Tuesday, July 29, 2008


You are about to discover an astonishing tool to force you to make your interval training more productive. If you are like me, and many others, sometimes you slack off and make your rest time longer or your work time shorter, not intentional of course. I know I do this especially when I am at the gym in the “movie room” [it is like a small cinema with cardio equipment]. I found a way to remove this error, “WOROUTMUSE”. Workout muse is a series of MP3s set up with a warm up, a workout then cool down. For example somme have a 30 second sprint time then a 1 minute rest pace. Now of course you know rest does not equal stop, just a slower pace. The pace of the music drives you through your interval workout, they also have different levels depending on your fitness level. This month they have come out with a 16 week program that includes my favorite “Tabatas”, called “Rapid Fatloss Cardio” that comes with TONS of bonus items. Give WorkoutMuse a try what have you got to lose, except a few punds?


Make your vote count! Vote NOW for the 2008 Bodybuilding.com Supplement Awards!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Remember when you started out to lose weight and the pounds came off relatively fast? I do! Like many I started out this year with a goal to lose weight, 40 lbs by the end of May, then I was to build on that at a slower rate, to maintain muscle. Well slow is not the word I have practically stalled, maybe @ 8 lbs since then. I follow the “Warrior Diet” As I have mentioned in the past and I like it a lot. It fits well into my lifestyle and work schedule. I began looking for some way to boost my weight loss. The training part is going great, adding “Workout Muse” to my intervals helped A LOT. Also I am aware my body fat is decreasing but still very slowly. Something was still missing, so I began my search. Craig Ballantyne of “Turbulence Training” mentioned “Eat Stop Eat” by Brad Pilon. I became intriqued by it so I ordered it, and I felt it may be the thing I was looking for. I also contacted Brad and asled him what he thought about using “Eat Stop Eat” in the manner I intend to do. Here is what he said:
“…I could envision doing this combination every once in while..for maybe as
long as 4 weeks. I would follow the Warrior eating style, but combine it
with 1-2 true 24 hour fasts (no protein supplements or juice).”

Eat Stop Eat” is definitely a stand alone plan but I also feel it can be used as I will do, to add to your current diet!

I plan on losing 15lbs in the next 6 weeks and will keep you posted

Make your vote count! Vote NOW for the 2008 Bodybuilding.com Supplement Awards!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008


With the 30 ab exercises in TT for Abs, you'll never have to do
another useless crunch on a stinky, sweaty dirty gym mat or hotel
room floor EVER again!

...and Turbulence training’s CRUNCH-FREE Home Abdominal Workout program is NOW ready.

But hurry, only the first 100 copies come with an extra special
FREE gift for you worth $59.85...
Grab your copy here:


You'll get 5 new TT for Abs workout programs including..

1) The 4-Week Beginner Introduction to CRUNCH-FREE Ab Workout 2) The 4-Week Intermediate Level ANTI-CRUNCH Ab Workout 3) And THREE Advanced 4-Week Home Abdominal Workouts PLUS, you'll get... 4) The "TT Abs 300" Workout Challenges (including one for beginners, intermediate, and advanced fitness levels) 5) The Bodyweight Abs program that you can do anytime, anywhere, without a single piece of equipment. (This program comes with beginner and advanced versions too!) All that, AND STILL MORE...

The TT for Abs Home Abdominal Workouts also comes with...
a) The Advanced Ab Nutrition Meal Plans for Men & Women
b) The 5 Motivational Secrets to STOP Cheating on Your Diet and
Never Skip Another Workout Again
PLUS, the first 100 men and women to grab their copy gets a 3-month
TT Basic Level Membership to the TT forums and workout of the month
AND FINALLY, I've added THREE more 4-week programs to sweeten the
deal and keep you burning fat for another 2-3 months. When you grab
your copy before Wednesday, July 23rd at midnight, you'll get:

1) The NEW "Hot Zone TT Fat Loss Workout"...
...showing you how 4 simple exercises hit all the fat burning hot zones of the body and help you boost metabolism and burn more belly fat.

2) "Bikini Ready Abs"...
...from America's #1 Fat Loss expert for Mom's, Holly Rigsby, giving you another "IN-HOME" fat burning abdominal workout you can do with minimal equipment.

3) The Big 5 Fat Burning TT Circuit Workout...
...revealing one of the most popular and innovative fat burning workouts I have ever put together. If you love burning fat with circuits, you'll love this simple 5 exercise solution to getting rid of stubborn belly fat.

That's an incredible offer, but its only here for 3 days...
...So That You Can Burn Belly Fat and Work Your Abs in the Comfort
of Your Own Home...
As you can see by Craig’s PHOTO on my site, I know how to get abs
without doing crunches or long, slow boring cardio. And I'll show
you all NEW workouts to help you do the same.

Check out Turbulence Training’s abs and get his new program HERE:

But remember...

1) Only the first 100 copies get the extra 3-Month TT Membership
bonus worth $59.85

2) The "Biking Ready Abs", "Hot Zone Fat Loss", and "Big 5 Circuit
Workout" are only available as FREE GIFTS for the next 3 days. They
are gone after Wednesday, to be put back in the workout vault for
Platinum TT members only.

Check out TT for Abs for all of the details on this Limited-Time
Special Offer:


Friday, July 18, 2008


I started thinking after my last post, and realized I should be using a journal for my diet!!! I received this from Vince Delmonte along the same lines

"I have NO IDEA how you could possibly think you can get
ripped and muscular without following a meal plan!"

No offense, but whether you're trying to gain muscle mass or
lose your stubborn love handles, consider both these goals a
LOST CAUSE if you're just guessing and "eating healthy."

Stop confusing yourself and listen to me VERY clearly.

"You WILL NOT stop struggling with your physique and gain the
respect you want UNTIL you start following a meal plan
designed around your specific goal."

Did you get that?

Here are 5 reasons you MUST have a meal plan (or I have
to question how serious you are):

1. You know exactly WHAT TIME to eat. During my contest prep
I knew I had to consume a meal at 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm and 6pm
every day and the rest of my day was structured around these
times - not the other way around. You can ask my friends to
confirm that we would be on the phone around 11:45 am and
knowing that I need to consume my meal in 15 minutes I would
politely say, "Hey, I got to go cook my next meal... I'll
call you in an hour."
2. You know exactly what to SHOP for. While I was at the
cottage with my parents last week I had to battle the
temptation of cookies lying around, ice cream in the freezer,
Frosted Flakes for breakfast and muffins for snacks. At my
home in Hamilton, I don't have those battles or slip ups
because that food is not allowed in my house period.
3. You know exactly how MUCH to eat. If my meal plan says
1 slice of bread for breakfast and I have 2 or 3 then at the
end of the week when I step on the scale and have not lost
my 1-2 pounds of fat I have to admit I didn't follow my plan
and it's MY fault.
4. You WILL get all your veggies. If your meal plan says
1/2 cup of mushrooms, 1 tomato, 1/2 cup of onions and 1 clove
of garlic with your eggs in the morning then you can
experience how your body recovers quicker, sleeps better and
does not get tired at 3pm in the afternoon every day.
Experiencing this will be far more powerful than hearing or
talking about it.
5. My pre contest diet was 2600 calories until the last few
weeks and lets say I slipped up and had an extra slice of
bread which is around 150 calories. Now I know that I need
to burn an extra 150 calories during my workout which means
an extra 20 minutes of running that night.

Do you see how crazy this can appear? Do you see why you or
some of your friends will go through your entire life with
a "decent body' but you will never get your dream physique?

Do you like how hard I am on you today? :) I just can't stand
when people say, "But I eat healthy..." and can't figure out
why they are not gaining muscle or losing fat.

Do you know that you could eat chicken breast and broccoli
all day and still get fat if you consume too much of it?

Click here to get your own 84-day meal plans included
in my No Nonsense Muscle Building program
--> No Nonsense Muscle Building

They range from 2,000 calories and go all the way up to 6,000
calories so you are in complete control of how much muscle
you gain.

I have have a set of Cheap meal plans and Veggie meal plans
if this helps your situation.

You even get my Metabolic Calculator that will tell you how
many calories you should be starting off with and the calories
are hormonally balanced perfectly.

Make your life easy and stop guessing
--> No Nonsense Muscle Building

By the way, if you were to get one of these meal plans
customized from Empowered Nutrition Systems (the company that
makes these for me), separately they'd cost you $235.00 for
an entire set.

And no one has these meal plans ANYWHERE. I know this because
well... plans like this are not cheap to have made. I'm able
to offer them because well the guy who owns the nutrition
company, Patrick McGuire, is a personal home town friend.

Aside from building a quick and easy 2-3 lbs of clean, lean
muscle weight in the next 4 weeks, not next 4 months, you will
have these meal plans as a resource for ever.
You can print them off, bind them and set them up in your
kitchen as a TREMENDOUS starting point to move you closer
to your goals and get the respect you deserve for your hard
efforts in the gym.

Get Your 84-Day "Secret Weapon" Meal Plans
--> No Nonsense Muscle Building

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Have you ever noticed people in the gym carrying around a journal with them and you wonder “what the hell is the purpose of doing that”. Can’t they remember what they are supposed to do today? I know I used to think along those lines. I even used to workout with people back when I was in the Navy who jotted in one while we lifted. I didn’t get it, not at all. It wasn’t until I first tried “Escalating Density Training” {EDT} that I started to realize the importance of a one, [and actually I still didn’t get it right away then either] Back when I wrote about setting goals I mentioned a few items, one being measureable. Well that’s easy writing down in a journal helps keep track of your measureable progress. What can you measure? Weight, sets, reps, time and how you feel going into an after training, to name a few. You can use it to adjust your intensity. For example if you did your last workout in 45 minutes and rested 1 minute between sets you can reduce the time to 45 seconds and do the same workout next session. Same workout less time more intense! It also gives you accountability, even if it is just to yourself. Another great benefit a journal gives you is that it keeps you in the moment, focused on your workout. I eventually found that doing EDT training with journal created a mental, as well as a physical, link in my training. Eventually I found it helped with all my training. If doing “Turbulence Training”. “No-Nonsense”, “7Minute Muscle”, “Muscle Gaining Secrets” whatever the training you prefer, a journal almost guarantees progress. I even put my entries into an excel sheet so I can see graphs. Of course a person can use a journal and make 0 progress, but that same person is probably on the phone walking around the gym with a towel around their neck, not really working out! So go out get a notebook and give the journal a try.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Brian Tracy is hosting a LIVE TELESEMINAR

Brian Tracy is hosting a LIVE TELESEMINAR

Fit & Trim for Life - LIVE Teleseminar

"Fit & Trim for Life"
"Be fit, thin, healthy and full of energy
for the rest of your life!"

Save The Date:

Thursday, July 24th 2008 --join, LIVE, for this powerful Teleseminar:

10:00 a.m. Pacific Time
11:00 a.m. Mountain Time
12:00 p.m. Central Time
1:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Fit & Trim for Life - LIVE Teleseminar

For only $149 dollars you'll learn how YOU can feel physically strong, trim and confident…Have boundless energy…And make the most out of everyday!

PLUS, you'll get over $300 worth of supporting materials.
LIVE Teleseminar 1. 1-Hour Live Teleseminar with Brian Tracy followed by a Question and Answer Session - $99 value
I speak for 1-hour on "Fit & Trim for Life", then you have the opportunity to talk to me personally and ask questions.
The Unbreakable Laws of Self-Confidence
2. The Unbreakable Laws of Self-Confidence
(2-hour DVD program) - $89.95 value
Self-confidence is the key to success in all areas of life. It determines how much money you will earn, how happy you will be, the quality of your relationships, your ability to attract the things you want, and more. Your self-confidence is everything!
The Science of Positive Focus
3. The Science of Positive Focus
(2-hour DVD program) - $84.95 value
Learn exactly what to do in order to break negative patterns that could be stopping you from reaching your next level. You'll get the motivational boost you need to follow through on your goals and keep yourself in balance. This action-packed DVD is loaded with ideas and philosophies for creating big dreams and making them a reality.

The Miracle of Self-Discipline

4. The Miracle of Self-Discipline
(60-minute CD) - $19.95 value
Learn how to practice higher levels of self-discipline and self-control in every area of your life. Maximize your potential, eliminate procrastination and realize your goals faster!
21 Great Ways to Stay in Love Forever
5. 21 Great Ways to Stay in Love Forever
(60-minute CD) - $19.95 value
Learn how to practice the most powerful strategies for building and maintaining wonderful, loving relationships throughout your life - these ideas bring about changes immediately.
Fit and Trim for Life 6. Fit and Trim for Life
(60-minute teleseminar CD) - $19.95 value
Learn how to get your weight under control and keep it there for life! Simple, proven, mental and physical techniques to get healthy and fit - fast!
7. Complete copy of the teleseminar on MP3 and a copy of Brian's notes - $19.97 value
These will be emailed after completion of the teleseminar.

Fit & Trim for Life - LIVE Teleseminar

FINALLY...Aerobics Put To Rest

I received this from Dr. Al Sears Newsletter

Ditch the Single Worst Health Idea in the Last 25 Years…
Instead, Sculpt Your Dream Body – In as Little as 10 Minutes a Day!

Far from helping you lose weight – or prevent heart attacks – the biggest mistake of the 1980s only weakened your heart and lungs – and trained your body to make and store more fat.
Do enough, and aerobics will make you sick, tired and old before your time.
You see, when you exercise aerobically, you have to keep the intensity low enough to fuel the activity with oxygen. At this low rate, you have to workout for a long time before it will do anything. This moderate intensity, long duration approach is inadequate – and will likely cause you problems.
And here's why: When you exercise for long periods at a low to medium intensity, you train your heart and lungs to get smaller!
Downsizing Your Heart and Lungsis an Invitation for Sickness and Disease
If you only exercise within your current aerobic limits, you do so without improving your aerobic capacity. In other words, you never push hard enough to stop to catch your breath. This kind of aerobic exercise trains your body for endurance and efficiency.
That sounds great, right?
But this kind of "logic" causes "shrinkage:" Smaller muscles, smaller heart and smaller lungs. What's worse, it wipes out your heart's reserve capacity.
Your reserve capacity is what your heart and lungs use to deal with stress. Injuries or physical trauma, a shocking emotional blow, a particularly intense session in the bedroom with your partner—these all demand reserve energy.
Reserve capacity means your heart has the ability to pump more blood, faster in times of stress. Reserve capacity for your lungs allows them to deal with high exertion like lifting, carrying, running or going up stairs.
Without reserve capacity, you are much more likely to drop dead from a heart attack or pneumonia when faced with stress. No "reserve capacity" in your checking or savings account means bankruptcy. No "reserve capacity" in your heart and lungs means a fatal heart attack or succumbing to what should have been nothing more than bronchitis or "walking" pneumonia.
But a different kind of exercise builds reserve capacity for your lungs, your heart and your blood vessels… and gives you many other health benefits as well.
This kind of exercise, I call supra-aerobics. It is the key to a healthy heart, good muscle tone, high energy, a desirable figure, higher lung capacity… plus it takes a fraction of the time to achieve much better results.
Think of it like a car. Traditional aerobics turns your body into a small car with a small engine. Sure, it's fuel-efficient. But God help you if you need to quickly get out of the way of an oncoming truck. You just don't have the power.
Supra-aerobics, on the other hand, gives your heart and lungs a turbo boost that can get you out of any jam.
Remember… A high output, supra-aerobic workout is exactly what your body needs to increase your lungpower, build reserve capacity in your heart and melt away all that extra fat.
Research proves it. A supra-aerobic workout will help you achieve your fitness goals faster and better than a traditional aerobic workout – and without the debilitating side effects…
A recent Harvard study revealed that those who use supra-aerobic principles in their workouts reduce their risk of heart disease by 100 percent more than those who practice aerobic exercise.
A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that men and women who exercised with supra-aerobic methods had:
-Lower blood pressure
-Lower triglycerides (blood fat)
-Higher HDL (good cholesterol)
-Less body fat

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Without further ado Vince DelMonte's No Nonsense 6 pack Abs is up and running!
Here is a sample of what you will find there.

Vince's Ab Exercise circuit based on planks:

This is what Vince considers "foundational" to building six pack
abs from the inside and out and having a core as strong as a bear -
excellent mini circuit for beginners or if your just getting back
into it:

1. Plank in push up position - 10 legs raises each leg
2. Plank from elbow position - 10 leg raises each leg
3. Side plank from hand position - 10 legs raises each leg
4. Side plank from elbow position - 10 leg raises each leg

Build up to 2 sets of 20. These will engage your core, gluts,
shoulders and arms all at the same time. Don't be surprised if you
start sweating. You can do this every day.

For more of Vince's ab workouts, visit:

Thursday, July 03, 2008

PHOTO PROOF that "bodyweight" training WORKS!

Have you seen these 30 photo's yet????

The site I'm about to take you to shows 30 men AND women whounderwent a 12-week "mission" to transorm their bodies using nothing but BODYWEIGHT TRAINING!Sure...you've heard it before that this type of "military" type training can help you burn off stubborn fat.But just WAIT until you see THESE regular "Average Joe's and Jane's"! Every age and body shape is represented and the results are nothingshort of AMAZING!And here's the cool part......
YOU get to "vote" on which ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN had the best transformation! YOU decide the winner of the grand prize! Nothing to buy...nothing to opt into...just voice YOUR opinion by placing your vote!It's on a special "hidden" page at...


Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Visualize yourself melting fat gaining muscle every workout, that is what I did creating this. The next few weeks I will be using the following workout using Escalating Density Training [EDT] format. Primarily I will be using kettlebells, with the exception of "B" workout {I feel the need to go in to the gym at least once a week....????} If you have any questions or comments

A: PR Zone 1 (15 Minutes)
Military Presses with two kettlebells
Renegade Rows with two kettlebells Five minute break
PR Zone 2 (10 Minutes)
Overhead Squats with a kettlebellSwings with kettlebell

Light interval training

B: PR Zone (15 minutes)
Incline Hammer Machine
Hammer Machine Row
20 Minute Interval training

C: PR Zone 1 (15 Minutes)
Front Squats with two 72lb bells
One arm snatches with a kettlebell Five minute break
PR Zone 2 (10 Minutes)
Clean and Presses with two heavy kettlebellsTwo minute break
Core Work2x5 of Windmills with a kettlebell
2 Sets of bent presses


Ready to burn belly fat and get a six pack for summer?

Good, because Men's Health expert, Craig Ballantyne, has the
solution to your fat loss problems, and today he's doing something
he has NEVER Done Before...

For the FIRST TIME EVER...He's Cutting the Price on his New
Turbulence Training for Abs Program in a Special 48-Hour Limited
Time Promotion...

...So That You Can Burn Belly Fat and Work Your Abs in the Comfort
of Your Own Home with these All NEW & Exclusive Turbulence Training

As you can see by HIS PHOTO on his new site, he knows how to get abs
without doing crunches or long, slow boring cardio. And he'll show
you all NEW workouts to help you do the same.

Check out Craig's abs and get his new program HERE:

I know you are working hard on getting your six-pack for summer, but
at the same time you don't want to do long workouts or go to a stinky
commercial gym during the holidays, so Craig worked overtime on the
weekend and all day on Canada Day (his country's National holiday)
to bring you this home abdominal workout program.

You'll get a 12-week Advanced Ab program, based on the Turbulence
Training principles, but with a couple of unique and effective
twists to work your abdominals harder than ever.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Do you have 5-10-15-20 pounds to lose?You are Invited! Join the 12 Week Fit Yummy Mummy Summer Transformation Challenge!

This is your Summer to finally lose the belly fat and unleash your Yummy-ness!

Who: YOU - The holder of the Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System.

What: 12 Week Transformation Challenge

When: Registration begins July 1st - deadline to enroll is July30th. Challenge begins from the moment you register: posting beforephotos, starting stats and goals.

Where: Join ClubFYM - and starting next week you will have access to a private Summer Transformation Challenge Groupwhere you will receive additional support and bonus resources tohelp you attain your Best results Ever over the next 12 weeks.

Grand Prize - $1,000 American Express Gift Card for the ShoppingSpree of Your Choice, $500 worth of Prograde Supplements.

Second Place - iPod Touch 8GB - easily jam to your favorite tunesin style while your workout.

Third Place - $250 Victoria Secret Gift Card to treat your new body.

EVERYONE WINS : Not only will you come out of the next 12 weekswith a New Body and a New Life - there will be a special prizeawarded to every single FYM who starts and finishes the entire12-week challenge.~~

Bonus Gifts to Facilitate your Results

~~Online Menu PlannerYou will have access to the next best thing to having your own"private nutritionist" - 12 MONTHS of access to Nutrition forResults Online Menu Planning. There you will be able to create unlimited, nutritionally balanced meals using your favorite foods.This same exact program sells online for $119.40 per year. ($119.40Value)

Prograde Coupons - Save 20% off your 1st Fit Club order.

Coaching Calls with Holly RigsbyTo help assist you in the transformation, I will be holding 6 LIVE bi-weekly group coaching calls to help answer questions and keepyou on track during the transformation challenge. During the last Challenge, coaching calls were recorded and will be shared during this challenge as well. Access Expert Interviews I will be inviting 3 additional experts to interview during your 12week challenge as well...from Dax Moy - author of the Elimination Diet to Jayson Hunter - Prograde's dietitian and author of the Carb Rotation Diet. Your next step? Ask yourself if you are in. Then, be sure you have the Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System Click=>HERE, you understand the rules and you are readyand willing to make your commitment to get fit and achieve yourvery best.