Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Are you going to lose weight, gain muscle, lift this, make that, become a ___ ..,again this year? Yes it is that time of year again for you to make your “New Year’s Resolution”. Did you make any last year? How many? How many did you keep? How many did you honestly try and accomplish?
I personally had a list of 10. Three of them [business goals] were inter-related and also partially relied on help of my “mentor”, I did not reach them with out giving a load of excuses. On a good note, as the saying goes when one door closes another opens, so I will set new ones this year, with at least one new business! Out of the other 7, 4 were made, 1 still is in progress, 1 was changed, and I completely forgot the last one, until now.
In the past I have spoke about “S.M.A.R.T.” Goals so I’ll just tell you what they are:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, & Timely

This year I will give a sort of road map on how you can create your goals and plan on completing them.

1st. What is the goal you are looking t accomplish the end result? Be Specific.
-For example I would like to clean and press my 105lb kettlebell 10x with each arm. Now as that is written it is ok. To make it better I will say by July 1st, 2009

2nd. Why do you want to accomplish this goal, for what purpose?
-Now why would I want to C&P a 105lb kettlebell 10x? The 1st thing that comes to mind is because I can not do it now. The 2nd reason is the process of getting from where I am, [I can do it @3x ea side], to the final goal point will result in better conditioning, and sense of well being.
3rd How are you going to do this what methods will you use to reach your milestone?
- With this example of a goal it is quite straight forward, keep a journal of my workouts to keep track of progress and include C&P at least once a week

Those 3 steps a pretty straight forward, right? Now you can easily keep track of your goals in a journal or if you use the above method you can use Microsoft project or some kind of project software.
Another important thing to do is share your goals, with someone, this will help with accountability and not allow you to forget about them.
I also just read that people are more apt to complete fitness goals if there is money or a prize involved, so I will post transformation contest information for you as I get them
You can try programs like one of my favorites Dax Moy’s “Magic 100”
I will post my goals as I come up with them

Saturday, December 27, 2008


3 quick questions:

1. Are you a guy or do you know one close to you over the age of 35?

2. Have you or he looked at your/his bare chest lately?

3. If so... did you see them?

...The dreaded...."Manboobs"?

Obviously if you are female this is not an issue. But for us men, "gynaecomastia", often jokingly referred to as manboobs (we can thank "Seinfeld" for that) is anything but funny. From this point on, I'll refer to it as "MB" if that's okay by you.

MB is not an age thing.

It can occur at almost any time in life. However, for those of us over 35, it is more common. This is just one of the many symptoms of "andropause", or "male menopause."

When you age your testosterone levels decline...and more than that the testosterone gets "weaker" due to an imbalance between it and estrogen.

When you combine that with our modernized "estrogen-rich" environment that Dr. Holly Lucille frequently lectures on, you have a problem.

A big MB problem.MB is associated with lack of drive (you know what I'm talking about guys) and excess bellyfat due to the estrogen.

Even more serious: Excess estrogen has been positively linked to prostate cancer.

Yep. MBs are not so funny after all. Check out Dr. Lucille's NaturaPause Audios. There is an entire audio dedicated to male menopause and natural solutions that really work.

Most do not work worth a darn.

Hers does.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Have you ever expected to be able to do a specific workout, then you get to the gym and there are people using the equipment you needed to use for your workout. How dare they use your equipment!!! This happened to me the other day, the gym was not packed but it seemed everyone was using or doing what I had wanted to do. At first I was frustrated, pissed, to say the least. Then I thought about one of my previous posts in which I wrote about there not being a bad workout. So I went back in the locker room, sat on a bench and just envisioned all the different workouts I have in my head and created another for the day. It wound up being a great workout!

UPSET – some prevention
What causes “upsets” in our life?
There are basically 3 things that cause upsets, so if you can limit these 3 items you can help reduce the stress in your life.
1. Miscommunication – be clear and specific when you talk to someone eliminate vagueness
Ex. If you intend to meet someone don’t say @4pm, be specific say at 4pm, because @ 4pm could mean 4:45 to some people.
2. Too high expectations – be realistic
Ex. If you are 50lbs over weight do not expect to lose it in 4 months, you did not gain it that quick
3. Unforseen events, some times this is the hardest to limit
Ex. You plan to be some where at noon, you leave in plenty of time, but there is a major accident and the road is blocked you are on…

Reducing the Stress
So how can we reduce or manage [RELAX] the stress that does occur? This is a great topic for one of those round table, white board, discussions where there are no wrong answers, you just throw answers out there. So here are a few that came up in one I was at. These may have something in common see if you see it.
1. Screaming – this does create a sense of relaxation when you are done.
2. Attack the problem causing the stress – this can cause more stress while doing it but when you are finished the root cause is gone.
3. Workout – maybe not so relaxing when you are doing it but when you are done, you may feel very relaxed
4. Sex – almost like #3 above, but it should be a lot more enjoyable while doing it
5. Meditation – this is a great one but can also be very frustrating when you are 1st learning how to do it. Take some classes. Also Bill Harris at Centerpoint has developed a sort of Meditation for dummies [which I use] and the have a FREE CD showing what it is all about – Get Your Free Centerpoint Meditation CD here!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Click here for more information on Art of Strength

What have we done wrong?
There’s been a bit of a restoration going on at Punch Kettlebell Gym over the past couple of weeks. Long hours are being spent fixing, polishing and building, all in an effort to bring old back to new and I’m proud to say with some blood, sweat and tears our members are getting the job done. I know it seems harsh to put our members to work this way but trust me they’re better off for it and none of them seem to mind. This restoration that I’m speaking of is not necessarily being done to the gym rather it’s being done at the gym, see, we’ve decided to restore fitness itself. I think we can all agree that gone are the days of isolation movements, that’s something we tore apart about 5 or 6 years ago, lets face it, unless you find yourself in a profession where it’s necessary to push a 225 pound object off your chest on a daily basis what good is the bench press anyway. Do three sets of leg extensions really make you fit?...leg curls? Where did we go wrong? Arthur Saxon, in 1910, was photographed lifting 334lbs over his head…one handed, Arthur Saxon weighed 204lbs. Somewhere along the way, from that moment in 1910, to the present there has been a great disconnect as to what physical fitness really is. What has become of weight lifting and why is it now called body building? If you walk into a gym, sit on a bench and bang out 3 sets of chest presses followed by 3 sets of incline presses topped off with a few sets of flies trust me you’re not weight lifting – you’re body building. And listen carefully, if you walk out of the gym thinking you’ve just gotten a workout because your hairline is slightly damp with perspiration you’re most certainly in denial, and this is the part that I need you to pay attention to…YOU…ARE NOT…FIT....READ THE REST OF THE STORY AND CHECK OUT THE 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS 1 DAY DEALS!!!!