I am going to add the following workout to my rotation. When I go to the gym I will still follow the “Turbulence Training Workout” {by the way this months TT Members workouts are some great circuit training sessions TTMembers.com} but my garage session will be “rounds”. For which I have to thank Bud Jeffries @Strongerman.com, thank you! He goes into great explanation on a lot of what I am going to say in his newest DVD.The reason for this switch is my garage workouts are usually on days I work the day shift [6:30am-6:30pm] and I never get to the interval training. This workout will hit both anerobic and aerobic, plus functionality. Each round will have 3 exercises a heavy (1-3 reps) a medium (5-10 Reps), and a light (10+ reps) with little rest between each one.You will do each round 3x adding weight to the heavy each time and stretching as your active rest between each time.
So here goes:
Start off by warming up your whole body, you know your body better then anyone else, when warmed get started.
1st Round Heavy = Squats, Medium = Pistols, Light = Hindu squats
2nd Round Heavy = Barbell Push Press, Medium = Kettlebell [or DB]Bench Press, Light = Hitting Heavy Bag, 0ne Armed KB Press, Hitting Heavy Bag, One armed KB Press
3rd Round Heavy = Deadlift, Medium = Renegade Rows, Light = KB 1 Armed Snatches
Time your self doing these, then beat your time next time around! As usual if you have ANY questions ask, it will give me something to write about!
PS anyone trying to gain muscle be on the lookout this Wednesday,2/13/08, Vince DelMonte will realese his NEW DVD. He just let me check out his NNMBDVD and this is one of the most educational, inspirational and entertaining muscle building footage EVER.His muscle building DVD is officially 4 HOURS (that's 4 spelled F O U R)! If you haven't seen the 60 second trailer yet, check it out to see what all the fuss is about: --> NNMBDVD (scroll to thebottom of the page)
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