Thursday, April 03, 2008


It is getting close to bathing suit time [at least in the North East], are you ready? Need a little boost??

Well the Turbulence Training Workout of the Month is called, "Turbulence Training for Amazing Lower Abs".

You are going to LOVE this one.

This is the #1 requested program from TT readers, and it covers
lower ab exercises and how to burn lower belly fat. The 1-2 punch to
get flat abs. And not just flat upper abs, but flat LOWER abs.

The program features many powerful, yet unique exercises such as
the Pullup with Knee-up, Decline Spiderman Pushup, Hanging Leg
Raises, and Cable Chops.

You can watch demonstrations of all of these exercises in the
Workout of the Month department - when you order Turbulence Training
before the end of April.

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