I wanted to touch on pre-workout supplementation, there are alot of recommendations out there. Fat burners, protein [shakes,pills, bars, etc], NOx increasers, secret potions....
There is also the school of thought that training on an empty stomach is best. The empty stomach works well for burning fat, but some can not work out on an empty stomach. I like to workout on an almost empty stomach. What is an empty stomach, if you work out 1st thing when you wake up your stomach is empty. Or at least 2 hours after a meal, more if you just sit on your but during that time. I used to take fat burners or energy pills. I now have been taking NOx Xplode by BSN. It gives energy plus a pump. I just mix 3 scoops @30-40 minutes prior to my work-out and I am good to go
If you are looking to save money on supplements and mix/make your own, try "Homemade Supplement Secrets". It not only tells you the ingredients, it gives you information behind the reason for each one and where to purchase them.
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