Has anyone ever tried to tell you the exercise or your workout you are doing is not effective or good? I was reading a conversation between two people about this same subject. One person was happy because the other person, a personal trainer, agreed with the low intensity cardio training she was doing after her weight training. She said everyone was telling her she should be doing intervals instead because low intensity was useless. Another story goes like this two people go to the gym, “Ann”, walks briskly to the gym, does cardio on the machines, then walks home. The other, “Bob”, drives to the gym, weight trains, do interval training, drives home. Is one of those bad? Neither is one of the options in the first story. Sure there may be evidence saying one is better then the other or more efficient. For example if Ann did some weight/strength training her workouts may be more productive. Maybe she and Bob can walk together to the gym and train together. I believe there is no such thing as a bad workout IF you are truly working out. What is working out? Well let’s see, it is not hanging out talking on the phone. It is not taking 20 minutes to do 3 sets of 10 with a weight you can do 15 with. It is WORK, remember it is not called going to the gym to hang out. You have to exert an effort, raise your heart rate, sweat, breath heavy. You don’t have to kill yourself. Bottom-line if your “workout” works for you, it is good. Could it be better? Maybe. When it gets too comfortable for you and you are seeing no progress then change. That is why I promote several workouts on my blog, so you see the various options out there.
From Jason Ferruggia
I don't squat because they're bad for the knees.
You're not supposed to squat below parallel.
I don't need to do legs because I run and go on the stairclimber.
I'm just getting back into it. (For two years?!)
Today is my light day. (What about all the other days?)
I don't care about getting strong; I just want to be big.
I don't care about getting big; I just want to be strong.
I don't want to get too big. (As if that was possible)
I didn't eat enough today.
I ate too much.
My diet has sucked lately.
I drank too much last night.
I haven't had enough water today.
I didn't get to have coffee before my workout.
I don't want to get calluses.
I don't want to get injured.
I don't have time to eat that much. (Yes you do)
I can't eat that much. (Yes you can)
I don't want to get fat.
I have crappy genetics. (Join the club)
I just injured my_____ last week.
I can't squat because I have bad knees.
I can't squat or dead lift because I have a bad back.
I lifted a lot more than that last time. (What could have happened, I wonder?)
I just want to get cut.
I don't like working that hard. (Then take up sewing)
Heavy lifting is dangerous.
He didn't touch the bar, that was all me. (Ok)
There's no need to lift all that heavy weight.
You can get great results with light weights and slow tempos. (It shows)
If I took steroids I would look like that too.
If I took steroids I would be that strong too.
I feel weak today.
I feel sick today.
I'm tired today.
I feel like crap today.
I didn't get enough sleep last night. (Join the club)
I'm too stressed out.
I'm too busy.
I'm too old.
I'm depressed.
I have too much work to do.
I'll train later.
I'll train tomorrow.
I don't have time.
I can't. (I know)
What's your excuse? I know that I have been guilty of a few of these over the years and have always regretted it.
There is no tomorrow. The time is now. Take charge and don't look back.
No excuses.
Jason Ferruggia
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Chief Training Advisor, Men's Fitness Magazine
Author, Media Spokesperson, Consultant