Check out the winners of the tubulence training transformation contest!!!
Congrats to all who entered!!
I've come to realize that with age the body's recovery slows down. Also many people do not have the time to go to the gym 5 days a week. That is the goal/purpose of this blog to find full body workouts to use 2-3 times a week and still make the gains wanted. Total Body workouts that can be done in less then 1 hour.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008

I feel like doing something different today, so here is my workout for this evening:
Heavy double kettebell clean and press
Med double kettlebell snatches
Med kettlebell cleans
Renegade rows, pushing down HARD on stabilizing arm, then pumping out push-ups using kettlebells as push-up bars
I will do these for 4-5 rounds, give it a try let me kow what you think!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Type A Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers
The first type of muscle fibers are known as Type A Fast Twitch and are responsible for the most forceful contractions generated, however, will fatigue the fastest.
For example, if you were to perform an all out set of 3 reps for bench press, you would predominately be using these type A muscle fibers.
They tend to have very large motor neurons and very low mitochondrial density. They also have a low oxidative capacity, meaning they will not be able to utilize oxygen very well. It is for this reason that they are not suited to endurance type of activities, because during these exercise variations, oxygen must be present in order to sustain the muscular contractions.
The major type of fuel that these muscle fibers are going to rely on is creatine phosphate and stored muscle glycogen (glucose). They will not utilize stored body fat at all due to the fact that they are only able to continually contract for between one and about 20 seconds.
Type B Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers
The next muscle fiber is also classified as a fast twitch muscle fiber but not to the extent that type A are.
This muscle fiber type is mostly utilized in activities that are relatively short in duration, but are not at an all out pace.
For example, if you were to sprint 100 meters, you’ll be using mostly type A. If on the other hand, you are to do a running interval at about 80-90% of your max capacity for 30 seconds, this would utilize the type 2A more.
Some of the characteristics of the type B are that they still have a large motor neuron (not as large as Type A though), they are on the intermediate scale as far as being resistant to fatigue, and they have a high degree of mitochondrial density.
These muscle fiber types are also able to use oxygen to a great extent, as demonstrated by their higher resistance to fatigue and longer duration of contraction abilities.
Slow Twitch
Finally, the third type of muscle fiber that you have in your body is classified as slow-twitch.
This is the muscle fiber type you would use if you were to run a marathon or any other extended duration, medium-to-low intensity activity.
These muscle fibers have a very high ability to resist fatigue and have a large oxidative capacity. They are also relatively slow to contract, therefore you cannot expect a great deal of force generation from these muscles, thus, will not be intended for exercises requiring a high degree of power.
They are very high in terms of mitochondrial density and have a large number of capillaries running throughout their bodies. This is to enable sufficient oxygen to get to the muscle tissues so that they can carry on the extended duration of muscular work they are intended to do.
These are also the muscle fibers that will also rely more on fat as fuel, as opposed to strictly using carbohydrates or creatine phosphate.
Training The Muscle Fiber Types
So, now that you’re familiar with the three major classes of muscle fiber types, it’s time to recognize how you would train each effectively.
Since type A are your primary force generators, if you wish to get a higher performance from them you’ll need to train using exercises that require you to max out your effort for a short period of time.
Think sprinting at full speed, 1-5 rep sets for lifting, and any type of plyometric activities.
Next, to train your type B muscles fibers, you’ll want to slightly decrease the force with which you are to contract while simultaneously increasing the time over which you contract ever so slightly
For example, perform 30-45 intervals repeated ten times with about a minute or a minute and a half at a low to moderate pace. For your weight training activities, aim to target the 6-10 rep range to utilize the fact these muscle fibers have a higher oxidation ability.
Finally, to improve your slow twitch muscle fibers, think endurance. This type of fiber will usually require the greatest amount of time to train for improvement because you’ll want to focus on simply going ‘longer’. If you’re a runner, try and run longer. If you’re a biker, bike longer. If you’re a swimmer, swim longer – you get the point. This type of muscle has the ability to go for extended periods of time so this is exactly what you want to train it to do.
So, next time you are trying to sort out your training plan, make sure to take the various muscle fiber types into consideration.
Doing so will allow you to make the most out of your training program so you get the exact results you’re looking for.
By Vince DelMonte
One factor that many people overlook when they do all their research about the best type of muscle building strength training program to go on is the various types of muscle tissue and what type of training is best suited to them.
While you can’t differentiate between muscle fibers from your outside appearance, on the inside of the muscle tissue body, there are three main different fibers present.
One factor that many people overlook when they do all their research about the best type of muscle building strength training program to go on is the various types of muscle tissue and what type of training is best suited to them.
While you can’t differentiate between muscle fibers from your outside appearance, on the inside of the muscle tissue body, there are three main different fibers present.
Type A Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers
The first type of muscle fibers are known as Type A Fast Twitch and are responsible for the most forceful contractions generated, however, will fatigue the fastest.
For example, if you were to perform an all out set of 3 reps for bench press, you would predominately be using these type A muscle fibers.
They tend to have very large motor neurons and very low mitochondrial density. They also have a low oxidative capacity, meaning they will not be able to utilize oxygen very well. It is for this reason that they are not suited to endurance type of activities, because during these exercise variations, oxygen must be present in order to sustain the muscular contractions.
The major type of fuel that these muscle fibers are going to rely on is creatine phosphate and stored muscle glycogen (glucose). They will not utilize stored body fat at all due to the fact that they are only able to continually contract for between one and about 20 seconds.
Type B Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers
The next muscle fiber is also classified as a fast twitch muscle fiber but not to the extent that type A are.
This muscle fiber type is mostly utilized in activities that are relatively short in duration, but are not at an all out pace.
For example, if you were to sprint 100 meters, you’ll be using mostly type A. If on the other hand, you are to do a running interval at about 80-90% of your max capacity for 30 seconds, this would utilize the type 2A more.
Some of the characteristics of the type B are that they still have a large motor neuron (not as large as Type A though), they are on the intermediate scale as far as being resistant to fatigue, and they have a high degree of mitochondrial density.
These muscle fiber types are also able to use oxygen to a great extent, as demonstrated by their higher resistance to fatigue and longer duration of contraction abilities.
Slow Twitch
Finally, the third type of muscle fiber that you have in your body is classified as slow-twitch.
This is the muscle fiber type you would use if you were to run a marathon or any other extended duration, medium-to-low intensity activity.
These muscle fibers have a very high ability to resist fatigue and have a large oxidative capacity. They are also relatively slow to contract, therefore you cannot expect a great deal of force generation from these muscles, thus, will not be intended for exercises requiring a high degree of power.
They are very high in terms of mitochondrial density and have a large number of capillaries running throughout their bodies. This is to enable sufficient oxygen to get to the muscle tissues so that they can carry on the extended duration of muscular work they are intended to do.
These are also the muscle fibers that will also rely more on fat as fuel, as opposed to strictly using carbohydrates or creatine phosphate.
Training The Muscle Fiber Types
So, now that you’re familiar with the three major classes of muscle fiber types, it’s time to recognize how you would train each effectively.
Since type A are your primary force generators, if you wish to get a higher performance from them you’ll need to train using exercises that require you to max out your effort for a short period of time.
Think sprinting at full speed, 1-5 rep sets for lifting, and any type of plyometric activities.
Next, to train your type B muscles fibers, you’ll want to slightly decrease the force with which you are to contract while simultaneously increasing the time over which you contract ever so slightly
For example, perform 30-45 intervals repeated ten times with about a minute or a minute and a half at a low to moderate pace. For your weight training activities, aim to target the 6-10 rep range to utilize the fact these muscle fibers have a higher oxidation ability.
Finally, to improve your slow twitch muscle fibers, think endurance. This type of fiber will usually require the greatest amount of time to train for improvement because you’ll want to focus on simply going ‘longer’. If you’re a runner, try and run longer. If you’re a biker, bike longer. If you’re a swimmer, swim longer – you get the point. This type of muscle has the ability to go for extended periods of time so this is exactly what you want to train it to do.
So, next time you are trying to sort out your training plan, make sure to take the various muscle fiber types into consideration.
Doing so will allow you to make the most out of your training program so you get the exact results you’re looking for.
Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at No Nonsense Newsletter click here!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Craig Ballantyne at Turbulence Training needs help choosing the winner of his TT “Transformation Contest” so go help him out and VOTE!
Alwyn Cosgroveand Craig Ballantyne had a long discussion covering everything in the
fitness industry (from Valslides to Jay Ferruggia's workouts and all the sport-specific training in-between), but what was most interesting was Alwyn's latest recommendations for ab training.
So I twisted his arm to get him to reveal a long list of ab exercises for you to use in your workouts...
Here's what Alwyn had to say:
A recent study testing abdominal activation with various exercises
showed an interesting trend. The most activation occured when the abs were used as stabilizers as opposed to prime movers.
In other words - planks and the ab wheel type exercises worked the abs HARDER than crunches or reverse crunches.
Therefore, you need various types of stabilization work in your routine to get maximum results. Start with an isometric variation and then add a dynamic stabilization version.
Here are 21 ab stabilization exercises from my staff training manual
at his gym, Results Fitness:
1) Plank
2) Plank with single arm support
3) Plank with single leg support
4) Plank with single arm and single leg support
5) Plank on Stability ball - elbows on ball
6) Plank on stability ball - hands on ball
7) Plank on Stability ball - elbows on ball & single leg support
8) Plank on stability ball - hands on ball & single leg support
9) Plank on Stability ball - elbows on ball & feet on bench
10) Plank on stability ball - hands on ball & feet on bench
11) Stability ball knee drives
12) Stability ball cross body knee drives
13) Side Plank
14) Side Plank with single leg support
15) Side Plank on Stability ball - elbows on ball
16) Side Planks from hand
17) Side Planks from hand with single leg support
18) Alternating side planks to elbow
19) Alternating side planks to hand
20) Alternating side planks to elbow with single leg support
21) Alternating side planks to hand with single leg support
Alwyn Cosgroveand Craig Ballantyne had a long discussion covering everything in the
fitness industry (from Valslides to Jay Ferruggia's workouts and all the sport-specific training in-between), but what was most interesting was Alwyn's latest recommendations for ab training.
So I twisted his arm to get him to reveal a long list of ab exercises for you to use in your workouts...
Here's what Alwyn had to say:
A recent study testing abdominal activation with various exercises
showed an interesting trend. The most activation occured when the abs were used as stabilizers as opposed to prime movers.
In other words - planks and the ab wheel type exercises worked the abs HARDER than crunches or reverse crunches.
Therefore, you need various types of stabilization work in your routine to get maximum results. Start with an isometric variation and then add a dynamic stabilization version.
Here are 21 ab stabilization exercises from my staff training manual
at his gym, Results Fitness:
1) Plank
2) Plank with single arm support
3) Plank with single leg support
4) Plank with single arm and single leg support
5) Plank on Stability ball - elbows on ball
6) Plank on stability ball - hands on ball
7) Plank on Stability ball - elbows on ball & single leg support
8) Plank on stability ball - hands on ball & single leg support
9) Plank on Stability ball - elbows on ball & feet on bench
10) Plank on stability ball - hands on ball & feet on bench
11) Stability ball knee drives
12) Stability ball cross body knee drives
13) Side Plank
14) Side Plank with single leg support
15) Side Plank on Stability ball - elbows on ball
16) Side Planks from hand
17) Side Planks from hand with single leg support
18) Alternating side planks to elbow
19) Alternating side planks to hand
20) Alternating side planks to elbow with single leg support
21) Alternating side planks to hand with single leg support
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Here is a link to Jillian Michael's testimonial about "Turbulence Training"
Friday, April 11, 2008
Excellent blog entry on taking planks up a notch on Combatcorestrength blog -
Combat Core Strength
Get Your Free Centerpoint Meditation CD here!
Combat Core Strength
Get Your Free Centerpoint Meditation CD here!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Jillian has one more recommendation for you on how to get flat abs.
You watch a lot of TV?
I don't, especially now that the batteries are dead in my remote
control. But I do try and sneak in a bit of "The Office" and "My
Name is Earl" each week. One show I don't watch - which maybe I
should - is "The Biggest Loser".
On that show, two expert trainers, including Jillian Michaels, help
overweight men and women make dramatic life changes in their health
and bodies. Kind of like the Turbulence Training Transformation
So today, Jillian Michaels, one of the celebrity trainers from the
"Biggest Loser" TV show, gives her advice on burning the last bit of
belly fat to help you get flat abs...
"Crunches don't equal abs.
You can't do crunches and expect to see abs if they're trapped under
a layer of fat.
Taking off the last problem pounds requires discipline. You're
fighting you're body's natural chemistry. Your body wants to keep
on an extra 10-15 pounds and losing the last 10 pounds isn't always
about getting healthy in the same way losing 30 or 40 is.
Sometimes, it's about vanity, and for vanity, you have to make
sacrifices. Your body doesn't want to shed that weight just because
you are a narcissist and want to wear size two jeans.
You have to trick your body into thinking it's a safe weight, and
that means plowing through the program without giving your body the
chance to rebound back to its old weight.
If you can read In Touch on the treadmill, you aren't working hard
I couldn't agree more.
Jillian has one more recommendation for you on how to get flat abs....Do you
remember it from a previous post????
I don't, especially now that the batteries are dead in my remote
control. But I do try and sneak in a bit of "The Office" and "My
Name is Earl" each week. One show I don't watch - which maybe I
should - is "The Biggest Loser".
On that show, two expert trainers, including Jillian Michaels, help
overweight men and women make dramatic life changes in their health
and bodies. Kind of like the Turbulence Training Transformation
So today, Jillian Michaels, one of the celebrity trainers from the
"Biggest Loser" TV show, gives her advice on burning the last bit of
belly fat to help you get flat abs...
"Crunches don't equal abs.
You can't do crunches and expect to see abs if they're trapped under
a layer of fat.
Taking off the last problem pounds requires discipline. You're
fighting you're body's natural chemistry. Your body wants to keep
on an extra 10-15 pounds and losing the last 10 pounds isn't always
about getting healthy in the same way losing 30 or 40 is.
Sometimes, it's about vanity, and for vanity, you have to make
sacrifices. Your body doesn't want to shed that weight just because
you are a narcissist and want to wear size two jeans.
You have to trick your body into thinking it's a safe weight, and
that means plowing through the program without giving your body the
chance to rebound back to its old weight.
If you can read In Touch on the treadmill, you aren't working hard
I couldn't agree more.
Jillian has one more recommendation for you on how to get flat abs....Do you

Saturday, April 05, 2008
A Faster Fat Burner - MSN Health & Fitness - Men's Fitness
I was doing a version of this today with kettlebells, not alternating the press. I press both up on the way down and lowered the 2 of them on my way up from the lunge excellent workout!!
A Faster Fat Burner - MSN Health & Fitness - Men's Fitness
No Nonsense Newsletter click here!
Get Your Free Centerpoint Meditation CD here!
A Faster Fat Burner - MSN Health & Fitness - Men's Fitness
No Nonsense Newsletter click here!
Get Your Free Centerpoint Meditation CD here!
Thursday, April 03, 2008

It is getting close to bathing suit time [at least in the North East], are you ready? Need a little boost??
Well the Turbulence Training Workout of the Month is called, "Turbulence Training for Amazing Lower Abs".
You are going to LOVE this one.
This is the #1 requested program from TT readers, and it covers
lower ab exercises and how to burn lower belly fat. The 1-2 punch to
get flat abs. And not just flat upper abs, but flat LOWER abs.
The program features many powerful, yet unique exercises such as
the Pullup with Knee-up, Decline Spiderman Pushup, Hanging Leg
Raises, and Cable Chops.
You can watch demonstrations of all of these exercises in the
Workout of the Month department - when you order Turbulence Training
before the end of April.
You are going to LOVE this one.
This is the #1 requested program from TT readers, and it covers
lower ab exercises and how to burn lower belly fat. The 1-2 punch to
get flat abs. And not just flat upper abs, but flat LOWER abs.
The program features many powerful, yet unique exercises such as
the Pullup with Knee-up, Decline Spiderman Pushup, Hanging Leg
Raises, and Cable Chops.
You can watch demonstrations of all of these exercises in the
Workout of the Month department - when you order Turbulence Training
before the end of April.
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