This post is an answer to a comment I received on a previous post, "It is easy to gain muscles lose fat!?"
That actually is a good question is it easy?
I will say the simple yes/ no answer is no. Why "no", because most people are looking for an "easy program" -"5 minute abs", "30 days to a new you", "lose fat fast while you sleep"...etc. Truth is you did not lose your abs in 5 minutes, become the person in the mirror in 30 days, or get fat last night. So why would a person expect to make the changes in a easy fast manner? See my point? You can make changes in a short time, but normally if you have quick easy results most do fall right back into the habits that brought them into the condition that you wanted to change. Change takes time, it has been shown that it takes 21-30 days to change a habit, 1 day to revert back!
The 1st thing that'll contribute to reaching your goal is that you want to reach it badly enough!"
There are a lot of very good programs that will help a person achieve, "HOLY GRAIL", "BURN THE FAT FEED THE MUSCLE", "KETTLEBELL BURN", "TURBULENCE TRAINING"...to name a few, but if your "why" isn't strong enough you will just fall back into the habits, life style, that will cause you to seek answers AGAIN! So find your "why", work it, live it, and you will have success and it will be easy!
More on "WHY" next post...
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