I have been so busy reading and learning from other trainers online and in person I almost forgot about my own blog.
I need to remember 1 important thing I learned a while back and that is when you share something you’ve learned, you increase you rate of retention and you help others.
1 thing I have learned is that there is A LOT of information out there, some are almost mirror images of others, where as some contradict each other. Like what is the best way to workout? If you “google” “best workout” you will see how vague that question is and all the various search results.
To find the “best” workout you first will need some information. First and foremost is what is your goal or your “why”. Then some more items to consider, in no particular order; what kind of equipment is available; how much time; what is your experience level; is there anything holding you back [injuries for example]. I’ve read so much lately looking for my next workout [on the last phase of “kettlebell burn 2.0” ~~~AWESOME!!!] my head is going to explode! I have decided I am going to take the best parts, the ones I like, of various workouts and create my own workout for @ 8 weeks. I already know it will be 3 phases strength/power, “metabolic” [I’ll explain that next post, it may or may not be, a good name for it], and finishing/conditioning . I should have it ready in @ 1 week or so and will post it when it is complete.
Another note on all the new information out there. There are not only a lot of great info but great authors, but there are some ….well not so great. What I mean is there are some that will sell you a product, and when they come out with a new and improved version offer you the “upgrade” at no cost. Then there are a few, who have a great product, repackage it, re-hype it, then re-SELL it to you. Not cool! So be wary….
How is this for a Kettlebell [ or dumbbell] complex or chain which ever you prefer
Snatch- down to starting position-clean- squat –press- swing switch hands do other side repeat as often as you can ..
I am a new guy! I like here!
I was expecting a workout routine when I search and pass your blog.
anyway. keep up relevant post.
see yah around.
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