Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Changes and a little rant

As you know by now I like to change my routine often. I am now in the process of "radically" making some changes, to what I do. The new regimen will combine everything I do now plus a few additions. That will all be in my next post
My little rant is something that keeps coming to mind, and that is cell phones. I received a newsletter today and it was talking about mistakes in a gym. One of them being bringing your phone out to the gym during your work out. Why??? Is something going to happen life shattering in the 30-45 minutes you are working out? If so nip it in the but and take care of it 1st. Your gym time is your "me" time - use it! This is just like people on the Garden State Parkway [or any road] talking on the phone, is it that important it can't wait???? People do not realize that for the past few years talking on the phone has been the #1 cause for traffic accidents [not fatalities that still is DUI]. If it is important PULL OVER!
I will also post a link to an excellent newsletter [see above]
Thanks for reading!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog in return. In answer to your question about Pay Per Post, Yes. However, they are very particular and it takes a while to get paid depending on how long the opportunity you choose is available for. If you want to make extra money to look forward to periodically, it's great. Once you have increased your ratings, you will be able to increase your earning potential. Now about your RANT, I don't get it either. There used to be a time (not long ago I might add) when we were impressed with the 'answering machine'. Why is it that we can't seem to even go out to the back yard without our cells? I have always ranted about the same thing and did not care if others laughed because I did not see the fasination or ever want a cell phone. If life went on just fine without them in the past and the people who don't have one, still live and breathe, how can society not see all the cons with this? I say---my name is Tucker NOT Sucker. LOL