Monday, June 30, 2008


About a year ago, I was talking to a National Fitness Model
Champion and famous trainer in the industry who told me about
this random guy on the Internet, named Peter Carvell, who
was building a website called My Six Pack Quest and solicited
the help of my fitness model friend.

My buddy figured he was just another "tire kicker" looking
for free advice and said, "Sure, I can help you get a six pack..."
but never really took him seriously.

My buddy offered Peter all of his ab and fat loss advice
freely and this went on for a few months... I know my fitness
model friend never took Peter very seriously because so many
people write to us saying, "I want a six pack..." but do
nothing about it.

If I remember correctly, my buddy said Peter's chances of
getting a six pack for just as good as Tony Soprano
becoming a priest:

1) Peter had 100 pounds to lose.

2) Peter had horrible genetics.

3) Peter had serious motivation issues.

4) Peter had tried every diet and fat burner with minor

5) Peter had a very busy and demanding career.

6) Peter messed with a variety of trainers and programs with
no success.

7) Peter was used to only making short term commitments.

8) Peter had little knowledge of how to spend his time in
the gym.

9) Peter was a "cardio" junkie and was determined to lose
all his fat by just biking.

10) Peter LOVES to eat, eat, eat!

Yesterday I received an email from my fitness model friend,
Vince DelMonte whom I respect a lot and said, "Tom,
you remember that guy who asked me to help him get a six
pack? Man, you got to see these before and after pictures,
it's a transformation so amazing you'll have to see it to
believe it."

Don't believe me, check out the VIDEO transformation yourself


This website shows how Vince DelMonte took a regular guy,
cursed with horrible genes and magically transforms his 276
pounds of stubborn, ugly, belly fat into a stunning, sexy,
rock-hard body, with eye-popping six pack abs... all in 24

Today, Tuesday June 24th at Midnight, Vince launched his
brand new "Ab Shredding System" to help you melt off the
last 10 pounds to the first 100 pounds.

If you want a complete road map on getting a strong
and defined midsection designed from a national fitness
model champion, then you need to check out


Visit Vince's website to see everything described
in more detail, but here's what the system includes
in a nutshell:

* Your Six Pack Quest e-book (literally EVERYTHING you
need to know about getting six pack abs)

* Ten 84 Day "Hard Loser" Meal Plans

* 3 Day Metabolic Boost Training DVD and Program

* 4 Day Metabolic Extreme Training DVD and Program

* 5 Day Metabolic Overdrive Training DVD and Program

* Ab-Domination Bodyweight Conditioning Program

* Razor Sharp Cardio Abdominal Workouts

* No Nonsense 6 Pack Fat Loss Virtual Trainer

* The Fat Loss Supplement Files

* 24-7 Six Pack Email Coach

* Your Six Pack Quest Audio Program (entire book
in MP3 format)

* 84 Day CHEAP Hard Loser Meal Plans

* 84 Day VEGGIE Hard Loser Meal Plans

* 16 Week Home Gym Program

* 16 Week Women's Only Program

* Meals on the Go Smoothies Recipe Book

* How To Get Camera Ready In 7 Days Audio

I actually burst out laughing when I saw the price of this
program which is NOT a misprint and I can honestly say this
is, by far, the best opportunity and resource I can offer
you to get the trophy of all trophies - 6 pack abs!

The actual program is based on some very "old school" and
clever techniques that I've never seen on any other website
or magazine.

I'm positive that if he can help Peter lose 100 pounds in
six months then there is no reason you will not be able to
achieve the same results!

Click Here to start YOUR SIX PACK QUEST


If you're happy with how you look and feel right now, please
feel no pressure at all to use Vince's "6 pack in 6 months"

Instead, start your day off with some new knowledge, he shares
freely on the site, to blast away 5 dirty fat loss lies:

1) The body of your dreams is locked inside this "pill."

2) Lots of cardio is the key to your success.

3) Not everyone can have a six pack... it's all your genetics.

4) Follow this diet for a flat stomach.

5) Follow this ab workout for eye popping results.

Click here to start your six pack quest and discover the truth
on these dirty little lies -->


To your six pack quest,

P.S. Vince is offering a half priced discount for the first
3 days of his launch...

Hurray, because Thursday night at midnight he's DOUBLING the
price of this program that promises to get rid of your big
belly, love handles and stubborn fat and will make you "that
guy" or "that gal" who turns heads at the gym, on the streets
and at the beach.

Click here to start your six pack quest


Friday, June 27, 2008


I finished testing the 7 Minute Workout. In the beginning I tried to do 3 series [21 minutes] so I’d get a fullbody workout in one session. As I have mentioned in the past I work 12 hour rotating shifts in a cogen [powerplant]. On my days off and when I worked nights I was able to do it, day shift NO WAY! The intensity is too much, I wound up working out sometimes 4 days a week depending on my work schedule. That said, I believe it is a great change of pace. If you have a sticking point, or really want a kick ass increase of intensity, this is the workout for you. I did my 1st post 7 Minute Workout and my strength was up which was something I really expected. What I did not think about, or expect was the fact that my recovery ability also increased! What’s next for me, an Ironman, just kidding….
I will update next week I believe it will be the KB Fatloss on Turbulence Training.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Full Body Power: Kettlebells Beyond The Basics With David Whitley, Senior RKC

Full Body Power: Kettlebells Beyond The Basics With David Whitley, Senior RKC: "'Comrade, if you liked More Russian Kettlebell Challenges, you will enjoy Full Body Kettlebell Power: Beyond the Basics by David Whitley, Senior RKC. A strong presentation of advanced kettlebell exercises, which seamlessly blends strength, conditioning and flexibility. The 'Hold My Beer and Watch This' section alone is worth the price of admission. Dave's truck-like strength and size blends with a kid-like flexibility that is rare and inspiring.'
—Pavel Tsatsouline, author of The Russian Kettlebell Challenge"

Monday, June 16, 2008


“Hi friend I underwent open heart surgery last year - I am 55 year old male - Can I go to Gym - I did try some iron five years back for six months. Of course my doc is against it. I just want your opinion. If you can post it in your blog I will read it.”

Above is a question received by RANGARAJAN A L. Well RANGARAJAN A L, I guess if you want a simple yes or no answer, that is not going to happen. You say your doctor is against it, ask him/her why, they may have a real concern, of course they may just be “old school”. If you’re not happy with the answer you can always get a 2nd opinion [I’m not a Dr…nor do I play one on TV]. Of course you still may not like what you hear, and they may have a good reason for it. What caused the surgery? Was it a hereditary type of condition? Are there still complications? Was it caused by lifestyle choice? If so have you changed them?{Diet, Smoking, Stress, etc...} If not, make them first. Then if everything I have mentioned is taken care of you can choose to go to a gym. Remember you will be starting something new, you mentioned you ONLY did SOME iron 5 years ago for only 6 months, so get a trainer. Get a trainer with experience dealing with recovering heart surgery patients, they will know what your limitations are and what to be observing. Weight training can be a great supplemental tool on your road to recovery. Remember it is your choice as to what you do, I believe you want to be here a while longer or you wouldn’t have asked a question, so listen to the doctors and when you are ready, the weights will be there!
NOTE:Again I am not a Doctor

Here is a link with some answers.


Here is a free Turbulence Training workout for you to try. Actually you'll have to Simply ask me for it and I'll send i to you ASAP.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


One of my favorite trainers is Charles Staley,well today I've got something very cool to share with you – part of an email interview devoted to EDT with Charles Staley, conducted by Nick Nilsson! The interview covers all kinds of questions about EDT…how it works, how your mindset is absolutely CRITICAL to your success, what training "density" actually IS and how you can use it to FORCE your body to build muscle and strength, and much more!
This is really good stuff - I think you'll get a lot out of it! I can forward the entire interview if you’d like…
NN: First off, Charles, please give us a little background on yourself so people know what kind of experience you have in the strength training field, e.g. how long you've been training, coaching, educational background, athletes you've coached, their accomplishments, etc.

CS: I've been coaching and teaching in the fitness/physical preparation arena since about 1983, although at that time the word "personal trainer" wasn't really in widespread use. I have a B.Sc in Sociology of Sport from the State University of New York, and I've trained many thousands of people during the past 20+ years, many of them high-level, elite athletes in a variety of sports. I can't reveal the names of some of my more famous clients, as I'm bound by confidentiality clauses in those cases. However I've trained or consulted to several prominent MMA (mixed martial arts) athletes, as well as several Olympic-level winter sport athletes (luge, bob-sleigh), Olympic-style weightlifters, powerlifters, judo-ka, and golfers. But I also train non-athletes, and we enjoy working with beginners at my live-in facility in Gilbert, AZ (Bed & Barbell)

NN: Charles, you're probably best known for your revolutionary program "Escalating Density Training." I've used EDT and it is downright AMAZING how well it works and how much it actually simplifies the whole muscle and strength-building process. Could you give people a quick explanation of what EDT is and how it works?

CS: EDT is a method where you attempt to accumulate more and more training volume while holding the duration constant. EDT workouts consist of 15-minute time-frames called "PR Zones" (PR= personal record). We're VERY focused on PR's - quantifiable indicators of enhanced work-capacity.Much like Shakira's hips, numbers don't lie. And when your numbers go up, so does your metabolism, strength, and fitness capacity. At my facility, we actually have a "PR bell," which we ring to celebrate client PR's, whenever they occur.

NN:Now, in many of your articles and on your website, you talk about having an "athletic mindset" rather than an "exerciser mindset." Could you explain a little about this and why it's so critical?

CS:Many people think like an exerciser when they, well....exercise. This mindset is characterized by pain and deprivation, and it has its roots in the age-old "no pain, no gain" mantra. Exercisers tend to think in terms of thermodynamics: "OK, if I hit the treadmill for 90 minutes, I'll burn at least 400 calories...and then if I only eat 1400 calories a day, I should burn at least 2 pounds of fat a week!" It's all about seeing how little you can eat, and how to make exercise as painful as possible... kinda reminds me of the way anorexics think.
Athletes don't exercise, they TRAIN.
When you go to the gym or training hall to train, your mindset revolves around performance and PR's. You're trying to improve your performance... you're trying to improve your technique. And when you think like THIS, your gym time becomes very uplifting and self-motivational, which leads to consistency and results.Bottom line: when you think and act like an ATHLETE, you tend to LOOK like an athlete. And I think THAT is what most people are ultimately looking for.

NN:I've also read in your articles about EDT that the focus should be on "performance" and not "fatigue". What do you mean by that and how does a focus on performance translate into better muscle-building results?

CS:Well, I've already alluded to this, but to delve into it a bit more, many people instinctively equate pain with progress. It's much like the entrepreneur who mistakenly confuses motion with results - just because you're moving...just because it hurts, doesn't mean you're making progress or getting a result. Now, it's true that getting out of your comfort zone will involve some degree of discomfort, but that discomfort is a SIDE-EFFECT of the work you did - it shouldn't be the goal. Because when pain becomes the goal, you lose sight of the REAL goal, which is increasing work-capacity and hitting new PR's

NN: One of the key concepts with EDT is increasing the "density" of the training. What do you mean by training density and why is it so important to be constantly trying to increase the number of reps you're doing with a given weight?
CS:Density refers to the work-to-rest ratio of your training sessions - it's basically how many reps of an exercise you're doing within a certain set timeframe (e.g. 50 reps in 15 minutes). Many people mistakenly focus exclusively on increasing training intensity, or the amount of weight you can put on the bar. When you use EDT, you have to "earn" the right to increase your weights by first increasing your training density (performing more sets and reps within that set timeframe).
So in other words, density represents the BASE, while intensity represents the PEAK. If you try to build too high without a strong base, your structure will fall. Same thing with training. THAT is why EDT is all about focusing on the base and increasing your overall workload - it's just more effective for maximizing strength and muscle growth. The bigger the base, the higher the peak you will be able to achieve.

For More Info ON EDT Click Here!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The First 100 Pound Fat Loss Turbulence Training Success Story

Juan Ruiz first started Turbulence Training in August of 2007 while weighing 315 pounds. He's come a long way in 9 months, and everyone at TT Members is incredibly proud of him and his accomplishments.Juan recently became the first person to lose 100 pounds with Turbulence Training.As Juan said in his Transformation Contest essay, "I have tried many diets and exercise plans and nothing has really worked well for me.I was at the end of my rope, and really starting to look into bariatric surgery. Even though it has worked wonders for my friends and family, I never wanted that surgery for myself.To have that surgery would mean that I would never know how good it felt to lose weight on my own, to find the discipline and mental fortitude to push myself and watch what I am eating. How long will it be before I gained back that lost weight after the surgery because I never learned how to really be healthy!In early August I found Turbulence Training, and signed up for the FREE Report - The Dark Side of Cardio. I have to admit, it peaked my interest. I was so disgusted with what I read; because it was so true. I couldn't tell you how many hours I have wasted doing just cardio and staying away from weights just to watch my body stay the exact same.I knew that I needed to get Turbulence Training. I knew that TT was going to change my life forever, I wasn't wrong.I also knew though that any workout program I used wouldn't be successful if I didn't change my eating habits. I started eating a low carb regimen, eating only complex carbs, and allowing myself a cheat meal once a month. I started TT in August 2007, since then I have lost a total of 86lbs (it is now March 3rd, 2008). I have never looked better in my life, I have never felt better in my life. For the first time in my life I have signed up for my first fitness contest. Never did anyone, let alone myself think that I, of all people would be signing up for a fitness contest.Yet here I am, I have gone through 84 days of this contest. During this contest I have had quite a few challenges. A month long plateau, final exams, and a bum shoulder, just to name a few, but I have also met some of the greatest people that are in this contest trying to do the same thing I am doing (trying to live a healthier lifestyle). They have been some of the most understanding, caring, and motivational people I could have ever had the pleasure to meet.I started this contest using the Original TT workout, after that I went into TT 2k3, and finished this contest with the 4 week Intermediate Body Weight program. In this contest I have had gains and losses; I have learned the benefits of fasting and how to fast properly. I have learned how to truly eat balanced meals and how to keep pushing myself when I have nothing else left to give. I have also learned how to cope with injuries, and how to not let them get the best of you. I have been able to do most of this mainly because of the great people involved in this fitness contest. Their inspiring words have kept me honest to myself, and have helped me keep my head up when I just wanted to hang it down in defeat. I have learned that you may lose a battle here and there, but the war is far from over.I have lost 3 inches from my chest, 4 inches from my gut, 3 inches from my waist, 3/4 inches from my biceps, 1/4 of an inch from my thighs, and 25lbs since starting this 12-week transformation contest. I am far from being done, and even when I finally hit my goal weight, my journey will not end there. My journey will last me a lifetime, everyday will be another day to strive for a healthier, more active me. When I think about living this way for a life time, it doesn't overwhelm me, I am grateful that my obesity didn't cripple my body, that I still have a chance to reverse the side effects, and that I am healthy enough to go to the gym and use my body to it's full potential.Granted to win a prize in this contest would be sweet, but whether I win a prize in this contest or not, it doesn't matter I already feel like a winner. Throughout this contest I have learned so many valuable lessons, and I have met some of the most motivational people one could meet. I am a lot healthier today than I was when I started this contest, and I have joined my first fitness contest ever; and I have stuck with it through the end."But Juan is not done. He's still going in the 2nd Turbulence Training Transformation Contest, and kicking butt, all while going to school and raising his little boy.If he can do it, so can you.Let me know how I can help,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MSAuthor, Turbulence Training
PS - If you don't know where to start, just take it one day at a time.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


My friend Jon Benson, author of “7Minute Muscle”, wrote a great article on how to gain muscle and lose bodyfat at the same time.
I know...I didn't think it was possible myself. But it is.
Jon tells you how here –

I trust you'll find this article as eye-opening as I did.

By the way I started the program this week and I am really feeling a difference already. I was extremely skeptical at 1st but so far I am impressed....more to follow

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Craig Ballantyne from Turbulence Training has just released a new
bodyweight circuit workout that you can do at the park!

This fat burning bodyweight challenge takes only 30 minutes and you
will get this workout as just one of the monthly workout bonuses
when you grab your copy of Turbulence Training.

PS - Don't forget, if you are still skeptical, you can try
Turbulence Training for only $4.95 for 21 days. I promise you that
you'll love this fast way to lose fat.

Holly Rigsby needs your help with the FIT YUMMY MUMMY transformation contest. Please click to vote for the winner – Thanks

Sunday, June 01, 2008


While researching for an alternative or different cardio interval training I was reminded of “Breathing Ladders” [Dragondoor] No it is not jogging with a ladder to a wall climbing up and down and jogging back, although…..
Anyway let me remind you what a “Ladder” is, it is doing an exercise or exercises in an increasing number of reps then decreasing if you choose. So for example you can do 1 hindu squat [hs], rest then 1, rest then 3 rest….until you can not do any more or a preset level, then if you choose come back down the “ladder”. Understand? Ok.
With “Breathing Ladders” you control your breaths between sets, and that is your rest time. You use a high body demand exercise such as “squat thrusts” [“burpees” if you choose to call them that – or as I remember in boot camp them being called “8 count bodybuilders”…], I like to use “kettlebell swings”. You do 1 swing then 1 controlled breath, a controlled breath being slow in thru the nose then out slowly and fully through the nose. That is one then you do 2 swings, 2 controlled breaths, 3 swings, 3 controlled breaths and so-on. You do this until you can not control your breathing and start “panic breathing” [panting]. I used a 70lb bell, [2 handed swings], up to 14, that’s 105 reps in @ 19 minutes. Give it a try, if you don’t have a kettlebell [???], try burpees. Good luck
OH Thanks to the GYM JONES site for reminding me of these brutal ladders!!!

Purchase the Gymboss Interval Timer