Has this happened to you?
Had a drop in energy, will power to workout like you were used to doing, even if it was only a few months or weeks ago? You would go to the gym/garage/where ever and put in a great intense workout and feel great then something happened and it felt like life was sucked from you?
This happened to me, I slipped and fell off my back porch and landed right on my tailbone. Turns out that broke and I slightly fractured one vertabrea. Needless to say I was not able to do anything [workout wise] for a while. Getting back into it was hard. I gained weight, energy was low, and nothing I was doing, that I had done in the past, was working.
I was trying to find a solution to my problem, researching diets, workouts, motivational/hypnosis cds etc. when one day I received an email from Troy Anderson of Kettlebell Meltdown, with a link to a MP3 about the HCG diet protocol, one of the diets I was looking into. I am sure if you signup at http://kbfatloss.ning.com/ you can find the MP3 there, add me if you join. Most of what I was looking at was “drops” that you would take, this interview was about the injection and this interview got me hooked.
First of all, what is HCG? It is is a glycoprotein hormone produced in pregnancy that is made by the developing embryo after conception and later by part of the placenta. .. go here for more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_chorionic_gonadotropin
The diet was created by British endocrinologist A.T.W. Simeons, and then made popular by informercial guru Kevin Trudeau and his book about The Weight Loss Cure They Don't Want You to Know About…
Well enough about the history.
The diet consists of 3 phases
1. Loading
2. Diet
3. Maintenance
1&2 can last 40 or 21 days [think it is 21], both phases include daily shots
Phase 1 is 2 days of eating, getting your last meals so to say.
Phase 2 is @500 cals a day!!!! 2 meals of 3.5 oz of lean meat or most fish and 3.5 -7 oz of greens and 2 snacks – apples, ½ a grapefruit…there are more details all over the web about the restrictions
Weekly visits are made to your doctor, which include a B-12 shot
Weight yourself daily and keep a log
Hunger is tough in the beginning, but the HCG helps control that by feeding on your stored fat, yes fat!
Working out is not required and in some circles frowned on, I did. When I did workout I learned to just “grease the groove” so to say, not really push it. I did barely push it once and recovery was almost non- existent.
My results [ I still have a few days left and will post final statistics] in weight los so far {34 day in} 43lbs!!! Was this hard, yes, but it is ONLY 40 days long. Will I keep it off? That is the plan.
Will this help with getting back to better workout, I believe the answer is yes!!!
I can’t wait to find out! {and eat something}
Feel free to contact me with any questions [if you want a specific response leave email]
NOTE: MBODY Strength is having a kettlebell sale!! Cheap shipping plus 10% off thru August!