By Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
If you want to squeeze even more fat burning results out of the
already amazing Turbulence Training workouts, here are 5 cool workout
tips that will super-charge your fat burning success.
1) Use the TRIPLE set method
Try the triple shoulder set (rear-delt, side raise, and front
raise), or db incline curls, standing curls, and hammer curls, or
db 1-arm tricep extension, db lying 2-arm ext, close grip pushup.
2) Do the Superset Switch-up
If you are doing supersets, switch to doing all the exercises in a
circuit. you'll use lighter weights (slightly), but possibly get
your workout done faster. A great change of pace without
sacrificing results.
3) Use the Russian secret of "Iso pauses"
Great for increasing the difficulty of many exercises, from pushups
to squats to pullups. So you could stop halfway down the pushup and
hold for 3-5 seconds to make it harder. Or hold the top of the
pullup for 2 seconds. That can make a huge difference in response
from exercises you are using regularly.
4) Add beach-body sculpting shoulder and arm exercises to the end of
your TT Workouts
A lot of tt readers who have a little extra time for more workouts
want to add in a bit more arm or shoulder training. Here's an awesome
tri-set to top off your beach body:
A) 1-Arm DB Shoulder Presses - 8 reps
B) DB Lying Triceps Extensions - 10 reps
C) DB Incline Curls - 12 reps
Rest 1 minute and repeat two more times for maximum results.
5) Before the workout, do KB swings or intervals
I don't like to do this a lot, but here's a little trick we can use
to make our workouts seem harder in terms of conditioning. Instead
of leaving all of the intervals to the end, we'll do half of the
interval training or kettlebell swings at the start of the workout
to increase breathing and heart rate. This will make the rest of
the workout feel harder, but you might have to drop your strength
levels. So use sparingly.
For more fat burning workout supersets, circuits, and intervals, try
the Turbulence Training program for 21 days here:
=> Turbulance Training Free Trial
More videos and articles coming soon.
I'll be sending a unique Bench Press Workout Tips article on Sunday
to help you promote the TT Meatheads Package.
Please email me and let me know what specific videos, exercises,
and workouts covered in the new content.
Is it bootcamp workouts?
Is it bodyweight exercise videos?
Is it beginner advice?
Or is it advanced secrets?
Just let me know, because I have info that covers EVERYTHING about
fat burning workouts.
Talk soon,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training