I know you are wondering how that fits here!
Well I am going to explain, doing the 7 minute workout, I decided to use weights, kettlebells, and my sandbag. So for leg work I decided to try and add bear hug squats. I am not sure if that is what they are called but they are now.
So what is a bear hug squat?
You take your sand bag, mine is filled with @125lbs right now, and I’ll comment on that in a moment, and you straddle the bag. Bend down, bending your knees, grab the bag with both arms, pull it up, and hug it to your chest. I grab, I mean hug, it below the ½ way point so more is on top when I stand up. Maintain a straight back and squat up and down while hugging the sandbag. I know the 125lbs might not seem like a lot, I know I thought it would be light, but let me tell you it is tough! [ I normally can do reps at 405 on a bar] My legs are wobbly today, and my upper body has a great pumped feeling to it! This is truly a fullbody workout it self, go out and give it a try.