Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Here is a link for a free eBook which will b up for only 72 hours, it is from Mike Mahler. If you are not familiar with him check out his site or Dragon door [link on the right!!!] order his DVD I did a write up in the past on one "The Kettlebell Solution for Size And Strength" excellent. Believe me after reading the ebook your going to want to order!

Here is a copy of the email:
Okay I am in a generous mood and I am giving the E-book away for free forthe next 72 hours. Once 72 hours is gone, the offer goes with it. Do noteven think of emailing me after 72 hours for the e-book.Go here to download it:
Document-id: 446BDBF6-51CE-28745D
Login: MAHLER25
Password: charlie
Again you have 72 hours. If you like what you see in the book, sign up fora seminar and get my DVD's. Or just be cheap and enjoy the free info ;-)Mike


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