Monday, December 20, 2004

Current work-out follow up

Just writing to see if anyone has tried the workout I wrote on the 13th of Dec. If so are there any comments or questions? I find since doing workouts like this 2-3 times a week I feel like I'm more energized each time I do workout and it isn't as labored as it was getting working out 4-5 times a week.
One thing to think about is setting goals. Don't just think them, there are 3 steps [maybe more but these 3 a important]to do about them. 1. Write them down. 2. Share them, this creates accountability, also gives you someone to push you. 3. Follow up and track them often! Remember on any new trip if you don't have a map you will get lost.
As always feel free to ask any questions
Have a great holiday season!

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