Thursday, April 21, 2011

New workout

Ok so it has been a while since my last post…again

No real excuse, been to a few real good seminars with Troy Anderson/Josh Henkin and James Smith [of Diesel]/Steve Maxwell. Both seminars were tremendous, learned a lot and will be sharing the info soon. Right now I just want to post my latest workout. It is sort of a mixed bag as far as what muscle fibers are being hit.

It starts off with strength/power in an EDT  {escalating density training} type format, 10 minutes with a weight you can do 4-6 reps with, but you do 3 reps and get as many as you can do in 10 minutes. If after a while you can not get 3 reps, do not lower the weight, either rest longer or get only 1 or 2 reps. Using a training log is very important here, record the total reps so you know if the next time you hit say dead-lift for example, you what you need to do to improve on last workout. I will stay with a weight until I can get over 21 reps in 10 minutes. This part of the workout is for strength/power.

Next part is circuit/ supersets, 8-12 reps 3 set. I put circuit/ superset because if I go to the gym and can not set up a circuit I know I can at least do superseted format. Going for size pump here and I do the same exercise the following workout as I did in the previous workouts EDT session. Example Bench for chest back to back workouts but different rep range. You can change up the other exercises for body parts and I recommend that you do and use various training objects. {notice no arm exercises – not needed]

Final part is the finishers!
If at the gym I will do a “pace“ style treadmill workout – sprint for @45 seconds, walk/jog until heart rate drops @20% then repeat 4x. In my garage/yard I will mix it up, intervals with various “tools” [sledge hammer, kettlebells, sandbags, etc] Maybe do another EDT type session like my new favorite, which I will have videoed soon, using an 80lb d-ball, picking it up tossing it running to it, burpee then repeat for 10 minutes, pretty good workout! [give that one a try if you can]. Well here is the workout, let me know what you think…..

Apr-June workout

1st exercise 10 minutes EDT Start with 3 reps with  5-6 rep weight

Day 1

Circuit or superset
Incline dumbbell press
High Pulls
Goblet/bear-hug Squat

Day 2

C or S
OH Press

Day 3
OH Press

C or S
Upright Row
Decline Bench/Dip
DL/Atlas Stone [or finish with stone]

Day 4

C or S
Bent-over row
Inc Flies
OH Press

Finish each wo with 10 minute finisher or Pace Treadmill
