I peruse “Yahoo Answers” on a semi-regular basis, it does a few things. I gives me ideas what to write about on this blog, and also my book which I am starting to write. It also allows me also to share information and possibly help others. Yesterday I had enough, enough of teen and pre-teen kids asking for advice on how to loose fat. I have to admit the girls are a bit worse at this, for example a girl, 13 if I remember correct, asked “I am 75lbs am I fat?” The best answer I heard was yes if you are less then 4’4” [Note if you ask questions on “Yahoo Answers” give as much information as possible ex. How tall is this girl?]
I have few bits of general advice for these kids.
1. You are still growing into your body, 1 month you may seem fat, the next you are an inch taller. If you are that concerned back off the sugar and fast foods.
2. Speaking of back off, how about cutting down on the video games and get out and actually play a game!
3. Instead of texting each other try going out for a walk and talking????
And kids, parents, teachers, the media, etc., stop blaming fast food establishments for the increase in obesity, [not just in kids either] no body forces us to eat there, just like no one forces us to sit around on our fat asses all day!
Get up, get out and move!!!!!
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