How to Develop and Issue Bone-
Jarring Power—Without Shattering
Your Own Body in the Process
Jarring Power—Without Shattering
Your Own Body in the Process

With Gray Cook, RKC and Brett Jones, Master RKC
Special introductory offer: order by Tuesday, December 14 and save $12.95 on your investment!
2-DVD set Running time 1 hour 56 minutes
with 102 page, fully-illustrated, spiral-bound manual
with 102 page, fully-illustrated, spiral-bound manual
"A seamless marriage of corrective and performance exercise, Dynami digs deep into the RKC kettlebell fundamentals with sophisticated FMS tools. A serious program for a serious practitioner."—Pavel Tsatsouline, author of Enter the Kettlebell!
No one but a certified lunatic or a suicidal fool would punch up a Bugatti Veyron to its full 253 mph—while rigged with four different-sized wheels, paper-thin brakes—and a dodgy steering wheel…
Yet, athletes of every ilk take this risk with their own bodies on a serial basis. Every time he thinks he's up-grading himself, chances are the average athlete is simultaneouslyde-grading himself… And the more skilled the athlete, the more savage the likely damage.
Disregard for balance, folks…disregard for balance…
In our hunger to express ever-more power, most of us fail to create the foundational structure to safely express that power. It's Pavel's analogy of firing a cannon out of a row boat. Disaster waiting to happen.
And correct foundational structure implies perfect balance, perfect proportion… Anything less and you're on the slippery slide of dysfunctional, ugly movement—the inevitable precursor to activity-crippling injury.
No team has done more this century to offer a working solution to this athletic dilemma than Gray Cook and Brett Jones….
Beginning with his trailblazing Athletic Body and Balance, his creation of the FMS system, and now with his magisterial new Movement, Gray Cook has established himself as without peer in the realm of functional movement, screening, assessment and corrective strategies.
Then, thanks to the rock-star combo with Brett Jones, we saw the creation of the CK-FMS, the Secrets Of series,Kettlebells from the Ground Up and now the latest masterly program, Kettlebells from the Center—Dynami.
As any good martial artist or football player will tell you, issuing power without a solid structure is just begging for injury.
Dynami offers a blueprint to ensure not only you possess the power but you possess the structure and foundation to handle your power safely.
For what you'd pay for one average sports massage,Dynami gives you a lifetime of strategies to ensure you continue to deal out your punishment in the right direction: your opponent, not your own self.
To quote Brett and Gray:
"Do not build your house on a foundation of sand—this is time honored and excellent advice. A rock-solid foundation means a house that will last. Power training should follow the same mind set.
Kettlebells from the Center—Dynami lays out a systematic approach to develop the proper pattern or foundation for the two best power moves – the Kettlebell Swing and Kettlebell Push-Press. Once a pattern has been formed the program continues to cement the proper pattern with strength moves like the Kettlebell Squat and Kettlebell Tall Kneeling Press. Then the program takes a unique approach to symmetry. Symmetry of strength is checked using Single Leg and Bottom Up kettlebell drills.
Then everything comes together to form the Dynami or Power."
Special introductory offer: order by Tuesday, December 14 and save $12.95