Wednesday, January 30, 2008


After my post "Home Gym" on 1/22/08, I was going to write on how to do "Hindu Squats" today but as luck would have it John Wood, of bodyweightbasics.com sent the following email- thanks John!!

Hi Thomas,

I mentioned Hindu squats in a recent email and to change
things up a bit, decided to add them back in to my program.

It was a good idea and one of the other great advantages that
Hindu squats have over other forms of squatting that I
neglected to mention earlier is that the involvement of the
arms means more muscle is worked, and therefore will
increase the potential conditioning benefits to an appreciable

Also, at the top of the movement you can stretch and really
focus on opening up your chest as you breath which is
another great advantage.

As for my form, I like to maintain a more upright posture and
keep my knees over my feet moreso than the traditionally
taught method.

My fingertips brush the ground on each rep, - I was doing them
in the snow and you could see the two grooves on either side
of my footprints.

Also, its very important to have a guttural "breath" on the
upswing which not only strengthens the lungs but the abs
as well.

Yes, the breathing is a very important part of this exercise.

The great thing about Hindu Squats is that you can make
them as challenging as you want - a set of just 50 can put
be easy as pie or put you on the floor depending on how
you do them.

Try em and youll see.

Train hard,
John Wood

P.S. If you still dont have a copy, Id recommend grabbing
your own Combat Conditioning book where youll find all
kinds of info on Hindu Squats and 50 other great bodyweight

Combat Conditioning


22 TO GO!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Warrior Diet | Strength, Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Fitness Training

Ori Hofmekler, author of the Warrior Diet, will be having a online radio show staring 1/30/08, check it out and sign up for his newsletter

Warrior Diet Strength, Health, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Fitness Training

7 Ways To Get Motivated For Your Workout

By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Trainig

There will be days (everyday?) when you don't feel like doing your workout.
Sometimes you don't want to get out of bed.
Sometimes you don't want to leave your office because you feel like there are too many deadlines (but this is when you need a workout the most!).
Sometimes you don't want to end story time with the kids only to head down to the basement gym.
It even happens to me.
But I knew how I'd feel like a million bucks after the workout.
And in the end, I know I can't let myself become "soft" and start skipping workouts. I have to lead by example.
But if you are set on achieving a goal, then when it's workouttime, come heck or high water you've got to bear down and do the job.
So here are 7 ways to get motivated for your workout and to get you inspired to get through your workout.

1) Reward yourself. Finish your workout and treat yourself to a magazine, a TV show, some extra time with your family, some new songs for your IPOD, or even a little extra time for yourself.

2) Or set up a punishment for missing workouts. Skip the workout, put $20 into a jar to spend on home repairs. Make sure your spouse controls the jar.

3) Review your goals everyday and every night. Keeping your goals fresh in your mind will help you stay on track.

4) Realize that the hardest part of the workout is often getting your butt to the gym. Once you get 5 minutes into the workout, you will be over the hump. So tell yourself, "I'll just go in and do 1 set of the first 2 exercises, then I can go". Next thing you know, you'll have done the entire workout.

5) Visualize yourself doing a great workout and finishing strong. Get yourself mentally prepared and you will literally have better workouts each time.

6) Crank the tunes. Seriously, nothing motivates like music.

7) Get social support. If you have a workout partner, you'll feel like crap if you let them down. Or become accountable to everyone in the Turbulence Training workout forums...if you don't post your workouts, they'll track you down and demand to know why you've fallen off track! So online or offline, get everyone on your side!

Now get out there and kick the fat to the curb,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I had somehow let my "IronMan" subscription run out after having it for ++15 years! After finally straightening it out, and reinstating my subscription I was thumbing through the latest "IronMan" magazine, and I noticed there seems to be alot of recycling of articles/pictures there, must be the whole "green" thing. Granted I do enjoy the obvious ones like reprints of Arnold interviews but some of the other stuff not so much. I really do like the newer stuff, training and nutritional info is still tops.
I wanted to touch on pre-workout supplementation, there are alot of recommendations out there. Fat burners, protein [shakes,pills, bars, etc], NOx increasers, secret potions....
There is also the school of thought that training on an empty stomach is best. The empty stomach works well for burning fat, but some can not work out on an empty stomach. I like to workout on an almost empty stomach. What is an empty stomach, if you work out 1st thing when you wake up your stomach is empty. Or at least 2 hours after a meal, more if you just sit on your but during that time. I used to take fat burners or energy pills. I now have been taking NOx Xplode by BSN. It gives energy plus a pump. I just mix 3 scoops @30-40 minutes prior to my work-out and I am good to go
NO-Xplode - Muscle Builder of the Year

If you are looking to save money on supplements and mix/make your own, try "Homemade Supplement Secrets". It not only tells you the ingredients, it gives you information behind the reason for each one and where to purchase them.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Home Gym

How do you "build" your own home gym?
You have to take in a few factors, then prioritize them.
-Goals: Decide if you want a space for conditioning, power lifting, bodybuilding, etc
-Space: how much, or how little space do you have?
-Budget: $$$$, again how much or how little
I built, Way I feel, is a nice home gym in my garage, but it took a few years to get there. I bought a little bit at a time, and I am still adding. See photos.

If you are short on space and cash there are 2 ways to start, that I'd recommend.

1. Body weight work-outs, you can do them in your living room, yard, basement, anywhere.
2. Kettlebells, you can start out small and grow as you do. Also you really do not need a heavy bell unless that is part of you goals [If you are buying some bells and would like some information, I have some files I can share with you, just let me know]

If you have the budget and space you can get a power rack, free weights, dumbells, etc, all at your own pace. Just remember what makes you happy won't always please others, it is your home gym.

23 to go!!

Friday, January 18, 2008


If you are looking for information on burning fat from your body while gaining muscle, here is a webinar with LIMITED seats left starting Monday 1/21/08, Check it ou now!!!

Study explains how protein keeps hunger at bay - Yahoo! News

Study explains how protein keeps hunger at bay - Yahoo! News

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Diets high in protein may be the best way to keep hunger in check, U.S. researchers said on Thursday in a study that offers insight into how diets work.


Thursday, January 17, 2008


Tabata Intervals are names for research from a study conducted by Dr. Izumi Tabata and his research colleagues. The study was published in the journal, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. A Tabata Interval consists of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest. The cycle is repeated 8 times, for a total of 4 minutes, that is 1 cycle. After only 6 weeks of training like this, [doing 1 cycle] Dr. Tabata noticed a 28% increase in the anaeorbic capacity in the athletes. Tabata intervals are also very effective for fat loss. This type of interval training will raise metabolic rate for several hours after the workout session is completed. You will continue to burn fat several hours throughout the day. A Tabata I like to do is as follows:
Cycle 1 –hitting the heavy bag
Cycle 2 – Hindu squats
Cycle 3 - hitting the heavy bag
Cycle 4 – kettlebell swings
This is an intense interval workout which has the advantage of taxing both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems.

See the Specials of the Week at Bodybuilding.com!

Master Cleanse Lemonade Cleanse/Diet

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Don't miss out on the great bonus opportunities available with Nononsense and Fit Yummy Mummy. Tons of great items, DVD, Planners, Cds, etc....Don't forget your resolutions!!!

26 to go !!!!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008


41 lbs of muscle in six months?

I know that subject line may sound impossible... and to skinny guys or gals
it may sound like a dream that requires drugs...
You should also know, that for the next 72 hours,Vince DelMonte No Nonsense Muscle Building is running a New Years promo which includes three AMAZING bonus gifts (that will be removed Wednesday January 16 th at midnight):
Bonus #1 - The brand new No Nonsense Muscle Building DVD shipped right to your door step - 60 minutes of Vince - super ripped, huge and strong teaching you his entire program in person. This will be sold for $47 (plus shipping and handling) after the promo. Go to his website to check out the 60 second trailer!
Bonus #2 - Three Months FREE to his No Nonsense Muscle Building Zone. A brand new private members site that will be launched in March. Membership will be $197 a year if you don't reserve your seat before the promo ends.
Bonus #3 - Digital CD's and transcripts to his 2008 Bodybuilding Teleseminar Series: Uncensored Interrogations Of The World's Biggest Experts On Building Muscle. In a few weeks Vince will be interviewing Chad Waterbury, Jon Benson, Charles Staley, Mike Mahler, John Berardi, Jeff Anderson, Eric Cressey, Bill Hartman, Mike Robertson, Hugo Rivera, Eric Carlson, Nick Nillson, Christoper Guerriero and more. This product will be $97 to own once it's recorded in February but you can reserve your own copy until Wednesday at midnight.
Total Value of these extra bonuses is $341 (real world value)!!!

Busy women… New Year, New Body in only 90 Minutes Per Week!!!!

Holly Rigsby, busy mom's fat loss expert, is a busy mom herself. She knows first hand, the obstacles moms face when it comes to finding the time to get eat right and exercise. That is why she created The Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System. The body you've desired can be yours, and in less time than you've always thought necessary.Make this the year you finally succeed!
When you combine the Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System along with these 5 limited-time bonuses Holly is only offering for the next 3 days, you are guaranteed to experience a brand new body thanks to all the inches you'll lose, the pounds you'll shed, and the energy you'll gain all in a matter of weeks! Just take a look at the bonus package she's put together to guarantee your success:
1 Online menu planner
2 Fool Proof Nutrition Guide for the Fit Yummy Mummy and Child
3 The Busy Mom's Easy Guide to Finding the Perfect Pair of Jeans
4 Baby Got Butt -12 Weeks To An Amazing Butt
5 Fit Yummy Mummy VIP 21 Day Coaching Program
All this plus the 10 bonuses that come with the program!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy Belated New Years

Happy Belated New Years!!!
So I started my quest to lose 40 by 4/1/08. I started off with a cleansing/detox/flushing, whatever you want to call it. I was going to try the “Lemonade Diet” as recommended by my chiropractor but did not receive the information in time on how to do it, so maybe next time. Instead I used “Detoxatrim” based on another recommendation, started Sunday night and I am coming back to normal gradually. I will be following the “Warrior Diet” to continue losing. The 24 hours were the hardest as far as hunger. Tuesday was good, energy was actually up! Today I’m starting to feed again fruits, and salad. Tomorrow some protein. Then on to the diet, I will be using Turbulence Training For Fat Loss with some modifications. By that I simply mean I’ll be exchanging exercises for ones I can do at the gym or in my garage, and I will be adding 1 set on the first superset. Also on Saturdays I will work on my goal of getting 10 clean and presses with the 40kg bells, at the same time.
I was given an interesting idea for interval training from Bud Jeffries [join his newsletter at http://strongerman.com/index.html ] If you played some football you may remember doing Green Bay Sprints, these are similar but with a nasty twist! Take a kettlebell to a field do 10 swings, sprint 10 yards, do 10 push-ups, jog back, rest as little as needed. Then do 20, 30, 40….as much as you can, then do more the next time. What I’m going to do is limit my time to 15 minutes start with 10 the 1st time and see how it goes. If it is too easy next time I’ll start with 20, and so on. If I have time left I’ll just go back, [40,30, 20, 10]

I just finished Mike Mahler’s newest DVD “The Boys Are Back In Town” [over 7 hours of information] all I can say is if you want to buy 1 informative training DVD this year, this is by far the one!!! Here is who is on it:
Steve Cotter: Russian Professional Kettlebell System and Chi-Kung
Mike Mahler: Power Kettlebell Training and Optimizing Hormones
Steve Maxwell: Joint Mobility and Kettlebell Core Training
Nate Morrison: Performance Breathing for Kettlebells and Beyond

Last year was the The Staley/Tsatsouline Strength Seminar DVD. In 08 it is “The Boys Are Back In Town”
Any questions please ask
30 to go!!!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Gaols and Turbulence Training Tranformation Contest+ BONUSES!!

Maybe this will help motivate some with weight loss goals! [I know I am entering]
12-Week Transformation Contest.

Just like Body for Life, only better, because it is Turbulence Training.

I have put together some incredible prizes...

Grand Prize - $2000 & a 3-year Platinum TT Membership

Second Place - $1000 & a 2-year Platinum TT Membership

Third Place - $500 & a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership

Here are the rules:

1) You must have purchased Turbulence Training and used the TT programs to achieve your results.

2) You must keep a training journal in the Turbulence Training Membership forum (don't forget, you get 3 months free access to the Turbulence Training Membership site when you order Turbulence Training).

3) You must post before and after photos in your training journal in the TT Membership section.

4) The TT Transformation Contest runs from Nov. 26th to April 15th. All transformations must start and finish during this time period. Therefore, you could start as soon as today (which I hope you do!) or as late as January 21st...but I know you won't wait that long!

5) Each client has 12 weeks to complete their transformation. Photos must be taken on Day 1 and Day 84.

6) The Transformation Contest will be judged by a panel of experts, including but not restricted to: Craig Ballantyne, Brad Pilon, and Holly Rigsby.

7) In addition to providing Before & After Photos, each contestant must write a 300 word essay on their before and after success story.

Don't Forget the Bonuses!