I had a lot of fun the past few sessions fooling around with different variations of workouts. In the long run I've decided to follow a set workout for 3 days a week and throw in a "short" session on one of the off days. Those familiar with "Enter the Kettlebell" by Pavel [ETK] will have an understanding of my workout. I am starting them by doing ladders. What are ladders? {I think I covered them in the past but...} Ladders are a workout method you pick an exercise, or 2, or 3,etc, and do them right after each other. First you do one rep each, then 2, then 3, and so on [rungs]. There are variations of this, you can stop at your highest or you can come back down. I am stopping. I am doing 2 exercises, The Clean and press with a kettlebell, and pull-ups. I am starting with 3 rungs/3 sets. Then I will do a random [dice, eliminating less then 3 and greater then 10] time of snatches or swings. Snatches on Mondays, the other 2 days Swings. A good reference for this is "The ETK Workbook" You can find it on the link I pasted and also some great information and DVDs.
On one of my off days I will do 1 exercise for 3 sets on what I feel I need work on, this week for example I did some benching.
Give this a try, I'm going to do it for @ 6 weeks adding rungs and sets as I go.
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