Here I go again, I’m going to rant, vent, whatever you choose to call it. Normally when I choose to workout at the gym, [Retro Fitness] there is a regular amount of people there. This past Friday, Good Friday, it was packed! Fine I understand people were off. I realized I would not be able to do the workout I wanted and changed it up on the fly. I was going to do my normal “Turbulence Training”, but do to the crowd I couldn’t. I did do a “round” consisting of deadlifts with a”trap-bar”, upright rows and dumbbell snatchs. I did 4 rounds after a warm up. Then I wanted to do a little chest work to finish my whole body. I decided to do crossover being I hit my chest real hard on Wednesday; I just wanted to get some blood into it. The gym has this great “cable station” a sort of right angle, made by Life Fitness I believe. Each side, leg if you will, is about 15’ long. On each end there are 3 stations, 1leg has 2 adjustable press down or curl stations and a lat pull down, the other end has 2 low cable rows and 1 adjustable press down or curl station. Each center part of each leg is the adjustable cross over area, also with a pull up bar. The corner has a lat pull down and an adjustable press down or curl stations. {So that makes 4 adjustable press down or curl stations!!!!} There was 2 people doing crossovers at the one station, and would not allow me to work in, which I asked to do because 2 guys were doing tricep press downs on the other crossover station and would not switch to one of the 4 open adjustable press down or curl stations!! I did ask very nicely on both counts the thing that really got me was the 2 doing triceps could have benefited more if they just stuck with the basics, they both looked like beginners [very skinny]. I would have gladly gave them some advice, but you know what they were extremely vulgar and rude when I asked them to switch. There are ways of saying “no” like for example “we only have few sets left” or something to that effect. Not “We were f%$*n here first wait your turn as@%^e”. Is it me? Maybe I should have just not bothered to ask????
Jillian Michaels, one of the trainer's on the hit TV show,
The Biggest Loser, mentioned Turbulence Training on her radio show
recently. Did she trash it and bash it? She recommended it!!!
“Muscle Gaining Secrets”
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