Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I had not heard that saying, “off the hook”, for a while so I thought it was gone. Until the other day when I felt like I was on the set of some “B” comedy re-living that era. There they were a couple of guys with their ball caps on sideways and cocked, throw their hands down, talking about how the street festival I was at, at the same time, was “off the hook”. It made me laugh, sort of felt like “A Night at the Roxbury” meets”Malibus’Most Wanted””
Craig Ballantyne of “Turbulence Training” will have 3 trainings available next month, from fa tloss to muscle gain, that should be “Off the Hook” J. The one I am most looking forward to is the 3 minute arm workouts to be done at the end of workouts.
If you are interested you have a few options
Become a member – which the prices are going to go UP soon! {which reminds me I need to renew}
Try a 21 dayTrial

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Hopefully when you finish reading this you will discover a few ways to make sure you increase your intensity each workout.
First what is intensity as it applies to working out? I like to define intensity as amount of work done during a workout period [time frame]. So you can increase the weight, reps, or sets or decrease the time worked out. Simple, right? If you are following “Turbulence Training” {TT} it may be simple, for example if you did 3 sets of incline flies as part of one of your TT blocks, and you got 10 reps on your 1st 2 sets, and 8 your 3rd you would have to get more then 8 next time, or increase the weight to start with. You would do this for all you blocks. So as long as you increased by 1 rep for example you have made some progress! Now what if you are following “Escalating Density Training” [EDT]? You will need to have a little more planning.
Here is how I do it:
I take the exercise(s) that I will do, we will use double ketttlebell snatches here, the 1st block lays the ground work. Say I got 50 reps total in the 15 minutes. I start each block by doing 5 reps so I also time the 1st few, a set of 5 takes me 15 seconds. The next workout I would want to have a 10% increase making it 55 reps. So 55/ 5 = 11 That’s 11 sets of 5. 11 sets of 5 at 15 seconds each is 2 minutes and 45 seconds of actual workout time, leaving 12:15 seconds of rest, or a little more then 1 minute 10 seconds. What I do here is divide it in ½ that is where I will start, 35 seconds, and increase in 10-15 econd intervals as I get tired. This has worked for me, give it a try and adjust as needed. Remember you want to improve every workout, is that 100% possible? NO, for example I work 12 hour shifts, some days I just don’t have enough in my tank, so then I use the “mirror gauge”. What is that you ask, after you workout you look yourself in the eyes and ask if you honestly gave it all you could, after all in reality the only one you need to answer to is YOURSELF!

Note: 5lbs down 10 to go!

TT for Abs Trial Offer
Special offer try the new TT for Abs program for
only $4.95 for 21 days. If you don't like it, you can get a

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Art of Strenght [AOS] has announced a new workout dvd in their line of great dvds and equipment "Art Of Strength SANTA MONICA"

"The day is almost at hand, the much anticipated release of Art of Strengths latest training DVD. Entitled Art of Strength Santa Monica, it was shot, as the name suggests, in Santa Monica, California at the famed and fitness mecca Muscle Beach. Mixing traditional kettlebell routines with Art of Strength’s new Authentic Strength workouts this DVD is a definite can’t miss. Using everything from kettlebells, to Bulldog Dumbbells and Barbells to Ropes Gone Wild this DVD has everything you could ever want. So you don’t have our barbells and dumbbells? Well don’t worry, each exercise offers alternate versions with traditional kettlebell routines in their place.This DVD is completely programmable allowing you to select the level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced) as well as the amount of rest between sets. Shipping in mid September and retailing for $59.99 this DVD includes a bonus disc featuring Ropes Gone Wild stepping you through all the basic routines with heart pumping cardio blasting workouts. Order the DVD today and we’ll take $10 off the retail price for a total of $49.99. So you get a fully programmable DVD from the leader in kettlebell training focusing on kettlebell training and Authentic Fitness with the bonus disc containing all the Ropes Gone Wild routines and workouts for the pre-order price of just $49.99."

Athlete's Banners-Are you behind?

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Shop and Learn about Supreme Fitness and Well Being

You probabaly aready are aware of what I am going to pass on too you now but here goes. At times I get to share my knowledge of training with a friend or, a friend of a friend. Most of the time I answer a question, show a demonstration on how to do something correctly or more efficiently, or do a complete workout. Sometimes I get paid, sometimes lunch, sometimes a thanks. The other day I was working outside with a kettlebell and was approached by a person who was interested in what I was doing. When I finished he asked a few questions, I showed him how to do a few things and let him try. He was hooked on kettlebells. Turns out he is a football coach and wanted me to come and train his players on kettlebell usage, and would pay me “well” [his words] for my time. I thought this is great I’ve been wanting to train people regularly and this could be the start. I few hours later he comes back and says it is all set-up all I need to do is show up with some kettlebells and a copy of my certification for the schools records –screeeeeeech.
I have never gotten a certification, all the seminars, DVD’s, books, etc I have partaked in, I never bothered to get certified [in Kettlebells]. I will a soon as possible now.
For those interested Dragondoor is an excellent place to start. They are having A 2009 RKC certification at San Jose State University, from Friday, February 20 through Sunday, February 22.

While they don't yet have the new hotel information up, registration for this cert is now open, with an initial $1,000.00 discount if you register by August 14.
And, of course, a payment plan is now available.
We recommend you register immediately to ensure your place.
Click here now to see complete information on the February 2009 San Jose RKC

There are others on Dragondoor’s site

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


This month {I know a little late starting Aug.} I will concentrate on more compound movements, to increase the fat burning. I will also add “tabatas” after my EDT sessions. The exercise I will concentrate on doing for my “tabatas” is “burpees” [squat thrust] and if my strength is up on a given day will throw in a kettlebell swing with them. Of course each day will include some core/ab work. Tuesdays and Thursdays interval training. I am really into using “WorkoutMuse” with the interval training now. Ok here we go
PR1 - 15 minutes
Double Kettlebell Clean and Press

PR2 - 10 minutes
Pull-ups and Dips


I will train using “Turbulence Training” and Interval training. I know this isn’t good to do but I will go by feel on Wednesdays. If I feel my legs need more work, or chest, or back, etc… so be it.

PR1 – 15 minutes
Kettlebell Snatches – single arm

PR2 – 10 minutes
Renegade Rows with push-ups [Wearing a weighted vest}


What do you think? Any comments, suggestion?

3 Lbs down -12lbs to go – continuing with “EatStopEat” and the “Warrior Diet”

Monday, August 04, 2008


Everywhere you turn, someone's promising the next secret to getting 6 pack abs. Some of these so called 'secrets' have some degree of accuracy, while others, not so much. Deciphering which are the best methods to getting 6 pack abs is going to be critical to your having success with this goal.

The biggest area you need to focus on when trying to obtain 6 pack abs is going to be on your diet. Like it or not, the old saying that 'abs are made in the kitchen', is probably one of the most truthful statements in the fitness industry. If your diet isn't in line, your stomach is going to show it.

So, what should you be doing with your diet?

First, ensure you are getting enough protein. Not only is protein going to form the key building blocks you need to build muscle tissue, but it's also going to provide you with a better feeling of fullness than eating just carbohydrates alone would for example. Protein is more "expensive" than any other macronutrient meaning that your body will burn more calories breaking down protein compared to carbs and fats.

Next, don't be afraid of dietary fat that comes from primarily monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as olive oils, fish oils, a mix of nuts, natural peanut butter and avocado. While it's true that eating fat will increase your calories fast, as long as you keep it between 20-30% it can be one of the best things to get 6 pack abs fast. The important point here is that dietary fat helps keep your insulin level stable, which, when high enough can actually cause fat gain itself.

Furthermore, dietary fat will keep you feeling the fullest for the longest duration in time; longer than both protein or carbohydrates would. Interestingly, some diets high in fat can get you 6 pack abs fast because your body learn to metabolize fat for energy.

So, while you do need to watch it, be sure you are getting some in your diet.

Finally, when it comes to carbohydrate intake and getting 6 pack abs, you want to focus most of your carbohydrate intake around the post workout period.


The biggest reason for this is because this is when your body is going to need those carbohydrates the most and will really suck them up into the muscle tissue. When you eat them at this time, it is least likely that they will turn into body fat.

Additionally, consuming carbohydrates during this period will also help to aid with muscle recovery and repair, so that means less down time from the gym for you.

If getting 6 pack abs fast is your goal than each meal you should consist of 1-2 cups of raw vegetables to control insulin levels, improve absorption of your protein and flood your body with vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

So, if you are aiming to get 6 pack abs in the coming months, have a good hard look at your diet. That is the big secret that must not be overlooked if you are to succeed.

About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest
He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals get six pack abs without gimmicks, supplements or dieting.

Friday, August 01, 2008


I peruse “Yahoo Answers” on a semi-regular basis, it does a few things. I gives me ideas what to write about on this blog, and also my book which I am starting to write. It also allows me also to share information and possibly help others. Yesterday I had enough, enough of teen and pre-teen kids asking for advice on how to loose fat. I have to admit the girls are a bit worse at this, for example a girl, 13 if I remember correct, asked “I am 75lbs am I fat?” The best answer I heard was yes if you are less then 4’4” [Note if you ask questions on “Yahoo Answers” give as much information as possible ex. How tall is this girl?]
I have few bits of general advice for these kids.
1. You are still growing into your body, 1 month you may seem fat, the next you are an inch taller. If you are that concerned back off the sugar and fast foods.
2. Speaking of back off, how about cutting down on the video games and get out and actually play a game!
3. Instead of texting each other try going out for a walk and talking????

And kids, parents, teachers, the media, etc., stop blaming fast food establishments for the increase in obesity, [not just in kids either] no body forces us to eat there, just like no one forces us to sit around on our fat asses all day!
Get up, get out and move!!!!!