Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. Mine was good, had to work, but it was good none the less.
When I got to the gym on Monday I noticed most of the people were working harder then normal, which got me to thinking, so I figure I'll share this. If you are following a good routine, and you have one [or a few] bad days, you should be alright. Especially if you continue with your routine.I have seen in the past people over doing it it after over doing it and they just seem to burn out and quit. This is true with the New Year's resolutions too. So get a good routing and work that routine. A few blips along the way wont hurt you, they might even revitalize you!
I was trying to answer a question on Yahoo Answers for a person who wanted to know how he can increase his benc. I feel I could help that person, or any person with that question. Here is the thing if you ask a question like that give some information, like the routine you are doing, experience level, any sticking points, etc. He did say he was working out 3x a week, but is he doing a fullbody workout each time? If so that can be done if you mix up the exercises, for example Chest: Day 1 - Flat Bench and/or flys, Day 2 - Dips and/or declines, Day 3 - Incline Bench and/or flies.. Recovery ability is another issue, one you have to judge for yourself.
NOTE: Turbulance Training is running a Transformation Contest, here are the prizes
Grand Prize: $2000 + 3-Year Platinum TT Membership
2nd Prize: $1000 + 2-Year Platinum TT Membership
3rd Prize: $500 + 1-Year Platinum TT Membership
If you have any workout questions ----ASK!
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