Power to the People! Monthly Subscription Newsletter
If you want to further you knowledge base regarding working out I'd subscribe, I know I am!
I've come to realize that with age the body's recovery slows down. Also many people do not have the time to go to the gym 5 days a week. That is the goal/purpose of this blog to find full body workouts to use 2-3 times a week and still make the gains wanted. Total Body workouts that can be done in less then 1 hour.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Changes and a little rant
As you know by now I like to change my routine often. I am now in the process of "radically" making some changes, to what I do. The new regimen will combine everything I do now plus a few additions. That will all be in my next post
My little rant is something that keeps coming to mind, and that is cell phones. I received a newsletter today and it was talking about mistakes in a gym. One of them being bringing your phone out to the gym during your work out. Why??? Is something going to happen life shattering in the 30-45 minutes you are working out? If so nip it in the but and take care of it 1st. Your gym time is your "me" time - use it! This is just like people on the Garden State Parkway [or any road] talking on the phone, is it that important it can't wait???? People do not realize that for the past few years talking on the phone has been the #1 cause for traffic accidents [not fatalities that still is DUI]. If it is important PULL OVER!
I will also post a link to an excellent newsletter [see above]
Thanks for reading!!
My little rant is something that keeps coming to mind, and that is cell phones. I received a newsletter today and it was talking about mistakes in a gym. One of them being bringing your phone out to the gym during your work out. Why??? Is something going to happen life shattering in the 30-45 minutes you are working out? If so nip it in the but and take care of it 1st. Your gym time is your "me" time - use it! This is just like people on the Garden State Parkway [or any road] talking on the phone, is it that important it can't wait???? People do not realize that for the past few years talking on the phone has been the #1 cause for traffic accidents [not fatalities that still is DUI]. If it is important PULL OVER!
I will also post a link to an excellent newsletter [see above]
Thanks for reading!!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Dr. John Berardi, Ph.D.
Dr. John Berardi, Ph.D.
I may have mentioned this site in the past but it is worth mentioning again. Do yourself a favor and sign up for the newsletter!
I may have mentioned this site in the past but it is worth mentioning again. Do yourself a favor and sign up for the newsletter!
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