Friday, September 26, 2008

Free All-Day Teleseminar Plus over $167 in bonuses...FRIDAY ONLY

Are you spontaneous?
Then go here now and put your mouse on the "First 2000 Who Click..." line.
Click it.
Then plan to spend a few minutes with some special folks this Friday...

Here's the deal: You have probably heard about Jon Benson's new bomb-shell of a book "7 Minute Muscle."
The press is staggering. The reviews are controversial.
So I'm inviting you to chat with Jon for yourself. And 7 amazing guests. It's an all-day Fitness Teleseminar --
AND it's freee for you if you just go to this page and click-on the "First 2000" blue-link at the top of the page NOW --

7 guests -- eight full hours. You can attend at any time from noon central time until 8:00 CST.
And you can ask questions LIVE. You can listen on the web too. You don't even need a phone.
BUT there's only 2,000 slots and there is over 1.7M people being invited... so go. Now.

One more thing: If you like whatyou hear and you want to pick up Jon's book and see what all the fussis about, you will get $167 in freeevideos and audios that are NOTadvertised on Jon's homepage.
The special-link above will tell you more.
Talk to you this Friday, Sept. 26th.
Thomas LaMonica
P.S. Make no mistake -- this is a one-time freee offer to listen in aseight of the top fitness pros in the world (men and women) tell all aboutthe controversy over short workouts.
No edits, nothing held back.
Topics include...
> Before/after stories > Density training... what is it? > Super-short cardio that works > Burning more bodyfat in less time > Personal Q&A with the author, Jon Benson > And tons more...
And you can get $167 in freee gifts the following day if you take action between now and Friday midnight.
So... here's what you do:
1. Go here NOW:7minutemuscle
2. Click the blue-link that starts with"First 2000 Who Click-Here..."
3. Check out the seminar guests...amazing line-up!... freee for you.
4. Attend anytime on Friday.
Hop to it.
P.P.S. AGAIN... the gifts are ONLY available through Friday Midnight and only for those who have the guts to try a bold, fast, new approach to getting the body they want... DO NOT FORGET THE ADDITIONAL VIDEO FROM VINCE DELMONTE WHEN YOU ORDER FROM MY LINK [EMAIL ME LETTING ME KNOW]!!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Fitness pros how would you like to make your job easier? Easier sounds dirty how about more efficient? Workout Muse now has a Fitness Pro/trainer section. Using the soundtracks is like putting your sessions on semi auto, instead of watching a stopwatch you can watch form, technique, motivate, etc...
Go to the site sign-up for the newsetter, free samples!


Sunday, September 21, 2008


So here's the million-dollar question:

"What's the number one reason people do not work out?"

Is it lack of money? Lack of motivation? Perhaps they lack the ideal workout plan?

Nope. It's TIME. Or rather the lack thereof.

"We know that 50 per cent of the population doesn't [exercise] and the most commonly cited barrier to exercise is lack of time." This quote comes from exercise researcher Martin Gibala, a kinesiology professor at McMaster University in Hamilton.

Gibala put his theory to the test in a study that was published in the Journal of Physiology. In it Gibala compared a group who exercised "traditionally" -- 90 to 120 minutes per day -- with another group exercising far less: Only 20 minutes per day and only three days per week.

That's a whopping one hour per week folks.

Did you know that Jon Benson's "7 Minute Muscle" plan calls for only five 7-minute workouts with resistance training (weights or bodyweight) plus only 9 minutes cardio a few days per week?

And that actually works? Yeah... you bet it does.

If you do the math, that's about an hour per week as well.

This is the "Level 1" workout. There are three levels depending on your goals and exercise tolerance.

Find out more here --

7MINUTE MUSCLE <--- brief is best! Back to Gibala's study: In just two weeks both groups showed improvement in both exercise performance and oxygen uptake. (Remember, fat burns in the presence of oxygen.) The kicker is that both groups were almost identical in their improvement. Why? Because the brief exercise group trained with greater focus and more intensity -- exactly how Jon suggests you train. This is just one of dozens of studies that confirm the benefits of shorter but more intense workouts. However, there is a catch: Train too hard and you will shut down your fat-burning furnace. Your body perceives over-exertion done over an extended period of time as a sign of pursuit. It can trigger an ancient hormonal sequence that says, "I'm being chased by a tiger! Horde the fat!" The body literally shuts down what it considers to be unnecessary activity in favor of self-preservation. And guess what? Burning off those hips and love handles is not a biological necessity. You have to learn when to hit it hard AND when to rest and recover. Finally, you have to put yourself into the proper mental state in order to see greater results in the shortest period of time. Jon devotes an entire chapter to putting your mind into your muscle to make gains faster than ever befor in "7 Minute Muscle." You can read more here -- 7 MINUTE MUSCLE <--- brief is best! Just remember these three key points: 1. Time is the greatest barrier to fitness. 2. Workouts can be short and very effective. 3. The body goes where the mind directs. Until next week, train smart.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Have you ever been too tired to train after a vacation? I went on a little vacation last week to Toronto and Ottawa, had a great time, a lot of driving, but a great time none the less. The places I stayed at had no gym, s I did interval {Tabatas-using the Workoutmuse soundtrack} training with bodyweight exercises each day, nothing too rigorous knowing I’d be driving and doing a lot of walking each day. Drove home Sunday, got home around 10pm.Monday I had work at 6:30 until 6:30, and planned on doing my scheduled workout which would have included a 10 minute dead lift EDT zone and 2 Turbulence Training rounds. I was still too tired and just wanted to work out as quick as possible, but I wanted to have a good workout. So I did a 7 minute workout. Doing deadlifts, then swings, it is now Friday and my traps are still sore and feel pumped! I do believe you should plan your workout but it is also great to have back-ups, because some times life happens. It is good to learn various workouts that way you have a full repertoire to choose from!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is your CHILD overweight & lack self-esteem?

You know we always talk about our OWN fitness and how to stay in
shape, but have you seen some of the KIDS these days?

An estimated 60 MILLION kids are overweight...

...and the number is growing at epidemic proportions!

Yes, there's all the "health issues" that come with this like
diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

But kids don't care about this stuff (yet!)

It's the hurtful TEASING and NAME CALLING they have to endure day
after day from their schoolmates.

They're called names and kids laugh behind their back and make up
jokes about them.

THIS is where the REAL DAMAGE is taking place with our kids!

Sure we can blame it on "McDonald's" and "television".

But the fact is that these are challenges that CAN be overcome.

But here's the problem...

A lot of DOCTORS don't know what advice to give parents about their
kid's weight problem!

Government organizations and other community services are
trying...but often just offer "tips".

But "tips" and "doctors' advice" dished out in a 5 minute checkup
do NOT help parents with ALL of the challenges they face when
trying to help their child.

Most parents struggle with finding REAL SOLUTIONS for their son or
daughter's weight gain.

And it's just WAY too confusing and frustrating to run around
trying to "piece together articles" about what to do.

That's why my friend, Jeff Anderson (who has a 14 y.o. who
struggles with his weight) took matters into his OWN hands and put
together a COMPLETE program just for PARENTS who want to help their
child or teen lose weight.

It's called "Raising Fit Kids" and if you have an overweight child,
you're going to say "FINALLY!" (I promise you!)

It covers EVERYTHING you need to know to help you kid.

Here's a link where you can go and check it out...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

* New "Parent's Guide" To Weight Loss Program For Kids * <= Click

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

It even comes with a complete book on "Raising Your Child's

...something that is DESPERATELY needed for these kids!

If you DO have an overweight child, you owe it to them to at least
LOOK at the website to see if there's anything that can help you.

Or maybe you KNOW someone who struggles with helping their child
lose weight?

If so, PLEASE do them a favor and FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO THEM!

We need to help our children as much as possible...and this program
WILL help them!

Here's the link again...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

* New "Parent's Guide" To Weight Loss Program For Kids * <= Click

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


SITUPLESS {is that a word?} ABS


Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today I have 5 quick muscle building tips from Jason Feruggia, author of “Muscle Gaining Secrets” that may
make a big difference in your training.

- Don't exceed 5-6 reps on most of your warm up
sets. Your first set could consist of a very light
weight for 10-20 reps just to get loosened up and
get the blood flowing but beyond that you want to
keep the reps low. The reason for this is that you
don't want to build up too much lactic acid or
accumulate too much fatigue with your warm ups.

- Don't stretch before your workout in the hopes
of preventing injury. This doesn't work. The only
benefit of stretching before a workout is to help
you get into positions you might not be able to
reach (such as a full squat) because you are tight
in specific areas (such as the glutes and hip
flexors). But stretching for the sake of injury
prevention is an outdated idea and doesn't really

- Don't over-analyze and over-think everything you
do in the gym. This never gets you anywhere. Don't
worry if the incline of the bench is supposed to be
30 degrees or 35 degrees. Don't worry that if you
don't supinate at exactly the right time you won't
activate your biceps optimally. Don't stress out
about the exact grip width on the bar. If someone
tells you that a 14 inch grip on the bench press
hits your triceps better than anything else, but
because of an injury or anatomical difference you
can only comfortably use an 18 inch grip, don't
sweat it. People over-think themselves to death and
they never get anywhere because of it. Go to the
gym, get stronger, go home, eat, sleep and repeat.
Don't turn it into advanced calculus.

- Always train both sides of the joint with equal
volume. Therefore if you do six sets of pressing
exercises you need to do six sets per week of
pulling exercises. If you do two sets of curls you
should do two sets of triceps work. And so on and
so on...

- If you can't get your forearms to grow, try
hitting them with more frequency than other muscle
groups. They can easily be trained three times per
week and recover without any problem. You could
also do them first in your workout if you really
want to prioritize them or at least on a different
day than you do your biceps work. Don't just do
light sets of 20-50 reps, either; you need to hit
the forearms heavy sometimes. And don't forget
about the behind the back wrist curl; this can be
done with a lot of weight and will definitely
spark some forearm growth. When you finish training
the forearms, hit them with a deep stretch for both
the extensors and flexors for 30-60 seconds.

For more incredible muscle building tips please
visit “Muscle Gaining Secrets”

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


I updated my Turbulence Training [TT] membership and could not wait to start the “Meat Heads Workout” I am modifying it a bit. The 1st part will be done in a 10 minute pr zone – Escalating Density Training [EDT] style. I will also add the “3 Minute Arm workout” at least 1x a week. I very rarely do arms so this will be a change. The “Meat Heads” workout is a 4 day a week workout, I normally do 3 days a week, I will do the 4 days when I can and if I can not, do to either work or recovery, I will just start with the next day. I will do it until I complete 6 cycles. In order to help my recovery I will add another protein drink 1 hour after my post workout drink. This one will be a mixed blend with fiber, both to slow the absorption down, plus the add benefits given by the fiber.

SPECIAL WORKOUT MUSE OFFER – For a limited-time ONLY 25% discount on The 16-Week Rapid Fat Loss Cardio Soundtracks!
However, this limited-time special 25% OFF DISCOUNT will expire this Friday, September 5th so don't delay on the digital audio interval training system that has been taking the fitness industry by storm!

The next, 3rd TT Transformation contest is starting, for prizes and rules click below
TT Trans