Thursday, March 25, 2010

Here’s a Quick Way to Prevent Diabetes with Fitness

Here’s a Quick Way to Prevent Diabetes with Fitness

By Su Rollins

What effect does exercise have on glucose levels?

It is quite easy to manage diabetes when you incorporate a program for exercise in your daily routine. Such exercises have been shown to have positive effects for people who are suffering from diabetes, especially those who have low glucose levels. One example is exercise being able to channel muscle energy, convert it into glucose and then using that glucose as fuel. At the start of it, the body will just use the glucose that has been converted into glycogen from one’s muscles. Glucose is also found in your bloodstream. If you maintain a long term exercise program, it is highly likely that the levels of your blood glucose will not dip. Also, glucagon and other hormones found in your body will also be released. These hormones and glucagon work together and break down all of the liver’s stored fat and then converting such stored fat into more glucose. It is best that you engage in exercise frequently, because your body will improve. It will develop a sensitivity to insulin, as well as help you gain better control of the body’s glycemic index.

Why is the effect of exercise on glucose levels important to those with type 2 diabetes?

As previously explained, the exercise will have a great effect on your glucose levels. This is actually quite important especially for patients of type 2 diabetes. There are a lot of studies that indicate a better control of one’s glycemic index in diabetes patients, but only if they engage in regular exercise. Those who fail to establish a regular routine for exercise have results which are not as good. Thanks to exercise, you get to improve on your insulin sensitivity. This means you need to use less medicines and attain adequate control over their blood sugar levels.

Should patients with type 2 diabetes exercise more often or differently than otherwise healthy people?

There are, of course, people who become at risk for hypoglycemia due to the combined effects of their diabetes and engaging in high stress exercise. This happens during exercise and after it, too. If you think about it though, people can also be at risk for hyperglycemia simply for having poor control over their diabetes. Therefore, the leaders in this field recommend engaging in moderate exercise for a minimum of 2 hours and 30 minutes, or 90 minutes if they want to do vigorous exercise.

What type of exercise is best for type 2 diabetes patients?

In light of this, the frequency of the routine is more important that the kinds of exercise one engages in. There are many researches wherein an abundance of benefits result from both weight training as well as aerobic activity.

When should patients be discouraged from exercising?

Some patients have a higher risk of developing injuries from the stress of an intense exercise program. Such patients include those with higher cardiovascular risk, those over the age of 35, and those leading sedentary lifestyles. These patients should be thoroughly evaluated before beginning a new exercise program. Patients with severely low blood sugar levels should wait until their condition improves.

About the Author - Su Rollins writes for "Hypoglycemic Diet Blog" , her personal hobby blog focused on tips to prevent and cure hypoglycemia using the right diet and nutrition.

1 comment:

Rambo said...

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