Friday, April 22, 2005


So what is E.D.T. you must be asking? Let me 1st say for the best and most informative description get the book, "The Ultimate Guide For Massive Arms", as mentioned in my previous post. You can try the link in the post or Home Gym Link on the left, and maybe the Dragon Door link.
E.D.T. Escalating Density Training
BASICLY what it is, you group your training into 2-3 time based blocks. In thes blocks you do supersets or giant sets for that time. So for example you could be doing Bench and Rows back and forth for 15 minutes. Now what you would do is maybe find a weight you can do 10 reps with but only do 8. You would keep your rest period to a minimum between each set. Record the number of sets you do in the time frame and try and do it one set or rep better next work out. After the 1st block of time you can rest 5 minutes then do your next block.
Here is a modified full body workout I'm now doing
1 set of 20 rep squats/ pullovers
block "A" 15 minutes
Pull-ups and Bench
rest 5
Block "B" 15 minute
Kettlebell Presses
Closegrip bench
Block "C" 5-10 minutes - this varies if I feel I'll need more leg work
Abs lower back [leg ext or curls if needed]

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