Then go here now and put your mouse on the "First 2000 Who Click..." line.
Click it.
Then plan to spend a few minutes with some special folks this Friday...
Here's the deal: You have probably heard about Jon Benson's new bomb-shell of a book "7 Minute Muscle."
The press is staggering. The reviews are controversial.
So I'm inviting you to chat with Jon for yourself. And 7 amazing guests. It's an all-day Fitness Teleseminar --
AND it's freee for you if you just go to this page and click-on the "First 2000" blue-link at the top of the page NOW --
7 guests -- eight full hours. You can attend at any time from noon central time until 8:00 CST.
And you can ask questions LIVE. You can listen on the web too. You don't even need a phone.
BUT there's only 2,000 slots and there is over 1.7M people being invited... so go. Now.
The special-link above will tell you more.
Talk to you this Friday, Sept. 26th.
Thomas LaMonica
P.S. Make no mistake -- this is a one-time freee offer to listen in aseight of the top fitness pros in the world (men and women) tell all aboutthe controversy over short workouts.
No edits, nothing held back.
Topics include...
> Before/after stories > Density training... what is it? > Super-short cardio that works > Burning more bodyfat in less time > Personal Q&A with the author, Jon Benson > And tons more...
And you can get $167 in freee gifts the following day if you take action between now and Friday midnight.
So... here's what you do:
1. Go here NOW:7minutemuscle
2. Click the blue-link that starts with"First 2000 Who Click-Here..."
3. Check out the seminar guests...amazing line-up!... freee for you.
4. Attend anytime on Friday.
Hop to it.
P.P.S. AGAIN... the gifts are ONLY available through Friday Midnight and only for those who have the guts to try a bold, fast, new approach to getting the body they want... DO NOT FORGET THE ADDITIONAL VIDEO FROM VINCE DELMONTE WHEN YOU ORDER FROM MY LINK [EMAIL ME LETTING ME KNOW]!!!!