Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New workout and ...

New Workout and new source for Kettlebells and kettlebell training information
I stared my new workout 2 weeks ago. I am using Turbulence Training, of course I made few little changes. The changes I made are mainly with equipment, using kettlebells where possible. I really like the workouts. I feel great afterwards, and can actually feel my body mass changing. The workouts remind me of what I was doing years ago but VERY fine tuned. The workouts I used in the past took @1 hour and usually were not full body. Turbulence Training is only taking me less then 40 minutes and I am doing a full body workout. If you are looking for a extremely efficient workout this is for you, try it. Remember when starting a new workout [no not the same medical/legal disclaimer you should know that one] reduce your weights the 1st week, because the intensity will change. Adjust to the workout and you'll get better results.
I'd like to recommend to everyone a great source for kettlebells and training info, Mike Mahlers Aggressive Strength I've purchased his videos and these were a great help with my learning how to use KB's. The videos are extremely well done and Mike shows a sense of humor not always seen in workout videos. Also his seminars are what fine tuned my techniques that as a result I moved up to the 40kgs KB after attending his seminar. Mike also has a newsletter [free] so check it out


How to Lose Manboobs
By: Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Turbulence Training
You don’t have to go through life with man boobs (otherwise known as male breasts). In fact, you can burn away chest fat and get rid of your manboobs forever with just three short, but intense workouts per week.
Getting rid of manboobs is as simple as getting rid of any other fat. You need to cut back on the junk, and fill up on the intensity. Turbulence Training is the fastest fat loss workout you can do at home. You don’t need fancy equipment or a gym membership (where you’ll be too embarrassed by your man boobs to go anyway).
Listen, women love a chiseled chest, but are turned off by the site of manboobs poking through a sweatshirt. That’s why I’ve put together a fat burning program that focuses on building muscle and blasting fat with all sorts of push-ups, chest exercises, and intervals. In fact, even the Turbulence Training abdominal workouts work the chest and help convert those man boobs back into a real man’s chest in just weeks.
You can gain muscle and lose fat with short workouts. You don’t need to be training 6 days per week or spending hundreds of dollars each month on fancy (but worthless) supplements.
Soon you’ll be the guy who is first to take his shirt off at the beach. No more hiding under sweats in the middle of July, or avoiding the water because you don’t want anyone to see your manboobs.
And no matter what anyone says, you don’t have to rely on surgery. Besides, that will leave ugly scars that will leave you just as self-conscious as when you had man boobs. The only fix is a permanent lifestyle change, thanks to the 3 short workouts per week of Turbulence Training. You’ll see changes in your man boobs, love handles, and arm definition within weeks, going from male breasts to ripped abs in the process.
Turbulence Training is not like all those other aerobic, slow cardio programs you’ve tried in the past that didn’t work. And it’s not a wimpy machine circuit that just ends up being a waste of your time. Instead, Turbulence Training is a unique exercise system that you can do in the comfort of your own home, so that no one at the gym can point or stare at your chest – at least not until they are staring with respect.
The fastest way, the safest way, and the only way to get rid of man boobs is with strength training and interval training. Combine that with Dr. Chris Mohr’s sensible nutrition guidelines, and you’ll have a new body, and a new chest in just weeks.
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MSAuthor, Turbulence Training
About the AuthorCraig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit Turbulence Training

Monday, August 06, 2007

A FREE4 week bodyweight training

I have a copy of a 4 week bodyweight training program, if you'd like a copy of it send me an email!

Friday, August 03, 2007

Tried Tires

So the other day I decided to go for a bike ride instead of my regular training because the weather was so nice. As I was riding I came past a gated lot that was open, and I noticed a tire laying in the driveway, I'd say it was a small tractor tire @3.5 -4 ft tall,no strongman event tire by any means. Curiosity got the best of me so I turned around and pulled into the lot and looked over the tire. I stood it on its end and flipped it over. I did this until there was no more driveway left then turned around and continued until it was close to where it was when I found it. Believe me this was not easy, after I finished this the tire went from a piece of exercise equipment to a lounge chair! I was soaked in sweat and my muscles were shaking. This was a TOTAL BODY workout to say the least. I sat there until the owner returned, he asked what I was doing I told him, he looked at me like I was an idiot, and said he needs to start remembering to lock his gate. { I asked for a key, again I got the same look} I liked this and want to add it to my choices. I don't have a tire or any real place to keep one. So I came up with this option, I could either take my stone ball or a large kettlebell, drive to a park or a field, and pick it up and push press throw it [does that make sense???]. I know it is not exactly the same but I think it will work I'll try it, and let you know.