Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Want a free "fat-burning" DVD + personal coaching?

What if you could have one of the industry's top "fat loss coaches"
take you by the hand and SHOW YOU exactly how to...

-> Build quality LEAN MUSCLE

-> Create a massive MELTDOWN of fat

-> Balance your HORMONES to increase your "drive"

-> DETOX your body of harmful waste material

-> Jumpstart your metabolism for ALL-DAY ENERGY

And what if you had this information covered on a full length DVD
and got to talk to this "coach" 1-on-1 all the way to your dream

And what if this were FREEEEEEE!

Here's the deal...

My friend, Jeff Anderson, has recently released a new training
video and coaching program to accompany his hit weight loss
program, "Combat The Fat".

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

BTW...if you haven't seen the "before & after's" of CTF, then
prepare to be AMAZED!

You can see REAL RESULTS from REAL PEOPLE at:

CLICK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! <= Click

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Anyway, Jeff was going to sell this program seperately from his
program for about 40 bucks, but decided to give it away as
a part of the program.

You see, Jeff is all about "results" and he knows that with his
expert help along the way, there's absolutely NOTHING that can stop
you from getting in the best shape of your life!

I highly recommend you go and check out Jeff's offer because this
practically GUARANTEES your success in stipping off the fat and
getting "super lean"!

Here's the link again...

CLICK HERE!!!! <= Click


Thursday, January 22, 2009


Back to goals….
I am going to list a few of mine shortly. Of course you should have goals in all the areas of your life. As Tony Robbins puts it think of each area as a spoke in a wheel, you want to keep them of equal size, so the wheel does not wobble
Besides telling someone your goals to give you accountability, another way reach your goal is a journal or notebook. On the 1st page of the journal you can write down your goals, then every night you can write everything you did that day, no matter how trivial in the beginning. Then put a plus or minus next to it depending if it helped you to reach any of your goals. Doing this will help in a few was, it will keep your focus and let you know how you can better manage your time throughout the day to help achieve your goals by eliminating the negatives that can be removed. For example preparing and eating lunch each may be that can not be removed, but watching the same episode of Sport Center 3 times the same day can be, now you just found time to workout.
Here are some of my Health/Fitness goals:
Increase overall strength by a minimum 10% , and conditioning
- I will use Squats, Trap Bar Deadlift, Bench, & KB C&P, create an increase in each, so that overall it is 10% or better.
I have started using “Critical Bench” for my bench I will follow exactly on Monday’s using the bench routine, but will modify it the rest of the week – Legs the following day, with squats. Rest. Deadlift/Backs/Shoulders [DBS] will be the next workout.
- Also, not sure if it fits into this category exactly but will do KP presses for 10 minutes, no rest, with 32kg kettlebells
This will be worked on as well as the KB C&P on the DBS day
- 100 swings with the 48kg bell, then will go for less time
I will finish each workout with swings, the days I workout in my garage I will swing the 105lb bell – on Saturdays I will do 100 swings with it recording my time, of course this will not be done in one set.
I did not post any body transformation goals I figured doing the above will achieve that.
I will post other items I will be doing to meet my goals and more tips soon…

Thursday, January 15, 2009


At the last minute Craig Ballantyne decided to do another Twitter
Transformation Contest inside of the regular Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest.

Here's what you need to know...

1) You can do both the regular TT Transformation Contest and the
TT Twitter Transformation Contest at the same time.

2) The Twitter Contest starts today and lasts 60 days. The deadline
to submit your "Before and After Photo" and Essay is March 20th,
2009 (60 days from tomorrow).

3) There are cash prizes and Membership give-aways for this contest.

I hope this gives you the incentive you need to start transforming
your body - and your life - today!

For all of the details about this contest and how you can win big
money by burning fat, go here

Sunday, January 11, 2009



Mark it down.

Make a plaque, put it on your wall.

Get it tattooed on your arm.


Monday, January 12th is the day you'll remember as being THE day
when you turned your health around.


You have everything in life. Great spouse, wonderful kids, job you
enjoy, comfortable house. A great life.

But you're tired. You're a little heavy.

Can't keep up with the kids.

Falling asleep after lunch everyday at your desk.

Indigestion. Can't sleep at night. Blood pressure creeping up.

Pants ain't fitting. Bathing suit unworn for 3 seasons now. Sick
and tired of looking and feeling like you do.

This is your chance to change it all.

This is the last week to start your 12 full weeks of the 4th
Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.

Just imagine the difference you can make between now and April 11th
by doing a body transformation that will change your life,

=> You could get a raise, since research shows that overweight
folks are discriminated against when it comes to income.

=> It will give you the confidence to meet the love of your life.

=> Losing fat has already given so many Turbulence Training users
more freedom, less embarrassment, and more happiness.

And remember...

The Contest is Free.

BUT it ends on April 11th...so start today!


You don't have to spend any money.

You don't even need to post your photos on the Internet if you
don't want to...

All you need to do is...

1) Start using the Turbulence Training workouts ASAP

2) Send in your before and after photos by April 11th, along with
your 300-word story about how the contest changed your life.

Take a look at the details and then stop wasting time.

Get started changing your body right now. It's never too late.

Click Here to get the proven TT exercise & diet system

Friday, January 09, 2009



A Single Step
By: Brian Tracy

The hardest part of achieving any goal is usually starting in the first place.

You have amazing possibilities and potentials just waiting inside you, but most of them can die stillborn waiting for you to take action. The Nike commercial contains one of the best pieces of advice in the world: "Just Do It!"

"A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step," wrote Confucius.

Do you want to be happy? Do you want to be thin? Do you want to work at something you really enjoy? Do you want to make money?

Whatever it is, write it down. Take a few minutes for "Gap Analysis." Look at where you want to be and then look at where you are.

Examine the gap that exists between the two and think about how you could close, it like building a bridge or staircase across an open space.

What would be your first step? What would be your second step, and so on? Most of all, what action would you take right now if you were guaranteed of success?

What would you do if you had no fear of failure? What would be your first step on the staircase toward your goal?

All great accomplishments begin with a leap of faith into the unknown. They begin when you take action toward your hopes and dreams before you have any assurance of success.

Most people are paralyzed by the uncertainty that surrounds any new venture. They hesitate. They stop. They turn back.

But not you. You know that "nothing ventured, nothing gained." You know that you have to stick your head up if you want to get above the crowd.

You know you have to go out on a limb if you want to get the fruit, because that's where it is.

Go for it! Take that first step and everything else will follow.

Do anything you want just by setting a goal -- Achieve your dreams! Learn how with "Goals!" by Brian Tracy.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! There’s no time to wait!

The Ultimate Turbulence Training for Fat Loss Solution is now available. Plus, there are exclusive bonuses for the first 25, 50, 100, and 200 folks who grab a copy.

Check out all the details and get your copy here:

=> Ultimate Turbulence Training Fat Loss Solution

You’ll get proven fat burning workouts, beginner and advanced nutrition programs, the motivation and social support you need to finally stick to your program, and all of the Turbulence Training time saving tips to help you lose fat in just a few minutes per day.

You can even get a free copy of “ESE”, the most controversial (and effective) diet plan since the Atkins diet!

But don’t delay, because this email is going out to thousands of others folks who are also struggling with their belly fat, and they want those bonuses too!

Visit this site to grab the Ultimate Turbulence Training Fat Loss Solution and all of your fast action bonuses:

=> Ultimate Turbulence Training Fat Loss Solution