Have you ever been too tired to train after a vacation? I went on a little vacation last week to Toronto and Ottawa, had a great time, a lot of driving, but a great time none the less. The places I stayed at had no gym, s I did interval {Tabatas-using the Workoutmuse soundtrack} training with bodyweight exercises each day, nothing too rigorous knowing I’d be driving and doing a lot of walking each day. Drove home Sunday, got home around 10pm.Monday I had work at 6:30 until 6:30, and planned on doing my scheduled workout which would have included a 10 minute dead lift EDT zone and 2 Turbulence Training rounds. I was still too tired and just wanted to work out as quick as possible, but I wanted to have a good workout. So I did a 7 minute workout. Doing deadlifts, then swings, it is now Friday and my traps are still sore and feel pumped! I do believe you should plan your workout but it is also great to have back-ups, because some times life happens. It is good to learn various workouts that way you have a full repertoire to choose from!
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