined was to get out of the garage and interact with others, plus with Retro Fitness it is only @$20 a month! There have been a few things to get used to like, some people have no gym
etiquette. For example I was doing seated presses on this cool bench [it was low to the ground making it easier to rack the
dumbbells] when this guy sits on the bench next to me and starts banging into my elbows. He had a bewildered look on his face when I asked why he couldn't wait or move his bench over. Things I think are common sense just are not. It is a new gym with some people who have never been in a gym, so patience is needed on my behalf. Overall it is a pretty good gym. Good equipment and atmosphere, and I really like the movie room with
cardio equipment.
I did have a pet peeve experience the other day. My workout time is normally 35-45 minutes, I don't BS much while I'm working out. If I'm working with someone I'll talk, but overall it isn't social time at that moment. When I started working out, the other day I seen this person who has been in there most of the times I've been in there. We exchanged greetings and I went about my business. I finished my workout and he commented on how ineffective it had to be because I was done in 40 minutes. I snickered and he wanted to know whats so funny, so I pointed out that he would be done just as quickly if he wasn't so busy
talking on the phone [why do people need to do this while working out?????????] and socializing. I
challenged him to give

it a try next time. He seemed upset but also I think he knew I was correct, we will see.
Until next time...
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