Thursday, November 19, 2009

In Ten Cities…

Intensity - 1 : the quality or state of being intense; especially : extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling
2 : the magnitude of a quantity (as force or energy) per unit (as of area, charge, mass, or time)

Yes I stole the idea for the title from a Ted Nugent album.
The definition is from Webster’s dictionary.

The first one describes your feelings or state while working out. There are ways of getting to that state, everyone has there own methods. Some people can just turn it on as soon as they walk into the gym, for others it is a process. It may take a few moments of meditation, thinking about what they will be doing, going over their workout in their mind before actually working out. There are the screamers, the ones who psych [spelling???] themselves up before they attempt a lift. These are just a few methods everyone has their own, or at least should. What is yours? I walk through my workout in my mind, not so much meditating, just visualizing it.

The second one is the one I really want to get into. I realize there are many views out there on how to use intensity when talking workouts, so I want to add mine.
I use the variables weight, reps, and time, to measure intensity. If you look at the above definition using force, and force being mass x acceleration, and for arguments sake acceleration is a constant [gravity] we will just use mass. Mass will be the weight we are working with, for simplicity 100lbs. Performing 25 reps of 100lbs in 5 minutes time will give us our starting point [2500lbs/5 or 500lbs/1 minute]. Increasing the intensity of the next workout can be accomplished several ways, increasing the weight, increasing the reps, or decreasing the time. Time can be increased, but if you do that, you want to finish with a higher ratio of 500lbs/1. Just increasing the time and sets, while not improving on the ratio is increasing the work but not intensity, not a bad thing, just not increasing intensity.

To work on our example of 2500lbs/5 lets increase the weight by 10lbs now that give us 2750/5 or 550/1
If we decrease time to 4 minutes – 2500lbs/4 or 625/1
We could increase the reps to 30 giving us 3000lbs/5 or 600/1

That is my take on intensity, which also show the importance of keeping a training journal, hopefully this clears things up or creates a discussion as always feel free to comment/ask questions!


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