Are you a "Hardgainer"
Are you someone who has a hard time putting on weight?Does it feel like someone put a "voodoo curse" on your genetics that makes it seem IMPOSSIBLE to put on any muscle? Well guess what......you really ARE "cursed"!I know...that's not what you wanted to hear, right?Well the fact is that your body really IS "different" than someone else who seems to be able to eat Twinkies and still pack on muscle mass.Your muscular system is different...Your hormonal system is different...Even your central nervous system is different.But don't worry...there's hope for you yet!In fact, how would you like to take part in a "mad scientist" experiment designed JUST for skinny "hardgainers"?Here's the deal...A buddy of mine, Jeff Anderson, says that he's finally "cracked the code" on how to transform guys with really sucky genetics and FINALLY help them gain the weight and the muscle they're looking for.Is he right?I don't know...he won't even tell ME what he's uncovered! (It's THAT "hush-hush!)He says that he's developed a completely NEW way to TRAIN...to EAT...and even to SUPPLEMENT...that he's promising will end your "curse" forever!Jeff was so excited about his new program that he doesn't even want to take the next 6-12 months to write it all down.So starting in just a few weeks, Jeff is going to PERSONALLY coach just a small handful of "skinny guys" in his brand new system.In fact, he's calling it an "experiment" that he claims will show the world once and for all that you DON'T have to just "accept" bad genetics.He's calling it......"Hardgainer Project X"!He's already signed up 250 of his own clients to the course and wasn't even going to let me tell YOU about it!But after much begging from a few of his buddies (me included), he's decided to purchase just 50 MORE SEATS to his online coaching course.So basically that means that it's going to be a MAD DASH to grab the last of these seats and take care of Jeff's PERSONAL coaching!So I won't waste any time...If you're the type who feels like your genetics will just NEVER allow you to gain muscle, then this may just be the solution you've been waiting for! Go and check out Jeff's VIDEO and website that explains it all at...CLICK HERE
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