Friday, October 29, 2010

5 Cool Fat Burning Workout Tips

5 Cool Fat Burning Workout Tips

By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

If you want to squeeze even more fat burning results out of the
already amazing Turbulence Training workouts, here are 5 cool workout
tips that will super-charge your fat burning success.

1) Use the TRIPLE set method

Try the triple shoulder set (rear-delt, side raise, and front
raise), or db incline curls, standing curls, and hammer curls, or
db 1-arm tricep extension, db lying 2-arm ext, close grip pushup.

2) Do the Superset Switch-up

If you are doing supersets, switch to doing all the exercises in a
circuit. you'll use lighter weights (slightly), but possibly get
your workout done faster. A great change of pace without
sacrificing results.

3) Use the Russian secret of "Iso pauses"

Great for increasing the difficulty of many exercises, from pushups
to squats to pullups. So you could stop halfway down the pushup and
hold for 3-5 seconds to make it harder. Or hold the top of the
pullup for 2 seconds. That can make a huge difference in response
from exercises you are using regularly.

4) Add beach-body sculpting shoulder and arm exercises to the end of
your TT Workouts

A lot of tt readers who have a little extra time for more workouts
want to add in a bit more arm or shoulder training. Here's an awesome
tri-set to top off your beach body:

A) 1-Arm DB Shoulder Presses - 8 reps
B) DB Lying Triceps Extensions - 10 reps
C) DB Incline Curls - 12 reps
Rest 1 minute and repeat two more times for maximum results.

5) Before the workout, do KB swings or intervals

I don't like to do this a lot, but here's a little trick we can use
to make our workouts seem harder in terms of conditioning. Instead
of leaving all of the intervals to the end, we'll do half of the
interval training or kettlebell swings at the start of the workout
to increase breathing and heart rate. This will make the rest of
the workout feel harder, but you might have to drop your strength
. So use sparingly.

For more fat burning workout supersets, circuits, and intervals, try
the Turbulence Training program for 21 days here:

=> Turbulance Training Free Trial


More videos and articles coming soon.

I'll be sending a unique Bench Press Workout Tips article on Sunday
to help you promote the TT Meatheads Package.

Please email me and let me know what specific videos, exercises,
and workouts covered in the new content.

Is it bootcamp workouts?
Is it bodyweight exercise videos?
Is it beginner advice?
Or is it advanced secrets?

Just let me know, because I have info that covers EVERYTHING about
fat burning workouts.

Talk soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training

>>>>>FREE TRIAL<<<<<

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Do Cardio, Gain Muscle???

Do Cardio, Gain Muscle???
By Tom Venuto On October 5, 2010 Under Holy Grail Body Transformation Content “Cardio bashing” has become rampant in the fitness industry in the last few years. Have you noticed? I sure have.

Both practitioners and experts alike have been blogging away, posting on forums and writing books based on the notion that:

* Cardio is a waste of time (“just lift weights and eat right”)
* Cardio will chew up your muscle
* Cardio will sap your strength

Even degreed and certified strength and conditioning coaches have been known to tell their clients to avoid cardio completely and just focus on weight training
For More...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yes I am still here…

No excuses just haven’t posted in a long while.

A lot of new releases I was checking out on the workout and diet front and I’ will give a few quick reviews here today. Also I will describe a “compound” “Chain” exercise, which ever one you feel comfortable calling it. I like multi joint full body, but I’ll get to that later.

Diet arena – After doing HCG I wanted to continue losing fat maintaining, even gaining muscle. Well Tom Venuto has a program that will do just that --- “The Holy Grail” appropriate name. It is not hard to follow and in a strange way sort of has cheat days built in [see previous post for more info] Click here to check The Holy Grail out

If you have a lot of fat to lose 1st, then try Tom’s “Burn the Fat”, which is more geared to those people, pluse you will keep your hard earned muscle! “Click Here for Burn The Fat”

On the workout side there are 2 that I found very exciting.

One was Nick Nilsson’s “Mad Scientist Muscle” which I also discussed in detail on a previous post. It is a scientific based, zero guess work, time efficient program, that comes withs months of workouts!

The second one is “Tacfit Kettlebell Spetsnaz” by Scott Sonnon. If you are bored with your current kettlebell routine and want some variety this is for you. The plan has several new exercises and progressively works you on escalating levels to mastering them. You can not only use the workouts provided but once you have reached the highest rank, you can implement these exercises anyway you chose, another great program.

Believe me I get a lot of these, I don’t write about the bad ones only the ones I use or will use!

There are a few in the future I cant wait for, one being Gregg Gillies “Awesome Abs”…keep your eye out here for its release date.

Recently I was asked what my guilty pleasure is at the moment, or what exercise out of the normal am I doing. “Out of the normal” I guess depends on the crowd, but what I have been doing is this, sandbag clean, zercher squat [or lunge], then press, repeat. I like the sandbag, for several reasons, two of which are it sits, cradles, in my arms for the squat nicely and every time you pick it up the weight seems to shift changing the exercise ever so slightly. This is a great exercise for someone with time constraints. Set up a 15 minutes block, set the bag at a weight in which you can normally do @ 6 – 8 reps, start your timer do 3 reps, rest 10 seconds. Keep the rest interval at 10 seconds until you start to feel you can not get 3 reps, then up it to 20 seconds, then 30 seconds, then 40….and so on. Remember to log this in your journal, because I know we all use a journal, and next time perform 10% more reps next session!