Monday, May 18, 2009

Another Pet Peeve + Some Links

Are there certain things that go on in the gym that really bug you?
In the past, for example, I wrote about things like people on their cell phones while working out, or socializing around a piece of equipment instead of actually using it.
Well I have 2 new ones!
Last week I went to the gym and decided I was going to break from my regular routine, Kettlebell Meltdown – Chaos, because I felt like doing a squat workout. I was then going to do a kettlebell circuit for a few rounds.
As I walked to the “POWER” rack I noticed there was no bar, as I turned to get one another guy came up with one. So I asked if he is using the rack to do squats and he said “NO!”. Ok I realize I’m not the only one in the gym so I figure this huge guy was going to do heavy shrugs or something…. NO!!!! He was doing curls, with (1) 10 pound plate on each side. Now he was a pretty big/cut dude, I would have respected it if he was using +45s, but no…. 10s!!!!
It is called a “Power rack” not a “I don’t feel like using the pre-loaded bars and bending down to pick them up rack”. I know “power” can be relative, but come on now!!!
So the workout I did while waiting for him to finish,[which he never did ---@ 2 minutes between sets!] was as follows:
KB snatches one side at a time
KB clean and press one side at a time
Bent Presses
Swings – switching hands each rep
Did 7 circuits, the last 2 were done while having a conversation with another guy about the heavy curler
Which brings me to my 2nd item, I know kettlebells are fairly new in gyms, but give people some extra “personal space when they are using them, don’t walk right in front of someone doing swings. For you own safety as well as the KB’r.
Keep these things in mind
What are your peeves?

Visit Meltdown: Kettlebell Fat Loss Training

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Return of The Kettlebell

How to Master Advanced Kettlebell Drills-And Explode Your Strength!

A hard man's plan for dramatic strength gains-combining the sharpest edge of scientific research with the inherent power of the ancient kettlebell

DVD Return of the Kettlebell
Explosive Kettlebell Training for Explosive Muscle Gains
By Pavel
With Kenneth Jay, Master RKC
and Missy Beaver, RKC

Order by midnight PDT, Thursday, May 21 and save $5.00 on your investment.

Thoroughly master Pavel's Enter the Kettlebell! program and you can consider yourself a "Kettlebell Black Belt". But once you're a Kettlebell Black Belt, then what?

Well, say hello to Return of the Kettlebell, which takes it for granted you already own those Black Belt fundamentals-and offers you a dramatically tougher, yet highly systematic program for explosive and massive muscle gain.

Return of the Kettlebell's protocols were born from Pavel's insights while training elite power athletes. Several champions made astonishing, almost mysterious, strength and muscle gains-at least two broke new powerlifting world records-thanks to kettlebell training. Pavel decided to reverse engineer this "What the Hell" effect experienced by the champions-so all others could benefit from their success.

Return of the Kettlebell presents the final fruit of Pavel's research-combining the very best of ancient lifting wisdom with modern day scientific breakthroughs.

Central to Pavel's new program for explosive muscle gain is the skillful use of double kettlebells. Discover smokers like the Double Clean, classic strength builders like the Double Snatch and Double Press and enjoy the supreme intensity of the Double Clean and Jerk.

But just mastering the double kettlebell methods alone will hardly take you to the Promised Land of consistent, long-lasting and massive muscle gain. And here's where Pavel delivers the key plans and training schedules, designed according to the breakthrough Russian "block system"-plus a slew of vital tips-to ensure you continue to gain and gain and gain.

Like the Breakfast of Champions, consume what's on the Return of the Kettlebell menu and watch yourself grow-and grow!

Order by midnight PDT, Thursday, May 21 and save $5.00 on your investment.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Doin the time warp...

Feels like déjà vue all over again….
Have you ever been so busy you completely lost track of time to the point where 2 weeks just disappeared?
Well that just happened to me, we took on new responsibilities at work and the training plus the regular things in life just consumed me.
Hopefully I’m back to my blog!!!

When I last wrote I had just gotten my sandbag and was ready to test it, well I really, really like it. I did start out light to get used to the movements’ using the sandbag which starts out by at first feeling awkward. Once you master the moves, you feel them working your whole body including your deep core! I also felt it a lot in my hands the next day. It is a GREAT piece of equipment which I highly recommend. I am incorporating it in my “Kettlebell Meltdown” workouts I like the variety it offers me. Like kettlebells it is completely portable, so, for example, if you like to run on a track you can leave the sandbag at a point on the track and set up a sort of interval training session – Sandbag exercise, sprint half the track [or part of it] then jog to the sandbag, repeat. For a sandbag exercise try doing squat thrusts and clean and presses, your sprints might just get shorter !

Some sales going on at Dragondoor regarding: