Monday, October 31, 2011

Bored and a bit over trained

Making Changes

I have been following the workout I posted in my last blog, as with anything, I’ve learned I need to make a few adjustments.

One thing I’ll be able to do is back off “some” of my running, my ½ marathon in Savannah is this weekend [11/5/11], so I wont have to run as much. I’ll be running with my brother, Misfit Runner, and his family so it should be fun, I’m also raising money for Cancer  - Team DetermiNation.

What I’m going to do is as follows:
 I will keep the 10 minute EDT block in the beginning followed by the 2 minute cardio divide.

My kettlebell training will change, instead of [not sure if this was listed] doing 5 – one minute sets with one minute breaks then decreasing the breaks until I am at 30 seconds  rest, and raising the weight. I will now raise the work time start with 4 sets at one minute and when I get to 1:40, raising:10 a week, raise the weight and go back to 1 minute. Eventually I will work to 32kg then stay there until 3 set of 2 minutes…then see what happens from there. [This is for both the “jerk” & the ‘snatch”

I will also add 2 sets each of :30/:30 of the next weight that I am working at ex. If I am using 24kg on the 1 minute sets, I’ll use 28kg on the :30, just to get a feel for the weight.

I will then combine GPP [general physical preparedness] & Cardio [ie.Cardio Strength]
An example is what I’ll do today, 30 seconds each of pull-ups, push-ups, swings, and medicine ball triple crush slams, rest 1minute -3-4 times.
What are “medicine ball triple crush slams” you ask.  Hold the ball with a neutral grip “crushing it”, curl it, then press it, then tricep extension, then slam, repeat. I’ll see if I can do a video of it

Until then feel free to ask question

Health coaching and training available – contact me!!!

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