Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Are you going to lose weight, gain muscle, lift this, make that, become a ___ ..,again this year? Yes it is that time of year again for you to make your “New Year’s Resolution”. Did you make any last year? How many? How many did you keep? How many did you honestly try and accomplish?
I personally had a list of 10. Three of them [business goals] were inter-related and also partially relied on help of my “mentor”, I did not reach them with out giving a load of excuses. On a good note, as the saying goes when one door closes another opens, so I will set new ones this year, with at least one new business! Out of the other 7, 4 were made, 1 still is in progress, 1 was changed, and I completely forgot the last one, until now.
In the past I have spoke about “S.M.A.R.T.” Goals so I’ll just tell you what they are:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, & Timely

This year I will give a sort of road map on how you can create your goals and plan on completing them.

1st. What is the goal you are looking t accomplish the end result? Be Specific.
-For example I would like to clean and press my 105lb kettlebell 10x with each arm. Now as that is written it is ok. To make it better I will say by July 1st, 2009

2nd. Why do you want to accomplish this goal, for what purpose?
-Now why would I want to C&P a 105lb kettlebell 10x? The 1st thing that comes to mind is because I can not do it now. The 2nd reason is the process of getting from where I am, [I can do it @3x ea side], to the final goal point will result in better conditioning, and sense of well being.
3rd How are you going to do this what methods will you use to reach your milestone?
- With this example of a goal it is quite straight forward, keep a journal of my workouts to keep track of progress and include C&P at least once a week

Those 3 steps a pretty straight forward, right? Now you can easily keep track of your goals in a journal or if you use the above method you can use Microsoft project or some kind of project software.
Another important thing to do is share your goals, with someone, this will help with accountability and not allow you to forget about them.
I also just read that people are more apt to complete fitness goals if there is money or a prize involved, so I will post transformation contest information for you as I get them
You can try programs like one of my favorites Dax Moy’s “Magic 100”
I will post my goals as I come up with them

Saturday, December 27, 2008


3 quick questions:

1. Are you a guy or do you know one close to you over the age of 35?

2. Have you or he looked at your/his bare chest lately?

3. If so... did you see them?

...The dreaded...."Manboobs"?

Obviously if you are female this is not an issue. But for us men, "gynaecomastia", often jokingly referred to as manboobs (we can thank "Seinfeld" for that) is anything but funny. From this point on, I'll refer to it as "MB" if that's okay by you.

MB is not an age thing.

It can occur at almost any time in life. However, for those of us over 35, it is more common. This is just one of the many symptoms of "andropause", or "male menopause."

When you age your testosterone levels decline...and more than that the testosterone gets "weaker" due to an imbalance between it and estrogen.

When you combine that with our modernized "estrogen-rich" environment that Dr. Holly Lucille frequently lectures on, you have a problem.

A big MB problem.MB is associated with lack of drive (you know what I'm talking about guys) and excess bellyfat due to the estrogen.

Even more serious: Excess estrogen has been positively linked to prostate cancer.

Yep. MBs are not so funny after all. Check out Dr. Lucille's NaturaPause Audios. There is an entire audio dedicated to male menopause and natural solutions that really work.

Most do not work worth a darn.

Hers does.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Have you ever expected to be able to do a specific workout, then you get to the gym and there are people using the equipment you needed to use for your workout. How dare they use your equipment!!! This happened to me the other day, the gym was not packed but it seemed everyone was using or doing what I had wanted to do. At first I was frustrated, pissed, to say the least. Then I thought about one of my previous posts in which I wrote about there not being a bad workout. So I went back in the locker room, sat on a bench and just envisioned all the different workouts I have in my head and created another for the day. It wound up being a great workout!

UPSET – some prevention
What causes “upsets” in our life?
There are basically 3 things that cause upsets, so if you can limit these 3 items you can help reduce the stress in your life.
1. Miscommunication – be clear and specific when you talk to someone eliminate vagueness
Ex. If you intend to meet someone don’t say @4pm, be specific say at 4pm, because @ 4pm could mean 4:45 to some people.
2. Too high expectations – be realistic
Ex. If you are 50lbs over weight do not expect to lose it in 4 months, you did not gain it that quick
3. Unforseen events, some times this is the hardest to limit
Ex. You plan to be some where at noon, you leave in plenty of time, but there is a major accident and the road is blocked you are on…

Reducing the Stress
So how can we reduce or manage [RELAX] the stress that does occur? This is a great topic for one of those round table, white board, discussions where there are no wrong answers, you just throw answers out there. So here are a few that came up in one I was at. These may have something in common see if you see it.
1. Screaming – this does create a sense of relaxation when you are done.
2. Attack the problem causing the stress – this can cause more stress while doing it but when you are finished the root cause is gone.
3. Workout – maybe not so relaxing when you are doing it but when you are done, you may feel very relaxed
4. Sex – almost like #3 above, but it should be a lot more enjoyable while doing it
5. Meditation – this is a great one but can also be very frustrating when you are 1st learning how to do it. Take some classes. Also Bill Harris at Centerpoint has developed a sort of Meditation for dummies [which I use] and the have a FREE CD showing what it is all about – Get Your Free Centerpoint Meditation CD here!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Click here for more information on Art of Strength

What have we done wrong?
There’s been a bit of a restoration going on at Punch Kettlebell Gym over the past couple of weeks. Long hours are being spent fixing, polishing and building, all in an effort to bring old back to new and I’m proud to say with some blood, sweat and tears our members are getting the job done. I know it seems harsh to put our members to work this way but trust me they’re better off for it and none of them seem to mind. This restoration that I’m speaking of is not necessarily being done to the gym rather it’s being done at the gym, see, we’ve decided to restore fitness itself. I think we can all agree that gone are the days of isolation movements, that’s something we tore apart about 5 or 6 years ago, lets face it, unless you find yourself in a profession where it’s necessary to push a 225 pound object off your chest on a daily basis what good is the bench press anyway. Do three sets of leg extensions really make you fit?...leg curls? Where did we go wrong? Arthur Saxon, in 1910, was photographed lifting 334lbs over his head…one handed, Arthur Saxon weighed 204lbs. Somewhere along the way, from that moment in 1910, to the present there has been a great disconnect as to what physical fitness really is. What has become of weight lifting and why is it now called body building? If you walk into a gym, sit on a bench and bang out 3 sets of chest presses followed by 3 sets of incline presses topped off with a few sets of flies trust me you’re not weight lifting – you’re body building. And listen carefully, if you walk out of the gym thinking you’ve just gotten a workout because your hairline is slightly damp with perspiration you’re most certainly in denial, and this is the part that I need you to pay attention to…YOU…ARE NOT…FIT....READ THE REST OF THE STORY AND CHECK OUT THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS 1 DAY DEALS!!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and a powerful day after workout!
I just finished @2 months of the advanced 7 Minute Muscle Workout. The results are amazing. Doing the advanced you realize that not only is strength important to this workout but so is conditioning. Besides the fact that I gained visible muscle, I will give one example of the gains I made. Now I was working out 3 days a week doing 2 body parts a day except Wednesday, which was legs [thighs and hams---sounds like Thanksgiving dinner], and doing cardio after wards and was done in LESS then 35 minutes each day!! Fridays I did shoulders, in the 5 minute section of the shoulder workout I started out doing single arm kettlebell presses with #70 bells for 22 reps each arm in the time frame. Yesterday was my last workout and, I did 23 reps each arm with #88 bells! That’s roughly about a 30% increase in weight lifted in the 5 minute frame!!!! This 30% number just shows a strength gain, but it also is an endurance gain!! I am positive I could have done the same amount of reps prior to this but NOT in 5 minutes. Will this work for you? I believe it will. Will your results be the same? Well that I do not know, but you will make progress if you follow the workout. Just a note I am 45, and do not strictly eat healthy 100% of the time. Give the 7 Minute Workout a try….

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have been having a hard time writing lately. I have many items in my head just haven’t put the “pen to the paper” so to speak.
So are you ready to over indulge? I am J ! Hey it is not something you do all the time so do not dwell to much on it. If you are following a good diet like “EatStopEat” you have no worries. Better yet think of the GREAT workout you WILL have on Friday, with all that potential energy in your system, once you can get off you ass that is…hahaha [this does not include “Black Friday shopping].
Here is a compound exercise you can try Friday, actually it can be several.
Version 1: Take a kettlebell, or dumbbell, snatch it overhead fully squat down looking up at snatched bell, twisting your torso slightly to the side you are using, come up reversing twist, switch hands repeat as many times as you can in 15 minutes
Version 2: Take a kettlebell, or dumbbell, snatch it overhead, bring it down to your shoulder then press it back over head, fully squat down looking up at snatched bell, twisting your torso slightly to the side you are using, come up reversing twist, switch hands repeat as many times as you can in 15 minutes
Version 3: Do a Burpee, [squat thrust] come up, grab a kettlebell, or dumbbell, snatch it overhead, bring it down to your shoulder then press it back over head, fully squat down looking up at snatched bell, twisting your torso slightly to the side you are using, come up reversing twist, switch hands repeat as many times as you can in 15 minutes
One of the above should help burn some of the calories you put in for energy!

Warrior Diet / Defense Nutrition is having a “Black Friday” sale 11/28/08 check it out

Dragon door has 2 new training DVDs

Busy Beyond Belief? Then Gulp Down This "Exercise Power-Snack"—for a Fast, Fun and Above All SATISFYING Workout Experience!

Quick Results Kettlebell Workout Franz and Yoana Snideman, RKC Team Leaders DVD 39 Minutes Item #DV060 $29.95


Get Rid of Your Fat Forever—In as Little as 12 Minutes a Day!
"As she lay on the ground drenched in sweat she looked from me to her kettlebell and stared at it in wonder! Like Ponce De Leon and the fountain of youth finally united!" —Brian Clark Greeley, Iraq (see full story below.)

The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells Lauren Brooks, RKC II DVD 80 Minutes Item #DV058 $39.99

Both offering a discount if you order by 12/5/08


Friday, November 21, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I am always trying different supplements trying to find a magic bullet so to speak. Protein powders, fat burners, pro-hormones, you name it, I probably tried it. Do you need supplements? Yes, No, Maybe….that can be a subject for a book never mind an article in a blog. Today I am going to talk about pre-workout NOx boosting energy drinks. What is NOx? I’ll tell you this in my regular job, working in a power plant, nitrogen oxide is bad. In the gym it is good, it opens blood vessels allowing more blood to the muscles being worked, reducing fatigue, delivering nutrients, helping with recovery. A lot of supplement companies have found and use different combinations of amino acids and other nutrients to provide this NOx boost and energy increase. I have tried several, I will not name the negative ones just the one I found to work best. {there is one that gets more press but my results with it were inconsistent} The on I use and recommend is “Gaspari Super Pump 250”, this is what worked best for me, you will need to try for yourself, I believe you’ll agree.Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump250, 800 Grams, Blue Raspberry Ice

Also here is what I am working on for my Dec. workout, I’ll write more about that later. Let me know what you think:

Workout A:

Double Squat x5

Double Snatch x5

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Rest 3:00

Renegade Row x5/5

Swing x 12

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Workout B:

See Saw Press x5 per side

Pullup x5

Rest 3:00

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Double Squat x5

Swing x10

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Workout C

Renegade Row x5/5

Snatch x 6 reps per side

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Rest 3:00

Pullup x5

Goblet squat x 5

Workout D:

Swing, Flip and Squat x5 per arm

Row x5 per arm

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Rest 3:00

Burpee & Deadlift combo x5

V-up x5

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why is Craig Ballantyne Giving YOU free DVD's?

Wow, what a shock I received in my email today!

Not only is Craig Ballantyne dishing out one of his most
embarrassing stories, but he's also giving you free DVD's and a
1-Year Platinum TT Membership.

It turns out that just about 15 years ago, Craig was heading down
the wrong path...eating and drinking too much and not working out.

But one day just after Christmas in 1994, Craig stumbled upon a
bodyweight workout that changed his life.

I want you to read the rest of Craig's embarrassing story here:

TT Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution

To mark the anniversary of the turning point in his life, Craig is
launching the Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution,
full of all of his best bodyweight workouts...

PLUS, his NEWEST workout - the TT Hotel Room Workouts that even
include FOLLOW-ALONG workouts for the beginner and intermediate.

It's like having Craig Ballantyne as your personal trainer in the
comfort of your own home!

You'll get instant access to these NEW workouts, but MORE
importantly, he's also going to ship you FREE DVD's of the Hotel
Room Workouts and his most popular bodyweight workouts.

In fact, he's holding a PRE-launch sale for the first 50 copies and
cutting the price by 50 bucks.

This new Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution package

1) DVD's and hardcopy manual of the 6-Month TT Bodyweight Program

2) A DVD and hardcopy manual of my NEW, Never-Seen-Before TT Hotel
Room Workouts (featuring the first ever "follow-along" beginner and
intermediate TT workouts)

3) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 500

4) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 1000

5) Free shipping on all of the above

6) And a Free 1-Year Platinum Turbulence Training Membership

The value of the entire Turbulence Training Bodyweight Fat Burning
Solution is over $1662.89, but the first 50 copies are available in
this Pre-Launch Sale for only $247.

(NOTE: These copies are going so fast since the website went "live"
yesterday that there are only 21 copies remaining at the PRE-release

Grab yours here:

TT Bodyweight Fat Burning Solution

(But the low price and free shipping won't be around for long.)

Turn your life around today,

PS - Don't forget, you'll receive...

1) DVD's and hardcopy manual of the 6-Month TT Bodyweight Program

2) A DVD and hardcopy manual of my NEW, Never-Seen-Before TT Hotel
Room Workouts (featuring the first ever "follow-along" beginner and
intermediate TT workouts)

3) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 500

4) A DVD and hardcopy manual of the TT Bodyweight 1000

5) Free shipping on all of the above

6) And a Free 1-Year Platinum Turbulence Training Membership

This package is worth over $1662.89, but it's yours for only $247...

BUT only 21 copies remain at the PRE-release price of $247!

Monday, November 10, 2008


The Top Fat Loss Secrets for Flat Six-Pack Absan interview by Geovanni Derice with Mike Geary - Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer

I had the pleasure of being interviewed recently by a fitness professional from NYC, Geovanni Derice, of 4evertoned.com. The interview is below and I think you're going to like it...I reveal some of the hardest hitting strategies for getting rid of that stubborn stomach fat to uncover those flat six pack abs that everyone wants.

"GD: Welcome Mike Geary to 4everToned's Fitness Journal. For those who do not know you, please tell us a few things about yourself.
MG: Thanks for having me, Geo. Well, to go back a little, I have been heavily involved in fitness and sports for about 15 years now, ever since I was a teenager. Being involved in sports in high school got me interested in strength training and conditioning. At that point, once I started feeling more energetic, getting stronger, and looking better, I was instantly hooked for life. I'm 30 now and still addicted to the way living a healthy and fit lifestyle makes me feel energetic, confident, strong, and youthful on a daily basis.
I decided earlier in my 20's that I wanted to make the commitment to help other people experience the excitement of being fit and getting in the best shape of their lives, especially since we've reached an epidemic of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, etc. That's why I became a fitness professional. It just gives me so much satisfaction to help others, who have struggled for years to get in good shape, and show them that it can be done, and it can be fun in the process.
I've expanded over the years from just reaching local individuals with personal training, into being able to help people all over the globe achieve their fitness goals with the reach of the internet. I only hope that my passion for fitness inspires people to take action and improve how they look and feel for life.

GD: Now Mike, there's so many things out there as to what works and what does not work...if you had to pick 3 things that work time and time again to get flat abs, what would they be?
MG: The first and most important thing to get control of in order to get flat abs is cleaning up your diet. Exercise is important, but your diet is king when it comes to losing body fat so that you can see your abs.
There's so much confusion these days about what a healthy diet that promotes fat loss really is...after all, we are bombarded by conflicting messages in the media about what is healthy and what is not, and you have all of these gimmicky diet books about low carb, low fat, high protein, vegetarian, fasting, atkins, south beach, liquid diets, and hundreds more. There's so much conflicting info, that the average consumer doesn't even know where to start when it comes to eating for fat loss.
The second thing that works time and time again, is to focus on the intensity of your workouts and focus on working the body as a whole in order to get the best metabolic response to lose that stubborn stomach fat. In order to really get lean, the workouts should have a high intensity, with short rest periods, working the largest muscle groups of the body, instead of trying to isolate specific small muscles like the biceps, triceps, or calves.
For the third thing, let's talk about actually training the abs specifically. When it comes to training the abs, if you want real results, I always recommend forgetting about the crunches and situps for the most part. They are ok for someone that is really deconditioned, but most people that already have some training under their belt need a much better stimulus for their abs than crunches. Crunches are one of the abs exercises that actually provide the least amount of resistance, and remember that resistance is what develops and tones the muscles.
I provide a ton of great abs exercises in my book, but one of THE highest resistance exercises for the abs, is hanging leg raises (but NOT the way you see most people at the gym doing them). The key to doing these and actually working the hell out of your abs is to curl your pelvis up as you raise your legs. Almost nobody ever does this right. To be honest, the majority of people cannot do this at first, but I provide some strategies in my book as to how to progress to doing these correctly.

GD: What are people doing wrong when it comes to developing the coveted "6 pack abs"?
MG: Well Geo, I know this sounds funny to most people, but the MAIN thing that people are doing wrong to get those flat 6-pack abs is...are you ready for this? They spend entirely too much time focusing on training their abs! WAY too much time spent on abs exercises. Sounds crazy, but it's true.
Remember, having a flat and visible six pack of abs is all about getting down to a low body fat percentage. In order to do that, your workouts must focus on stimulating a fat burning hormonal environment in your body, and increasing your metabolic rate. That just does not happen when you focus too much time training a small muscle group like the abs.
Instead, you must use the majority of your time focusing on training the largest muscle groups of the body like the legs, back, and chest. That's what stimulates your metabolism and the fat burning hormones that will get you truly lean and sporting a flat sixxer!

GD: Which exercises are the top exercises that people need to do if they are to get maximum defintion with their midsection?
MG: When it comes to developing the abs themselves, I again refer to any kinds of hanging abs exercises, as well as some good floor abs exercises like lying leg thrusts (all described and illustrated in my book).
However, maximum definition in the abs and midsection comes from losing bodyfat, and the most effective exercises featured in my program for that goal are various forms of swings and snatches (unique dumbbell or kettlebell exercises that almost nobody ever does in normal gyms), squats, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, clean & presses, mountain climbers, sprinting, and other full body exercises and calisthenics. If you want great looking flat abs, focus on those instead of focusing so much on training the abs directly!

GD: When it comes to diet Mike, people really have tried millions of ways to get one thing...and that is fat loss. What recommendations have you used to successfully help your clients lose fat and keep it off?
MG: I have included a fully comprehensive discussion of this topic in my book, which accounts for almost half of the book, but I'll try to make some nice simple generalizations to get people started on the right path immediately. The most important thing is that your diet is as natural and unprocessed as possible. It almost always comes back to the overprocessing of food that makes it unhealthy, and makes it totally wreck your metabolism and hormone balance in your body.
For example, why eat refined grains, when you can eat whole grains. Why eat refined sugar, when you can get natural sources of sugar from a high nutrient whole food like fruit. Why eat highly processed, refined, and hydrogenated vegetable oils (these are THE worst thing in the modern diet), when you can eat natural sources of healthy fats like nuts, avocados, fish, eggs, coconut milk, organically raised meat, and so forth.
The point is to not fall for some gimmick like low carbs, low fat, high protein, or any other combination that has you focusing on one macronutrient vs. another. Your body needs all macronutrients to thrive and obtain a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. Trying to cut an entire food group out just works against what your body needs. I get into much more detail on this vitally important topic towards losing body fat (especially that stubborn stomach fat) for life in my book.

GD: Thank you very much Mike for sharing with us all of this great information.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this interview and plucked several nuggets of info to get you motivated and started on showing off your flat abs shortly. If you don't already own a copy, be sure to pick up a copy of my Truth about Six Pack Abs book and discover the entire system I've developed for ridding yourself of that extra ab fat for good!

Friday, October 31, 2008


Has anyone ever tried to tell you the exercise or your workout you are doing is not effective or good? I was reading a conversation between two people about this same subject. One person was happy because the other person, a personal trainer, agreed with the low intensity cardio training she was doing after her weight training. She said everyone was telling her she should be doing intervals instead because low intensity was useless. Another story goes like this two people go to the gym, “Ann”, walks briskly to the gym, does cardio on the machines, then walks home. The other, “Bob”, drives to the gym, weight trains, do interval training, drives home. Is one of those bad? Neither is one of the options in the first story. Sure there may be evidence saying one is better then the other or more efficient. For example if Ann did some weight/strength training her workouts may be more productive. Maybe she and Bob can walk together to the gym and train together. I believe there is no such thing as a bad workout IF you are truly working out. What is working out? Well let’s see, it is not hanging out talking on the phone. It is not taking 20 minutes to do 3 sets of 10 with a weight you can do 15 with. It is WORK, remember it is not called going to the gym to hang out. You have to exert an effort, raise your heart rate, sweat, breath heavy. You don’t have to kill yourself. Bottom-line if your “workout” works for you, it is good. Could it be better? Maybe. When it gets too comfortable for you and you are seeing no progress then change. That is why I promote several workouts on my blog, so you see the various options out there.

From Jason Ferruggia

I don't squat because they're bad for the knees.
You're not supposed to squat below parallel.
I don't need to do legs because I run and go on the stairclimber.
I'm just getting back into it. (For two years?!)
Today is my light day. (What about all the other days?)
I don't care about getting strong; I just want to be big.
I don't care about getting big; I just want to be strong.
I don't want to get too big. (As if that was possible)
I didn't eat enough today.
I ate too much.
My diet has sucked lately.
I drank too much last night.
I haven't had enough water today.
I didn't get to have coffee before my workout.
I don't want to get calluses.
I don't want to get injured.
I don't have time to eat that much. (Yes you do)
I can't eat that much. (Yes you can)
I don't want to get fat.
I have crappy genetics. (Join the club)
I just injured my_____ last week.
I can't squat because I have bad knees.
I can't squat or dead lift because I have a bad back.
I lifted a lot more than that last time. (What could have happened, I wonder?)
I just want to get cut.
I don't like working that hard. (Then take up sewing)
Heavy lifting is dangerous.
He didn't touch the bar, that was all me. (Ok)
There's no need to lift all that heavy weight.
You can get great results with light weights and slow tempos. (It shows)
If I took steroids I would look like that too.
If I took steroids I would be that strong too.
I feel weak today.
I feel sick today.
I'm tired today.
I feel like crap today.
I didn't get enough sleep last night. (Join the club)
I'm too stressed out.
I'm too busy.
I'm too old.
I'm depressed.
I have too much work to do.
I'll train later.
I'll train tomorrow.
I don't have time.
I can't. (I know)

What's your excuse? I know that I have been guilty of a few of these over the years and have always regretted it.

There is no tomorrow. The time is now. Take charge and don't look back.

No excuses.

Jason Ferruggia
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Chief Training Advisor, Men's Fitness Magazine
Author, Media Spokesperson, Consultant



Monday, October 27, 2008


Are you a "Hardgainer"

Are you someone who has a hard time putting on weight?Does it feel like someone put a "voodoo curse" on your genetics that makes it seem IMPOSSIBLE to put on any muscle? Well guess what......you really ARE "cursed"!I know...that's not what you wanted to hear, right?Well the fact is that your body really IS "different" than someone else who seems to be able to eat Twinkies and still pack on muscle mass.Your muscular system is different...Your hormonal system is different...Even your central nervous system is different.But don't worry...there's hope for you yet!In fact, how would you like to take part in a "mad scientist" experiment designed JUST for skinny "hardgainers"?Here's the deal...A buddy of mine, Jeff Anderson, says that he's finally "cracked the code" on how to transform guys with really sucky genetics and FINALLY help them gain the weight and the muscle they're looking for.Is he right?I don't know...he won't even tell ME what he's uncovered! (It's THAT "hush-hush!)He says that he's developed a completely NEW way to TRAIN...to EAT...and even to SUPPLEMENT...that he's promising will end your "curse" forever!Jeff was so excited about his new program that he doesn't even want to take the next 6-12 months to write it all down.So starting in just a few weeks, Jeff is going to PERSONALLY coach just a small handful of "skinny guys" in his brand new system.In fact, he's calling it an "experiment" that he claims will show the world once and for all that you DON'T have to just "accept" bad genetics.He's calling it......"Hardgainer Project X"!He's already signed up 250 of his own clients to the course and wasn't even going to let me tell YOU about it!But after much begging from a few of his buddies (me included), he's decided to purchase just 50 MORE SEATS to his online coaching course.So basically that means that it's going to be a MAD DASH to grab the last of these seats and take care of Jeff's PERSONAL coaching!So I won't waste any time...If you're the type who feels like your genetics will just NEVER allow you to gain muscle, then this may just be the solution you've been waiting for! Go and check out Jeff's VIDEO and website that explains it all at...CLICK HERE

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


The Problem with Weight Loss: Your Body Will Do The Opposite.
By Alwyn Cosgrove

Homeostasis is the property of a living organism, that regulates its internal environment so as to maintain a stable, constant condition.

When you don't drink enough water in the short term -- often the body retains water. It attempts to maintain homeostasis by counteracting the stresses we put on it.

When you drink a lot of extra water - your body excretes more water to maintain balance.

When we weight train -- we actually break down muscle tissue. And the body responds by building new muscle. It attempts to maintain homeostasis by doing the reverse of the stimulus we placed on it.

When a male takes supplemental testosterone -- the body shuts down its own production in a bid to maintain homeostasis.

When we immunize children against disease -- we actually inject them with a small dose of that disease. The immune system recognizes the vaccine as foreign, destroys it, and 'remembers' it. When the virulent version of an agent comes along, the immune system is thus prepared to respond. In order to prepare the body to defend against a disease - we expose it to the disease - and it responds by doing the opposite - it destroys the disease.

In almost every situation I can think of, the body tries to maintain homeostasis by "doing the opposite" of the stimulus.

How does this apply to weight loss?

Now we know that while you are doing it -- low intensity exercise burns primarily fat.

Higher intensity exercise actually burns more carb stores than fat.

But in every head to head comparison, high intensity exercise results in more fat loss than low intensity exercise - even though the more intense work may burn a lesser percentage of fat during the exercise session.

Burning glycogen results in a larger amount of fat lost than burning fat directly.

The body responds by "doing the opposite"...

Break down muscle to grow more muscle. Burn glycogen to lose more fat.

I designed Warp Speed Fat Loss training program to specifically take advantage of this ‘law’ of nature so that when your body “does the opposite” you’ll end up with faster and greater fat loss.

About the Author/More Info:

Warp Speed Fat Loss is a complete 28 day diet and training system crafted to help you lose 10,15, or 20lbs of body fat in just 28 day. To start losing weight fast visit http://www.warpspeedfatloss.com/yes.php?offer=tjl99a1&pid=1. Alwyn Cosgrove, M.S., C.S.C.S. is a nationally renown fat loss expert whose work has appeared in magazines such as Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Men’s Journal, Self, Oxygen, and Muscle & Fitness HERS. His Warp Speed Fat Loss system is a complete Done-for-You A-Z Fat Loss Blueprint that gives you exactly everything you need to eat and exactly what to do for exercise to lose weight in record time.



This one is from Turbulence Training

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So I have been doing the “Advance 7 Minutes Muscle” workout as laid out by Vince Delmonte. It actually took me 2 weeks to fine tune it. Going to the gym by myself, I have to take my safety and making sure I can go from 1 exercise to the next without waiting. So on chest/back day I would use the Hammer Strength plate loaded machines, using the seated row for the power phase then the pull down for the mass phase. The pull down is on the same machine as the incline press, so now I go to the incline press for chest power then decline press for mass. So I have the safety of the machines, and flows from exercise to exercise, the 3 machines are right next to each other. I also decided for legs I will alternate between barbell squats, and kettlebell squats, this helps alleviate neck pain. Once again this reinforces the importance of using a journal, enabling me to go back 2 weeks to check previous workout.. One last thing I have done is purchased a 48kg kettlebell. I can not yet press it overhead and that is why I purchased it, to create a goal, so by 1/1/09 I will press it 5x each side. Try doing that buy something you can not lift or do, keep it out in the open, and tell people about it to create accountability.So I will update as I make progress with this ball.

Monday, October 13, 2008


WorkoutMuse has just realeased a new Halloween themed soundtrack. It includes a 20 minute "Tabata" track which I am excited about. I used to do a 16 minute workout which consisted of 4,4 minute, rounds so now I can use this soundtrack without looping the 4 minute one I have now. The 4 rounds I do are as follows 1st -hindu squats, 2nd - hindu push-ups, 3rd - kettlebell swings, 4th - hitting the heavy bag. Get your soundtrack and give it a try [less then $10.00 for 3 tracks plus]

Monday, October 06, 2008

5 New Limited-Time Bonuses Available With EDT Now!


Just wanted to let you know, right now we're running a special on the "Complete Video Guide to Escalating Density Training". If you've been kicking around the idea of grabbing that, NOW is the best time to do it!

We've thrown in 5 limited-time bonuses AND I'm giving you a chance to win a 3 day stay at my training facility here in sunny Gilbert, AZ (Bed & Barbell - http://www.beda ndbarbell.com), where I'll personally train you. While you're here, Phil and I will make sure you're not slacking off…

Just sign up for the 5 sample videos on the EDT page and you'll be automatically entered to win that. I'll be drawing a random winner on Saturday so be sure to sign up by Friday, Oct 10th at midnight.


Oh, and here are those 5 limited-time bonuses I mentioned (value of $195):

Masterminds of Fitness & Nutrition Interviews - Volume 1

Dave Tate: "The Key Indicators Process."
Pavel Tsatsouline: "Strength Is A Skill"
Dr. John Berardi: "Precision Nutrition For Supreme Fitness And Fat Loss"
Coach Dan John: "Insights Into Effective Training And Nutrition"
Dr. Udo Erasmus: "Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill."
Dr. Dan Wagman: "Breakthroughs From The Science Of Strength Training."

Masterminds of Fitness & Nutrition Interviews - Volume 2

Bill Hartman: Practical Restoration
Art Devany: Evolutionary Fitness
Mark Rippetoe: Starting Strength
Chris Shugart: The Velocity Diet And The Psychology Of Food
George Morrision: X-Vest Training
Dr. Stephen Long: Level Six Performance

Optimal Protein Intake Webinar with Lonnie Lowery

In this teleseminar, Dr. Lowery spoke for an hour on types, timing, safety, dosage, of protein and more. This is GREAT information if you're interested in maximizing the results you get from your protein, whether it be eating or supplementation. Prepare to be schooled in protein by Dr. Lonnie Lowery!

"The Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of" by Nick Nilsson

Get 55 of the most unique and powerful exercises you've never seen before! You'll have fellow gym members coming up to you CONSTANTLY asking where learned that cool exercise. These are excellent for plugging right into your new EDT program!

"How I Use EDT" by Nick Nilsson

This is an excellent "how-to" package that Nick put together showing (through video as well as his exact program) how he uses EDT to maximize mass while staying lean. Very useful, practical stuff!


If you haven't read all about EDT, definitely go check it out. EDT is all about training efficiency (which is what I'M all about, too) and results.

It's a scientifically-based step-by-step program that is (with all due modesty, of course, since I created it) elegant in its simplicity. "Idiot proof" is the term I like to use :)

Young, old, male, female, beginner, advanced…it doesn't matter. EDT is easily adjusted to any requirements. It doesn't even matter if you train at home or at a gym - EDT works with the exercises YOU have available to you.

It's a powerful system - very easy to use but also challenging to perform! You can use it not only for muscle and strength but it's GREAT for fat loss, too.

Check it out here and don't forget to sign up for your chance to win!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


My October-November workout will be the advanced 7 Minute Workout, as seen in the videos from Vince Delmonte [if you ordered during the promo you know what I’m talking about]. When I train out of my garage I’ll be doing Tabatas , in the gym I will follow the cardio from 7MM. I’ll give more details next week…

Meanwhile check out these seasonal workout videos from WORKOUT MUSE!


Friday, September 26, 2008

Free All-Day Teleseminar Plus over $167 in bonuses...FRIDAY ONLY

Are you spontaneous?
Then go here now and put your mouse on the "First 2000 Who Click..." line.
Click it.
Then plan to spend a few minutes with some special folks this Friday...

Here's the deal: You have probably heard about Jon Benson's new bomb-shell of a book "7 Minute Muscle."
The press is staggering. The reviews are controversial.
So I'm inviting you to chat with Jon for yourself. And 7 amazing guests. It's an all-day Fitness Teleseminar --
AND it's freee for you if you just go to this page and click-on the "First 2000" blue-link at the top of the page NOW --

7 guests -- eight full hours. You can attend at any time from noon central time until 8:00 CST.
And you can ask questions LIVE. You can listen on the web too. You don't even need a phone.
BUT there's only 2,000 slots and there is over 1.7M people being invited... so go. Now.

One more thing: If you like whatyou hear and you want to pick up Jon's book and see what all the fussis about, you will get $167 in freeevideos and audios that are NOTadvertised on Jon's homepage.
The special-link above will tell you more.
Talk to you this Friday, Sept. 26th.
Thomas LaMonica
P.S. Make no mistake -- this is a one-time freee offer to listen in aseight of the top fitness pros in the world (men and women) tell all aboutthe controversy over short workouts.
No edits, nothing held back.
Topics include...
> Before/after stories > Density training... what is it? > Super-short cardio that works > Burning more bodyfat in less time > Personal Q&A with the author, Jon Benson > And tons more...
And you can get $167 in freee gifts the following day if you take action between now and Friday midnight.
So... here's what you do:
1. Go here NOW:7minutemuscle
2. Click the blue-link that starts with"First 2000 Who Click-Here..."
3. Check out the seminar guests...amazing line-up!... freee for you.
4. Attend anytime on Friday.
Hop to it.
P.P.S. AGAIN... the gifts are ONLY available through Friday Midnight and only for those who have the guts to try a bold, fast, new approach to getting the body they want... DO NOT FORGET THE ADDITIONAL VIDEO FROM VINCE DELMONTE WHEN YOU ORDER FROM MY LINK [EMAIL ME LETTING ME KNOW]!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Fitness pros how would you like to make your job easier? Easier sounds dirty how about more efficient? Workout Muse now has a Fitness Pro/trainer section. Using the soundtracks is like putting your sessions on semi auto, instead of watching a stopwatch you can watch form, technique, motivate, etc...
Go to the site sign-up for the newsetter, free samples!


Sunday, September 21, 2008


So here's the million-dollar question:

"What's the number one reason people do not work out?"

Is it lack of money? Lack of motivation? Perhaps they lack the ideal workout plan?

Nope. It's TIME. Or rather the lack thereof.

"We know that 50 per cent of the population doesn't [exercise] and the most commonly cited barrier to exercise is lack of time." This quote comes from exercise researcher Martin Gibala, a kinesiology professor at McMaster University in Hamilton.

Gibala put his theory to the test in a study that was published in the Journal of Physiology. In it Gibala compared a group who exercised "traditionally" -- 90 to 120 minutes per day -- with another group exercising far less: Only 20 minutes per day and only three days per week.

That's a whopping one hour per week folks.

Did you know that Jon Benson's "7 Minute Muscle" plan calls for only five 7-minute workouts with resistance training (weights or bodyweight) plus only 9 minutes cardio a few days per week?

And that actually works? Yeah... you bet it does.

If you do the math, that's about an hour per week as well.

This is the "Level 1" workout. There are three levels depending on your goals and exercise tolerance.

Find out more here --

7MINUTE MUSCLE <--- brief is best! Back to Gibala's study: In just two weeks both groups showed improvement in both exercise performance and oxygen uptake. (Remember, fat burns in the presence of oxygen.) The kicker is that both groups were almost identical in their improvement. Why? Because the brief exercise group trained with greater focus and more intensity -- exactly how Jon suggests you train. This is just one of dozens of studies that confirm the benefits of shorter but more intense workouts. However, there is a catch: Train too hard and you will shut down your fat-burning furnace. Your body perceives over-exertion done over an extended period of time as a sign of pursuit. It can trigger an ancient hormonal sequence that says, "I'm being chased by a tiger! Horde the fat!" The body literally shuts down what it considers to be unnecessary activity in favor of self-preservation. And guess what? Burning off those hips and love handles is not a biological necessity. You have to learn when to hit it hard AND when to rest and recover. Finally, you have to put yourself into the proper mental state in order to see greater results in the shortest period of time. Jon devotes an entire chapter to putting your mind into your muscle to make gains faster than ever befor in "7 Minute Muscle." You can read more here -- 7 MINUTE MUSCLE <--- brief is best! Just remember these three key points: 1. Time is the greatest barrier to fitness. 2. Workouts can be short and very effective. 3. The body goes where the mind directs. Until next week, train smart.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Have you ever been too tired to train after a vacation? I went on a little vacation last week to Toronto and Ottawa, had a great time, a lot of driving, but a great time none the less. The places I stayed at had no gym, s I did interval {Tabatas-using the Workoutmuse soundtrack} training with bodyweight exercises each day, nothing too rigorous knowing I’d be driving and doing a lot of walking each day. Drove home Sunday, got home around 10pm.Monday I had work at 6:30 until 6:30, and planned on doing my scheduled workout which would have included a 10 minute dead lift EDT zone and 2 Turbulence Training rounds. I was still too tired and just wanted to work out as quick as possible, but I wanted to have a good workout. So I did a 7 minute workout. Doing deadlifts, then swings, it is now Friday and my traps are still sore and feel pumped! I do believe you should plan your workout but it is also great to have back-ups, because some times life happens. It is good to learn various workouts that way you have a full repertoire to choose from!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is your CHILD overweight & lack self-esteem?

You know we always talk about our OWN fitness and how to stay in
shape, but have you seen some of the KIDS these days?

An estimated 60 MILLION kids are overweight...

...and the number is growing at epidemic proportions!

Yes, there's all the "health issues" that come with this like
diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

But kids don't care about this stuff (yet!)

It's the hurtful TEASING and NAME CALLING they have to endure day
after day from their schoolmates.

They're called names and kids laugh behind their back and make up
jokes about them.

THIS is where the REAL DAMAGE is taking place with our kids!

Sure we can blame it on "McDonald's" and "television".

But the fact is that these are challenges that CAN be overcome.

But here's the problem...

A lot of DOCTORS don't know what advice to give parents about their
kid's weight problem!

Government organizations and other community services are
trying...but often just offer "tips".

But "tips" and "doctors' advice" dished out in a 5 minute checkup
do NOT help parents with ALL of the challenges they face when
trying to help their child.

Most parents struggle with finding REAL SOLUTIONS for their son or
daughter's weight gain.

And it's just WAY too confusing and frustrating to run around
trying to "piece together articles" about what to do.

That's why my friend, Jeff Anderson (who has a 14 y.o. who
struggles with his weight) took matters into his OWN hands and put
together a COMPLETE program just for PARENTS who want to help their
child or teen lose weight.

It's called "Raising Fit Kids" and if you have an overweight child,
you're going to say "FINALLY!" (I promise you!)

It covers EVERYTHING you need to know to help you kid.

Here's a link where you can go and check it out...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

* New "Parent's Guide" To Weight Loss Program For Kids * <= Click

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It even comes with a complete book on "Raising Your Child's

...something that is DESPERATELY needed for these kids!

If you DO have an overweight child, you owe it to them to at least
LOOK at the website to see if there's anything that can help you.

Or maybe you KNOW someone who struggles with helping their child
lose weight?

If so, PLEASE do them a favor and FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO THEM!

We need to help our children as much as possible...and this program
WILL help them!

Here's the link again...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

* New "Parent's Guide" To Weight Loss Program For Kids * <= Click

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


SITUPLESS {is that a word?} ABS


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today I have 5 quick muscle building tips from Jason Feruggia, author of “Muscle Gaining Secrets” that may
make a big difference in your training.

- Don't exceed 5-6 reps on most of your warm up
sets. Your first set could consist of a very light
weight for 10-20 reps just to get loosened up and
get the blood flowing but beyond that you want to
keep the reps low. The reason for this is that you
don't want to build up too much lactic acid or
accumulate too much fatigue with your warm ups.

- Don't stretch before your workout in the hopes
of preventing injury. This doesn't work. The only
benefit of stretching before a workout is to help
you get into positions you might not be able to
reach (such as a full squat) because you are tight
in specific areas (such as the glutes and hip
flexors). But stretching for the sake of injury
prevention is an outdated idea and doesn't really

- Don't over-analyze and over-think everything you
do in the gym. This never gets you anywhere. Don't
worry if the incline of the bench is supposed to be
30 degrees or 35 degrees. Don't worry that if you
don't supinate at exactly the right time you won't
activate your biceps optimally. Don't stress out
about the exact grip width on the bar. If someone
tells you that a 14 inch grip on the bench press
hits your triceps better than anything else, but
because of an injury or anatomical difference you
can only comfortably use an 18 inch grip, don't
sweat it. People over-think themselves to death and
they never get anywhere because of it. Go to the
gym, get stronger, go home, eat, sleep and repeat.
Don't turn it into advanced calculus.

- Always train both sides of the joint with equal
volume. Therefore if you do six sets of pressing
exercises you need to do six sets per week of
pulling exercises. If you do two sets of curls you
should do two sets of triceps work. And so on and
so on...

- If you can't get your forearms to grow, try
hitting them with more frequency than other muscle
groups. They can easily be trained three times per
week and recover without any problem. You could
also do them first in your workout if you really
want to prioritize them or at least on a different
day than you do your biceps work. Don't just do
light sets of 20-50 reps, either; you need to hit
the forearms heavy sometimes. And don't forget
about the behind the back wrist curl; this can be
done with a lot of weight and will definitely
spark some forearm growth. When you finish training
the forearms, hit them with a deep stretch for both
the extensors and flexors for 30-60 seconds.

For more incredible muscle building tips please
visit “Muscle Gaining Secrets”

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I updated my Turbulence Training [TT] membership and could not wait to start the “Meat Heads Workout” I am modifying it a bit. The 1st part will be done in a 10 minute pr zone – Escalating Density Training [EDT] style. I will also add the “3 Minute Arm workout” at least 1x a week. I very rarely do arms so this will be a change. The “Meat Heads” workout is a 4 day a week workout, I normally do 3 days a week, I will do the 4 days when I can and if I can not, do to either work or recovery, I will just start with the next day. I will do it until I complete 6 cycles. In order to help my recovery I will add another protein drink 1 hour after my post workout drink. This one will be a mixed blend with fiber, both to slow the absorption down, plus the add benefits given by the fiber.

SPECIAL WORKOUT MUSE OFFER – For a limited-time ONLY 25% discount on The 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Soundtracks!
However, this limited-time special 25% OFF DISCOUNT will expire this Friday, September 5th so don't delay on the digital audio interval training system that has been taking the fitness industry by storm!

The next, 3rd TT Transformation contest is starting, for prizes and rules click below
TT Trans