Have you ever felt like you are running in deep mud??
I know I haven’t written in a while so let’s get out of the mud and catch up.
A couple great new programs came out recently, more on them later…
I have been using the program “Critical Bench” for the past few weeks. I haven’t done a dedicated chest/bench workout in YEARS!!! I had forgotten that if you bench hard you will use your whole body!! Driving with your legs as you thrust the heavy weight off your chest, you will feel it! Of course I still do fullbody workouts, so in that respect I have strayed from the “Critical Bench” plan. I dedicate Mondays to the bench program, but I get 2-3 full body workouts the rest of the week. I had started using “Turbulence Training”, but I had gotten info on a new program, “MMA Ripped Fat loss” so I was adding that to my workouts. These workouts are great for MMA fundamentals, fat loss and conditioning WARNING you will learn some MMA fundamentals this does not mean you are ready for the UFC cage!!! So I have implemented some of these workouts into my schedule
The next program was released this week “Kettlebell Meltdown” I’ve been waiting for this one for a while now so I am real excited. I will start using this in March.
Today’s workout was one I came up with myself, I like to improvise at times, reading and doing a lot of programs helps with this, so here it is:
Kettlebell clean and press [single hand] 16, 24, 32, 36, & 40 Kg bells 5x each side then 3 sets of singles with the 48kg bell – finshed this portion with a burnout push press set with [2] 32 kg bells
3 sets pull-ups/ swings
Finished with hindu squats to failure