Saturday, June 17, 2006

June 17th 2006 Workout and dvd review

Here is my new work-out
Squat 1 high rep set [after warm-up of course]
(2 sets each)
Renegade Row supersetted with pushups

52 lb. Kettlebell
15 cleans double kettlebells
20 sumo deadlifts into a row to chin double kettlebells
15 double kettlebell presses overhead
20 sumo deadlifts into a row to chin
Kettlebell snatchs same each hand
3 cycles min. rest between each
{3 times a week}

I received and watched [and watched] Pavel's "Enter the Kettlebell!
Strength Secret of the Soviet Supermen
". I found it to be excellent as usual. I feel it is a must for beginners [everyone actually] not only for the step by step descriptions but also the safety pointers. The making of the kettlebell was an very interesting bonus.
I was going to discuss an old [maybe +10 years] training book I had but I can not find it. I believe it was by Dr.Mauro Pasqual {spelling?}, and it came with the Anabolic Diet. The one point I wanted to discuss was exercise selection. It talked about selecting exercises that allowed the body to move through a plane versus keeping the body stationary, an example would be pull-up vs pulldowns. The point was that on the surface while they a working the same muscle, one is a more affective muscle builder. When you are moving your body through a plane your body creates a hormonal response which benefits the muscle building process on a higher plane. So that is something for you to think a bout next time you are choosing an exercise. If I find the book I'll share its title, for now have fun.

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